Top Trans Psychologist Admits ‘It Has Gone Too Far’
A top trans psychologist who has helped hundreds of teens transition has warned it has ‘gone too far’ amid fears many youngsters are making life-changing decisions because it is ‘trendy’.
Dr Erica Anderson, who has worked as a clinical psychologist in the US for 30 years, has raised concerns that the rise in trans or non-binary children is the result of peer pressure.
The 71-year-old, who is transgender, said clinicians are failing to carry out thorough mental health evaluations before recommending hormones or surgeries to teenagers.
She is a former clinical psychologist at the University of California San Francisco Child and Adolescent Gender Center, where she provided support for hundreds of young people transitioning.
‘For a while, we were all happy that society was becoming more accepting and more families than ever were embracing children that were gender variant,’ she told the Los Angeles Times.
‘I think it’s gone too far. Now it’s got to the point where there are kids presenting at clinics whose parents say, “This just doesn’t make sense”.
‘To flatly say there couldn’t be any social influence in formation of gender identity flies in the face of reality. Teenagers influence each other.’
Dr Anderson supports puberty blockers and hormone therapy for teens, but says they should be given only after strict examinations to ensure that the youth is ready to transition.
She revealed she has already intervened on a hormone therapy session for a 13-year-old who identified as male but had yet to meet with a psychologist.
And she has warned fellow members of the American Psychological Association committee – tasked with writing transgender healthcare guidelines – to pursue rigorous evaluations for patients to avoid committing malpractice.
‘I have a dictum: When in doubt, doubt,’ she told the paper.
‘Questioning is a good thing. How are you going to find out if you are in lockstep with whatever conclusion you come to first?’
It follows a 2020 lawsuit filed against the UK’s only young gender clinic, the Tavistock and Portman Trust, by Keira Bell, 26 – who claimed she had only a ‘series of superficial conversations’ with social workers when she began transitioning at 16, only to regret getting a mastectomy aged 20.
Dr Anderson warned that giving hormones ‘on demand’ will result in ‘many more cases of poor outcomes’ and ‘many more disappointed kids’.
She first spoke out against the rise in children coming out as trans and non-binary in a 2018 interview with the Washington Post, saying: ‘A fair number of kids are getting into it because it’s trendy.’ Her comments oppose the views of another gender specialist who claims that young teens are in the right state of mind to identify their gender and transition.
Dr AJ Eckert, medical director of the Gender and Life-Affirming Medicine Program at the Anchor Health Initiative in Stamford, Connecticut, said being trans or non-binary should not be treated as a mental illness where excessive evaluations are warranted.
Dr Eckert said forcing young people through assessments ‘conveys to them that they are not normal’.
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Heretic Jones
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His name is Eric.
Mark Tapley
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Even this degenerate Psychologist realizes that the demoralization and degeneration process has gone too far. Thats an understatement evidenced by the fact that well over 40% of these people who have been brainwashed by the LBBTQ culture of perversion, attempt suicide and a great many others suffer permanent remorse for denying their biology. This does not include the long term effects of the lifetime supplementation of hormonal drugs required to maintain this sexual degeneracy.
All of this is ignored in the trendy presentations spun out by the Jew “entertainment” sector, MSM and liberal butt goy political puppets. Instead this circus of assorted sodomites and perverts are aclaimed to be the most astute and cosmopolitan element of society. If it were not for the consequences of this Frankfurt School psychological war on western society, it would be amusing to see the results of this parade of perversion on display, such as USA Today’s “woman of the year” assist. Sec of Health, Racheal (((Levine))).
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“Connecticut School Nurse is Suspended for Exposing the Drugging of ‘Transgender’ Youth”
Mark Tapley
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Hello Howdy:
When you get big government, you get big corruption. The primary purpose of public “education” has always been indoctrination since the days of Horace Mann. The LGBTQ gender fluidity perversion is right out of the all Jew Frankfurt School play book for demoralizing and destabilizing the western countries. You won’t see any of this in Israeli schools. This child abuse insanity is only for the goy.
Russ D
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There is no such thing as a “transgender” person, just mutilated males and females.
There are roughly 50-100 trillion somatic cells in the human body (estimates vary widely), and each cell “knows” whether the person is male or female, regardless of plumbing. The plumbing operation has absolutely no impact on the DNA structure of the somatic cells. The hormone treatments also have no impact on somatic nuclear structure. The clothes a person wears also has no impact on the DNA that determines gender.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Russ:
We know that biology is immutable. But like the LGBTQ queers, sodomites and assorted perverts that live in a fantasy world of play acting sexual roll playing, the gender “fluidity” fantasy has been pumped up by the Frankfurt School descendants, Jew Hollywood screenwriters and academic losers that couldn’t get real jobs outside of the government. Thats what happens when society’s basic nuclear family is destroyed.
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A mentally ill psychologist, fascinating.
Mark Tapley
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Hello VOWG:
And what else could you expect, it all started with the fanatical Zionist Sigmund “Fraud.:” Freud’s client base consisted of mostly upperclass Viennese Gentile women. One day an associate asked him why he never took any time off. Freud replied, “some of my patients might get well while I’m gone.”
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So what did this idiot think was gonna happen? Any altering of gender is going too far. Top trans-psychologist….lmao.