The Reasons Why There is No Climate Emergency

Proponents of human-CO2-caused global warming stir up fear and guilt with their CO2 lies and omissions, as they did with ozone years ago.

Fear and guilt is their purpose.  “YOU are making the planet dangerously warm, our generation will not raise families and grow old, HOW DARE YOU!“, or some similar infantile rant.

Proponents control the media and the population and the vote with fear.  Their indoctrination by fear has apparently worked on millions of people, especially 40 years of children around the world.

Obviously it has worked on the world’s politicians, mainstream media, educators and entertainers. But, you need not be one of their useful idiots and eventual slaves.

Pay attention now children, teachers and politicians:

The following 2 graphs are really what the temperature trend is doing, contrary to most people’s education and daily and continuous news, and contrary to the politicians in something like 160 countries, the UN, the EU, Great Resetters and global bankers:

GISS is NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

And the following graph is how carbon dioxide is really trending:

By the way, the green line in the graph immediately above is net global average atmospheric CO2 concentration from all sources. Human-produced CO2 is a just three percent of that net CO2.

But the great resetters, government agencies, teachers, mainstream media, and politicians around the world scare you with graphs of CO2 data like the following:

And statements like “97 percent consensus of scientists agree on climate change!” made by the presidents and prime ministers of nations, multinational organizations and charlatan so-called ‘environmentalists’.

Image courtesy of Christopher Monckton


Yes, the same people producing the global warming fraud are also pushing major reduction of earth’s population of humans.

Some of them believe, say out loud and write that humans are a plaque on the earth, for example the late consort to the Queen of England, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, infamously said he wanted to come back as a virus plaque to reduce earth’s population.

In fact, world population growth has been declining for decades, is expected to continue declining, and is now below replacement levels in multiple countries.

But you may not perceive that decline yet because the same AGW proponents producing the global warming fraud are inducing people to move to the big cities and out of rural areas.

It is no mystery that some of those same AGW proponents are buying up huge amounts of rural land, farms and ranches.

The already powerful and wealthy ideologues who want to control the world first gained control of academia and media. Then they prepared the narrative which was presented to politicians and citizens, beginning when those politicians and citizens were in kindergarten.  The narrative is that human-produced CO2 from fossil fuels is pollution and dangerous to humans and the planet.

This narrative is then expanded into all fields of endeavor in all countries and repeated endlessly. This has already happened four decades ago. The people you believed were teaching you were in fact indoctrinating you so that you would willingly become feudal slaves, willingly give up your freedoms, own no private property or money, take the drugs they hand out and be happy.

The truth is more CO2 would be good for the planet. 

Even NASA agrees the planet is greener thanks to increased carbon dioxide.

You may be familiar with the Jurassic period of earth’s history, a jungle-covered earth with dinosaurs and abundant life, and imagined in the famous Jurassic Park movie.  Millions of years of abundant and growing life happened when CO2 atmospheric concentration was ten times today’s concentration.

As of today, UN, EU, Joe, Boris, Klaus, Jacinda, actors, “journalists” and journals, bankers and many oil companies claim doubling of CO2 is dangerous, and some claim or imply it is already too late, beyond the point of no return.

The truth is humans cannot change net global average atmospheric CO2 concentration by more than three percent by using fossil fuels and making cement.

Net global average atmospheric CO2 concentration is controlled by the laws of chemistry and physics, the laws of nature created by God. Every breath you take is dependent on those same laws. Net global average CO2 concentration in the air today is the same as it would be if humans never existed.

Humans can neither increase nor decrease net global average CO2 concentration, that is, unless we allow crazy billionaire ideologues, politicians and governments to attempt to re-engineer the climate by insane, and if successful then genocidal, projects, such as creating artificial clouds to block the sun.

That insane idea could create a new ice age and wipe out life.  The same people pushing such insane geo-engineering concepts are also pushing the overpopulaton lie, vaccines, tests for viruses, and of course the human-CO2-caused global warming fraud.

The truth presented in this post normally is not presented online in wiki pages, nor by NGOs, nor in most schools, universities, worldwide, definitely not in mainstream media and governments.

For example, Al Gore’s propaganda movie “An Inconvenient Truth” was presented to the student body at my son’s high school 12 years ago.

I personally visited the headmaster before the movie was shown and requested to present a rebuttal to the movie.  My request was denied. 

This was a headmaster to whom I had donated thousands of dollars for his private school in excess of the expensive tuition.

Already by that date, a high court in London, England had decided that the movie contained major errors and ordered English schools to present a rebuttal whenever Gore’s movie was shown. Probably very few educators know that, or if they do they ignore it.

Even the UN IPCC removed the scary graphs from its reports.

The late philosopher at University of Chicago, Allan Bloom, called out this mis-education phenomenon and titled his 1987 book, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students.

This phenomenon is a nefarious human invention not limited to America, nor even primarily created in America, nor is it limited to the AGW fraud.  Bloom was not part of the so-called “vast right-wing conspiracy.”  He was a self-claimed lifetime liberal, gay, professor at Cornell and University of Chicago.

There are other intellectuals of Bloom’s status carrying that message in philosophy, psychology and social studies, for example Jordan Peterson and Václav Klaus, Czech economist and politician who served as the second president of the Czech Republic from 2003 to 2013.

There are also tens of thousands of scientists in many countries who put their careers on the line to speak out publicly against the global warming fraud and the viral/vaccine fraud.

But they are ignored, banned, cancelled and scorned.

Lists of these honorable and brave scientists, doctors, engineers, etc and be found on my blog, for example:

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Youtube

About the author: Bud is a retired life sciences executive. Bud’s entrepreneurial leadership exceeded three decades. He was the senior business development, marketing and sales executive at four public corporations, each company a supplier of analytical and life sciences instrumentation, software, consumables and service. Prior to those positions, his 19 year career in Hewlett-Packard Company’s Analytical Products Group included worldwide sales and marketing responsibility for Bioscience Products, Global Accounts and the International Olympic Committee, as well as international management assignments based in Japan and Latin America. Bud has visited and worked in more than 65 countries and lived and worked in 3 countries. 

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