Insane CDC: Stay 6 Feet Apart & Wear Masks in the Event of Nuclear War

You probably missed the updated recommendations from the CDC on what do to if Russia bombs us with a nuclear weapon with all of the air being sucked out of the room on the Ukraine/Russia conflict.

The CDC told people to be sure to wear their masks and stay 6 feet apart from anyone not from their immediate family they are sheltering in place with.

This is not a joke. They really said that.

The report is so ridiculous that you would think it’s fake, but this is really the kind of nonsense the CDC is giving if the doomsday happens and Russia does attack us.

No mask is going to block radiation. These comfort safety measures might sound helpful unless you actually follow the science and see how foolish they are.

Donald Trump Jr. was so incensed by the CDC’s obvious politicking that he called them out over their unbelievable nonsense, which he does to much applause before a Georgia Republican audience this week.

It’s a friendly audience, and they get his humor and his serious smackdown of the CDC’s policies.

And in Trump Jr.-like manner, he doesn’t hold back, asking, “Are you s***ing me, people?” Everyone knows nuclear attacks dont stop when we social distance or make sure to have a mask on covering our nose.

If it gets to this point, we’re going to have much bigger problems than CDC guidelines.

Check out the full video for Trump Jr.’s complete take on the issue.

See more here:

Header image: AP / David Goldman

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Comments (5)

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    very old white guy


    The CDC has been proving their irrelevance for many years now.


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    The video was a breath of fresh air. Thank you.


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    Without a regular chorus of fake viruses and pandemics, the CDC has no reason to exist. Besides, has anything they have ever done saved one life? You know they are hanging on by their finger nails because they constantly change their tune. They exist only to promote crappy big pharma drugs.


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    Dear Aliens,
    Please send us some ships and rescue a few humans before the lunatics among us destroy the whole damn place.
    The Sane


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    Mark Tapley


    There are two psy ops at play here. The Zionists put the fake virus (for now) on the back burner after pushing as hard as possible as a conditioning device to instill fear and compliance among the herd. That is the internal enemy that the goyim must focus on.

    Now it is time to roll out the external enemy. Since the fake atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the specter of nuclear attack (read Akio Nakatani’s “Death Object, The Nuclear Weapons Hoax”) has been used to keep the sheep in constant fear and to generate massive military spending (for the insiders) in the fake Cold War with the entirely propped up USSR. Now it is rolled out again with the approaching Hegelian dialectic using Russia and China in the contrived conflict with the West. There must also always be the two party dichotomy of the fake Republicans battling the Fake Democrats that are routinely moved in and out of power so that the goyim can focus on the circus while the actual Zionist agenda goes on in either case. The Trump puppets are a poor substitute for a real actor like Reagan but the right wing zealots feel they have no choice. For an complete expose of the fake nukes read Michael Palmer’s “Hiroshima Revisited.” Here is article on many of the fake nuclear tests:
    And on who runs the trump bus:


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