Bill Gates Says COVID-19 Could Be The “Last” Pandemic
Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft and philanthropist who spends billions of dollars on vaccine development for use in third world countries, announced in a blog post on Tuesday that he has written a book about how the world can prevent the next pandemic.
In the post, he also expressed his belief that the COVID-19 pandemic could be the earth’s last.
Well, let’s hope so, considering he recently claimed there will be other pandemics much worse than Covid.
The book, titled “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” is set to be published on May 3. In the United States, it will be published by Knopf, and Penguin Random House will handle international publishing.
In his blog post, Gates explained how the book will detail the steps that can be taken to stop future pandemics while also improving global healthcare systems.
He suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic offers lessons to the medical community and governments and could help ensure better healthcare for people all over the world.
It remains unclear, though, whether Gates will acknowledge the many errors that were made during this pandemic – from the mandating of ineffective vaccines to the flip-flopping on masks and mask mandates.
If Gates is honest about that, then perhaps he has a point. If he’s not, then why should anyone take his claim that COVID-19 will be the final pandemic seriously?
The book will reportedly contain details of conversations with health leaders from across the world, including disgraced head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“The goal of no more pandemics ever is ambitious, but the progress we’ve made over the last two years…has already set us on a path to success,” Gates writes.
Will you be picking up the new book?
See more here:
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very old white guy
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I guess if they manage to kill everyone it will be.
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That’s the plan.
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Its like this, old man in a chair, the immune systems of everyone are sucked. Normally, bugs and viruses are sprayed over people, all of the time. They will just continue but our sucked immune systems will make these worse.
We are being killed off through our awful farming practices, I have an organic dinner, would you like some, oh do you want me to spray some round up all over it so its like what you are used to? Then we have the radiation. To combat this drink a bit of water with a few drops of iodine, Lugols is fine. Switch off the router, switch the mains electricity off and use a headset plugged into mobile phones. Keep the landline for as long as possible.
To detox the aluminium spray that gives a metallic haze in our skies, have bamboo shoot powder stirred into the porage after it is taken from the heat. God Bless,
Allan Shelton
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IMO Willy Gates cannot be believed, or trusted.
He is suffering from the “I am rich, so I must be right” syndrome”.
ALSO…. What is the present status of the Indian charges of “crimes against humanity” that were levied against Willy???
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Says the college drop out with no degree whatsoever. Being wealthy doesn’t make you an expert on anything. His day to stand before the righteous Judge of all the earth is getting closer, he won’t be able to buy off this Judge.
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Long, salted rope for this psychopath. Roll on Nurembourg 2.
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If science can’t be questioned it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda. They want to rip on people for taking Ivermectin. I researched and saw the evidence on the internet. Research papers are on the internet for those who wants to see. Top respected world doctors are being under defamation by MSM and vaccine manufacturers. I won’t back down recommeding IVM. You can get yours by visiting
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Covid is a lie and no coronavirus strain of any kind has ever been isolated.
Bill should prove that whatever BS pandemic he’s spouting about is actually real and can be isolated. Maybe he can pick up a dictionary and read the difference between ‘in-silico’ and ‘real’.
T. C. Clark
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Ever hear of the Russian virus of the 1890s? It apparently started in Russia and spread to Europe…..researchers are looking for a sample….maybe a medical lab saved some lung tissue from a victim. Viruses go way back in history and the words that “we will prevent it from ever happening again” are famous last words. I doubt that virus caused pandemics are just arrived in the last few centuries….more likely have been around as long as humans.
T. C. Clark
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I must admit that Mr. Beel in his sweater…clasped hands…standing in front of a bookcase…is aware of image…and the kindly Mr. Beel just wants to help mankind…by giving generously of his great knowledge and money…..even though his money seems to grow despite his claim he gives it away?
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“even though his money seems to grow despite his claim he gives it away”
An excellent observation. Wish there was a like button.
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Sure billy boy, we trust you to hades and back. No more covid-19, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be covid-22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ,27, 28, etc. Or maybe the new super black plague or ebola-2 the sequel will appear. These arrogant idiots aren’t through by a long shot. They are to stupid to stop messing with DNA and RNA and trying to turn humans into controlled zombies. By the way billy…when did you get your medical degree? Otherwise, you are just guessing like the other pretend medical experts.
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Show us the virus or go to hell, Kill Bates.
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I agree completely.
Richard Thomas
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I look forward to the book – full of health information – from this self-professed medical
I will treasure the expertise presented by this world expert on health.
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There will be no more computer viruses if you constantly update your Windows operating system. There will be no more pandemics if you constantly update your schedule of jabs. In either case, Bill Gates is collecting perpetual rent. See how he rubs his hands?