The Real Deal, Part 8: Climate Change: Myth vs. Reality

In order to minimize debate to the energy control conspiracy, Earth’s ruling cabal devised a three prong strategy. Hydrocarbon fuels were going to be falsely claimed to causing global warming.

Then Hydrocarbons were to be phased out for falsely claimed sustainable energy. Finally, Hydrocarbons were to be claimed, finite, depleting resource that was going to be gone soon anyway.

Our AGW series 1 to 5 covered the Carbon Dioxide and Methane warming fraud. The AGW-6 lecture covered the fraud of photovoltaic, wind and biofuels related unsustainable, net energy losing green energies.

The AGW-7 lecture introduced Earth’s fission powered Abiogenic Hydrocarbon production system. In this AGW-8 lecture we discuss the nonsense of flammable electric automobiles and the ridiculous claims in recycling progress.

Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG is another, dangerous net energy loser. What is ignored is the recent Gas To Liquid, GTL process to recover natural gas from remote, low volume wells and convert this resource to easily transported liquids.

Another claimed savior for humanity is Hydrogen as a combustion or fuel cell energy supply, and neither is safe or efficient at this time.

Global trade is a vital component of our current economy and large freighters use giant, two stroke diesel engines providing up to 115,000 horsepower. It would be imprudent to switch these fleets to nuclear power, and there is no known, or foreseeable replacement for Carbon energy in the shipping industry in the near future.

If we are not capturing and using Earth’s Hydrocarbon output, it becomes an environmental hazard. Embrace the reality, and not the Green Steal Scam.

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Comments (3)

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    When a kid plays with explosives, then R&R and they do have genetic proneness to deafness, they will, at a certain age, start looking for videos with subtitles or CC — none of these are provided here…
    Sorry, JaKo


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    Joseph Olson


    It takes 100,000 BTU/gallon to plant, fertilize, irrigate, harvest, distill and distribute corn based Ethanol, with 80,000 BTU/gallon, that we add to 110,000 BTU/gallon gasoline to reduce our mileage and ruin our engines. ALL EPA STUDIES are fraudulent.


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    “What is ignored is the recent Gas To Liquid, GTL process.”
    Recent? I was using GTL diesel over ten years ago.


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