Medical Discrimination Created the Illusion about a “Vaccine”

If you have experienced discrimination in any institute, business or club based on vaccination status please use this letter as a template to assist you in addressing this breach of our inalienable human right to bodily integrity.

This discrimination is being based on the false notion that the COVID19 injection is a ‘vaccine’. It is not. This experimental drug has been falsely promoted to the public as a ‘vaccine’ and this is leading to significant deaths and illness in the population. Please provide this letter to your workplace or institution:

To whom it may concern,

I would like to provide you with this information because I am very concerned about the discrimination, bullying and intimidation that has crept into society, and hence into workplaces and sporting clubs, based on the mandating of a medical injection.

The position of choice in vaccination – a right that Australians have always had in this country – has been denigrated in the media as “antivaccination”. This is being done to prevent people from questioning the risks and benefits of using multiple vaccines.

Note the government’s words “Trust the Science” and “Follow the Science”. Yet, it is not science if it cannot be questioned. Science must stand up to scrutiny.

I will firstly point out that this injection that the government is mandating and calling a ‘vaccine’ is novel genetic modification (mRNA) technology and it is not a vaccine because it does not prevent you getting or dying from this disease. It is also not a vaccine because it does not contain any part of the natural Coronavirus 2019 that is needed to induce immunity specifically to COVID19 disease. So it cannot reduce transmission of COVID19 in the community.

I have attached two letters written to the government by doctors, scientists, and lawyers to request the immediate removal of the TGA’s provisional approval of these experimental injections because people are walking into their own deaths and illnesses due to the false labelling of this drug as a ‘vaccine’:

1) A letter to Dr. Brendan Murphyby People For Safe Vaccines (Scientists, Academics and Lawyers)

2) A letter to the TGA, Federal Health Department and the Prime Minister by 6 Health Organisations.

These letters describe the fact that these injections do not reduce the cases of this disease or prevent you catching or dying from the disease. Further, they are causing serious injuries in many people – myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, cancers, AIDS etc and death. Here is a recent article showing this evidence from the UK. The fact that it does not prevent the disease means that it is not a ‘vaccine’ and it should not be given to healthy people in coercive and mandatory policies.

UK Data shows the Fully Vaccinated Elderly and Vulnerable have Developed AIDS and the young are not far behind them  

I am at a loss to understand why people who believe in informed consent to medications are now being segregated from family and friends by bullying and discriminatory behaviour from the mainstream media and the government, and not scientific facts, and evidence.

I am providing this information to you as someone who has studied infectious disease control for 20 years and it was immediately obvious in 2020 that false information was being provided to the public about controlling this novel Coronavirus 2019.

I hope that you will not implement discriminatory medical practices at your venue, and I also hope that you will encourage people to stop using labels such as “vaccine”, “unvaccinated” and “antivaxxer” to remove people from society. These names are inappropriate for this new genetic modification technology.

They are being used by the government to create an illusion that the ‘vaccine’ is preventing a disease that has not even been seen to be causing serious deaths and illness in the Australian community.

The ‘cases’ of COVID19 that are being used to frighten the public into getting this injection are mostly people without symptoms but with a positive test: a test that does not diagnose infection or disease. Alternatively, they may have mild flu-like symptoms but are never hospitalised; that is, the non-serious cases of flu/colds that happen every year that create immunity, but are never reported.

This fraudulent misinterpretation of these tests and ‘cases’ has been achieved through the collaboration of the mainstream media and the government. They are providing false and misleading health information to the public that will harm human health. This is a crime that carries a minimum 12-month jail sentence under Australia’s Criminal act.

About the author: Dr Judy Wilyman PhD has been studying the vaccination topic both formally and informally since 1993 when she vaccinated her first child. Like most people questioning vaccines, she has not come from an anti-vaccination position and the debate is not about pro- or anti-vaccination. It is about the safety, efficacy and necessity for each vaccine on the schedule. In 2015 she completed a PhD at the University of Wollongong answering these questions. Her thesis was titled A critical analysis of the Australian Government’s rationale for its vaccination policy.’ In Chapter 7 she presented a discussion of the claims made by the government about the safety and efficacy of vaccines that are not supported by scientific evidence. 

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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    Eric the Red


    Do you really think that letters filled with objective facts and rational logic, are going to have any effect on people who’ve been under the spell of mass formation for at least the last two years?

    I now am quite sure that my allies are under just as much of a mass formation as my enemies, except that in the case of my allies it consists of naivete, hopium, and denial of the nature of their enemies or that they even have enemies in the first place. .

    With two different sets of mass formation psychosis faced off against each other, the entire situation is truly hopeless.


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