Why Viruses Happen Annually & How They Dissolve

Why do common colds/flu occur annually? And is it true that the vaccinated person will experience it his entire life, compared to an unvaccinated person?

This happens yearly because the body, on a cyclical basis, is signaled to dump mass stored toxins. This occurs at the cellular level. Seasonal changes bring about humidity and temperature changes which increase bioactive functions of cells, through moisture and/or oxygen absorption.

These biochemical signals cause cells to release stored toxins—it is cellular processes being maintained through cell survival mechanisms; a sort of house cleaning. Bacterium also increases during colder months, as they flourish in the blood due to a lowered bodily temperature. When they proliferate, they feed upon debris in the tissue and blood.

When they consume such matter, they excrete it into a utilizable form for white blood cells and other cleansing cells, such as phagocytes, to further eliminate and or recycle for use by the body. The body discards 90 percent of toxins through the skin. The rest expel via the bowels, mouth, and mucus membranes. Depending upon the toxicity and nature of those substances, parasites or fungus may be utilized to help break them down.

But when substances are too toxic for these living microbial agents to consume without dying, a non-living agent must be created by the body as a last resort. These are called viruses; enzymatic-like agents that break apart specific matter. They dissolve waste matter when tissue is too toxic for our living microbes to consume and eliminate.

Viruses are embedded in the core with mRNA and DNA, which is a biochemical lock-and-key system for communication purposes with white blood cells and tissue. Their outer covering is made of a protein coating; the capsid—which is a moisture coat that can engulf specific tissue through surfactant action. Surfactants are molecules that bond with each other to form sealed bubbles. This process is carried out with the guidance of white blood cell antibodies.

This coating acts as a type of magnet, repelling and/or attracting matter to and from. Once the matter is engulfed through the surfactant nature of the outer coating, the virus will gradually dissolve/disassemble that matter like a soap would break down grease from dishes. Antibodies will bring matter to the virus as well. Both agents work together as a unit.

Since viruses are not alive, they must have a guiding agent, thus, antibodies are utilized—viruses cannot fly or walk, and have no survival mechanisms. Antibodies are always used as facilitators of healing, which is a part of the infection process.

If this were not so, we would witness every single person dying from mass cell infection 100 percent of the time; being non-discriminatory, yet, we do not observe this. Once the virus has broken down the matter and neutralized it, the body will expel it via the aforementioned routes.

Colds are mainly bacterial, but sometimes viruses may be used; cold virus. Remember that each virus created by each cell will contain differing RNA and DNA because each cell in the human body contains minutely different DNA. Science has claimed in the past that each cell contains the same DNA—this is false, and studies now show that each cell contains different DNA.

This is one reason why viruses can never be contagious—the lock-and-key system known as RNA/DNA would not be compatible between hosts.

We may observe the Illusion of Viral Activity, because all living organisms—be they plants, or animals—function with biological clocks alongside nature. When trees blossom, it is because temperature changes are causing that tree to produce fruit. In the microlevel of the body, the same is true. The body is the microcosm of the outer macrocosm (universe) we observe.

A person may experience viral or bacterial detoxifications regularly if they continually toxify their body. Even in healthy people, we can expect to have mild colds every so often. Bacterial colds are necessary to help us break down toxins we may have picked up from air, food, or water sources. They also serve to strengthen the overall body.

Vaccinated individuals may not experience proper detoxifications because vaccines hinder the body from cleansing and reforming properly. This is because the body shifts all it’s resources over into trying to lower the radical immune response due to adjuvants, tissues, and chemicals in vaccines, that it has no time to detoxify and strengthen the rest of the body. Such people are more prone to developing viruses to help them break down such toxicity.

See more here: virusesarenotcontagious.com

Header image: Live Science

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Comments (17)

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    The most important thing in my view is that the world understands now that THERE IS NO VIRUS! All what they are doing is based on lies, lies and lies!

    All you need to know: THE ENTIRE VIROLOGY HAS BEEN REFUTED! There is no virus, no variant/mutation, and there was never a pandemic! https://www.wissenschafftplus.de

    TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI – https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/

    Virology Debunks Corona – https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/

    Blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com


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      Denis dombas


      It is globalist agenda to depopulate planet using Quackxines and they know very well there is no virus .The problem is that we have too many stupid people on this Earth.


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    Most excellent! I believe in the terrain theory and not the germ theory. This article seems to be in agreement with the book “Virus Mania”, a most excellent breakdown of the history of viruses. Our bodies are filled with trillions of virus, bacteria and fungi cells and still we do not die. Sickness and disease come from within according to how we treat our bodies. It is the gut microbiome and the immune system which seeks to keep us in a healthy balance.

    Most medical science works backwards assuming that disease and sickness can be shaped to fit big pharma’s narrative and desire to market us to death with drugs, vaccines and faulty mRNA injections. Germ theory was created for profit meanwhile it is the terrain that determines our health, not big pharma drugs and vaccines, which by the way are pretty much useless.


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    Brian James


    It is a called natural immunity and these jabs ruin and wreck it! January 28, 2022 Pfizer Trials: All Injected Mothers Lost Their Unborn Babies

    Pfizer trial documents reveal attempts to cover up the death of 100% of unborn babies in outcomes actually reported. By Dr. Mark Trozzi. Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports’ describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. You can download this entire report here.



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    What a pack of garbage this article is. It did not once mention vitamin D or the fact that in higher latitudes the sun buggers off towards the other end of the planet which is why our immune systems are weakened by lack of vitamin D.

    Coughs, colds, influenza in winter. Oh, colds are a corona virus.
    Mixing belief systems with science is problematic. Bloody Nora.


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    ‘Since viruses are not alive, they must have a guiding agent, thus, antibodies are utilized—viruses cannot fly or walk, and have no survival mechanisms. Antibodies are always used as facilitators of healing, which is a part of the infection process.’ END COPY PASTE.

    This explanation seems to be saying, that humans actually create their own “Virus” annually? So far as can be ascertained, rarely, if ever, does the human race do this in a combined universal simultaneous coordinated all encompassing unavoidable process?
    We know that SARS/COVID is laboratory engineered, spliced and diced, we know that Bill Gates was first and foremost in predicting our current virus, and preaching it’s dire consequences. We know that his “investment”vehicles produced the DNA/RNA therapy concoction, and were granted, with lightning, speed immunity from prosecution. What we do not know is, who designed the concoction, and what ingredients were used to construct it; and who was their “directing” mind.
    What we do know now, is that we need a Parliamentary “Bill/act, “to kill this Bill? Like the Virus it should be universal, spontaneous, and created by Human’s in the “Parliament” of public opinion, we the survivors. If we fail to render “justice” this time, what else will he send down his Pharmaceutical track? He walks the walk and talks the talk, just like those arrogant blood lust ones, who are “Chosen”. Amen It Is Written.


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      “What we do not know is, who designed the concoction…”

      Ralph Baric – later assisted by Shi Zhengli.


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    Sorry but you are WRONG.
    Whilst there may be something in it, this is certainly not the full truth.
    As kids, we would visit other kids with chicken pox, German measles, mumps and measles in order to be innoculated. WE often did not know them, they may have been living a small distance away, not in the neighborhood. It was shortly after visiting them that we would come down with a bout of the disease. We CAUGHT whatever they had.
    In debunking science, you are in ERROR. If you want to debunk mainstream science, do try to be accurate and stop spreading deceptions. You may be thinking outside of the box but you are denying the hard evidence that we know. STOP with the deceptions, ALL of them.


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      Jason St


      I used to think the way you do but if you do some research you will find what you are saying could have more then one reason for happening. By having a pox party everyone going could be exposed to what ever toxins are in the area causing this reaction. Why is it that not everyone who goes to the party gets infected? If its a toxin its possible someone doesnt touch their face of touch their mouth to get the toxin into the body but with a virus its supposedly airborne. Also NEVER ONCE has a virus been isolated so there is ZERO physical evidence that they exist. I have been sent “proof” of isolated virus’s but once you dig into the evidence it breaks down very quickly. Isolated means by itself not with ANY other material and everyone that purports to be isolated is still combined with other things such as monkey cells, bovine cells, milk and many other things. Again never once has a virus been isolated on its own. So I think you are the one in error when all the evidence is brought to the table.


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      ‘Thinking outside the box’ is all very well,
      but it will tell you nothing about the cat.


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    What pseudoscience refers to as viruses is a complete lie. This lie is responsible for this entire plandemic and all it’s assorted misery.
    Cells, when highly toxic, exude material called Exosomes. They act similar to a solvent helping to cleanse the cells. This is what the charlatans of “science” refer to as so called viruses. It’s a complete fabricated lie. All developed by the Rockefeller dynasty to profit from their newly developed pharmaceutical industry born from their petrochemical business. This family has always been involved with population control and depopulation as well.
    The jabs contain several toxins including graphene oxide, metallic particles, parasites and more. This is what is causing what they refer to as Covid. Except that Covid is allegedly and upper respiratory disease and all the jabbed people are dying of blood clots, circulatory problems, heart attacks, cancer and other heart issues. No problem, the liars attribute it all to the no -existent so called Covid. And the sheep continue to believe.
    Bottom line no such thing as viruses means Covid does not exist and it’s the jabbed that are getting sick and dying despite all the lies.
    Since this deception is word wide it is direct evidence that the entire world is under the same mass delusion and thus controlled by one centralized evil cabal. The great reset is a clue as to just who this cabal is. They want you dead and or completely enslaved with nothing.


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    Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures exist. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! ivmcures.com


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    I am in awe of how so many people these days who have no formal science training are certain that pathogens like virus exists or not, and if these organisms cause diseases and are infectious.

    For those terrain-believers, would you allow yourself to be operated on by a surgeon who has not washed his hands and not worn a mask ? Are you ok with the idea that he might even sneeze into your guts? How about using a rusty saw for a by-pass surgery on you ?
    Excuse me, I laugh too hard and p*&^ in my pants.


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      Well Hailey better be careful your ignorance is showing. Those that accept that viruses do not exist still believe in the need for sterile and clean conditions for surgery. Bacteria and toxins are what cause issues in the lame examples you included in your worthless post. Instead of being the mindless monkey that you have been trained to be why not try researching Germ theory, Koch’s postulates and how no virus has ever been isolated, identified and purified? You might even learn something!


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    Oh my worthy-monkey- with- a-brain-Clancey, may I inquire about your credentials? Phd in what? What’s the title of your latest peer-reviewed research paper? Or you are just a bull s*&^er like me?

    Oops, pee in my pants again!


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      Textbook example of a mindless, sheep like child. Congratulations Hailey! Your lack of any ability to think for yourself to any degree is abundantly clear. In your upside down world, only academica is allowed to know anything. Only peer reviewed academic types with letters behind their names can possess knowledge. Wake up! Peer reviewed is an illusion. All the academics must go along to get along. Peer reviewed means those in the club all agree to the lies that enslave humanity and profit nicely from the agreed upon lies. So yes germ theory is nonsense, can be easily discovered with simple research and one can see the lies that work to keep the masses taking harmful drugs which serve the pharmaceutical system that woks tirelessly to depopulate the people and earn huge profits at the same time.
      Any academic that goes against the established curriculum will never be tenured or receive grants ever. It’s a big club and you are obviously not in it!


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