How Government Maintains the ‘All Experts Agree’ False Consensus

The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

We’ve previously explored the mind-numbing “experts say” mantra that the corporate media parrots non-stop. Talking heads incessantly implore the peasant class to “respect the science.”

The purpose is to create a mirage of consensus in order to discourage real journalists or normal people from looking into matters themselves. This tactic is pervasive, but nowhere has it been more widely employed than in the COVID era.

Because, if three key facts were permitted to infect the public consciousness, they would inevitably result in mass upheaval of the ruling class that perches on top of society, feeding on it like vultures:

At every turn, the “experts” got it wrong.

So how does the biomedical establishment maintain the façade of legitimacy?

The biomedical state uses multiple mechanisms to discourage scientists from dissenting from the approved narrative

You’ve heard the talking point ad nauseam: “99 percent of scientists agree the vaccines are safe and effective.”

First of all, that figure is not vindicated by any actual polling; it’s just an offhand catchphrase.

Second, what happens to scientists who deviate from the “safe and effective” slogan?

RFK Jr. explains:

“As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists—whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward.”

  • You’ll get smeared in the corporate media

Exhibit A:

Epidemiologists at Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford – three of the most highly-regarded mainstream institutes of higher learning in the world – authored the Great Barrington Declaration in October 2020.

The gist of the document (which you can read here) is that a COVID Zero policy (the elimination of the SARS-CoV-2) virus in the population is a pipe dream. The social distancing and lockdown orders had devastating effects on public physical and mental health. Those at risk of severe illness or death from infectious disease should be protected while the non-vulnerable (the vast majority of the population) should resume normal life.

Those rational, science-based propositions should have been aired publicly in a healthy national debate.

But, predictably, open debate is not how Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, NIH Director, do things. Instead of debating the merits of the Barrington Declaration, Collins sent an email to Fauci on Oct 8 (later leaked) that read:

“This proposal from three fringe epidemiologists… seems to be getting a lot of attention – and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt and Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don’t think like that on line yet – is it underway?”

Does that sound like the language of a public health servant doing God’s work to protect the people from a deadly virus – or that of a cynical political operative?

Is coordinating a media hitjob on ideological opponents part of the NIH Director’s job description?

More importantly, though, if they can orchestrate a smear campaign against three “fringe” epidemiologists from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, what signal does that send to a run-of-the-mill MD in Wisconsin who might be inclined to ask critical questions?

The message is obvious: “shut your mouth or we’ll come for you.”

Dr. Aaron Kheriarty explains why doctors are extremely hesitant to write mask and/or vaccine medical exemptions


— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 24, 2022

They don’t even have to go after everyone. All they need is to bag a few high-profile scalps to set the example.

It doesn’t matter how good the analyst is if the data is fake…

The conclusion will likely be faulty – even if the scientist is immune to the social pressures to conform to the narrative.

We reported previously on Pfizer’s vaxx trial fraud in which the company’s contractor intentionally hid side effects of the drug.

The reported COVID fatality rate was dramatically over-counted by the governing authorities.

Hospitals counted fatal motorcycle accidents as COVID deaths merely because the victim tested positive for the virus before succumbing to his injuries.

CDC Director Refuses to Answer: Dying ‘With COVID’ vs Dying ‘From COVID’

Even the corporate media has been forced to confront the obvious rouse.

Via Newsweek:

“‘When asked by Fox News anchor Bret Baier if there was a breakdown of how many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. were ‘from COVID’ or ‘with COVID,’ Walensky gave a non-committal answer.”

Notice that Baier asked about the alleged 836,000 deaths over the course of the two-year pandemic. Walensky, in a bid to avoid answering, finds a lame excusing by pivoting to the Omicron death count, which is barely weeks old.

Do you think that the average “expert” — a college professor teaching public health at a mid-size state school, or an epidemiologist researching Ebola or some other totally unrelated pathogen – has the time, resources, or personal dedication to parse the CDC’s COVID bullshit from the veritas?

Or are they just going to follow the lead of the “expert” higher up on the food chain?

Is the average scientist human or superhuman?

The above is how the “consensus”-rigging game is played, and why you should never again place a modicum of trust in the rotten biomedical establishment, nor the scientists who vocally support it.

Rather than reform (which is a pipe dream), we need a parallel society with structures worthy of trust to replace them.

See more here:

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (3)

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    You say the experts got it wrong – but that depends on what they were trying to do. It is based on the three items listed as A to C. This should have been obvious to everybody, but the majority accepted it, lost their freedoms, and queued enthusiastically for an experimental therapy without considering the risks. We got what we deserved. Let us hope the masses have finally woken up as a result of this, but I doubt it.


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    ellie Mae


    If you hear or read any report that makes reference to the consensus and science in the same sentence, you know it’s a lie.


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    Most experts, who usually remain nameless, are nothing more than self-appointed dunces and ideologues. They are the intellectuals who are supremely arrogant and couldn’t find their way out of a broom closet.


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