Australian Northern Territory Locks Unvaxxed Out of Society
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner is a fast-talking little man of notoriously intemperate disposition who will not allow any criticism of his totalitarian tendencies.
We have discussed this guy before. [HERE and HERE and HERE].
Gunner has promised to be as brutal as needed to stop COVID spread in the region.
He will accept no vocal dissent to his mandates from citizens in the state.
All vaccine hesitant citizens are considered enemies of the state, and now subject to arrest if they voice any objection.
On January 6th, Gunner announced that due to Omicron, he is taking the concept of lockdowns one step further.
Effectively 1pm the same day, anyone who is not vaccinated is, by decree, designated as locked out of civil society in the region.
Without notice, and effective almost immediately, the unvaccinated citizens in the Northern Territory are to remain confined in their homes and are not permitted to work.
Work is no longer a reason for the unvaxxed to leave their homes. Nor can the unvaxxed leave their homes to exercise.
At 1pm on Monday 10th January, the lockout was lifted; however, a mandatory vaccine passport process will be fully implemented in the territory, and the unvaccinated will continue to be locked out of all non-essential, businesses, operations and services in society.
This is the guy who put the quarantine containment camps into place, and said the people in them were volunteering to be detained.
A few days later three aboriginal men, all of whom tested negative for the virus, climbed the fence and escaped the “detainment facility.” {REMINDER HERE}.
The military and police were then activated to conduct a manhunt, closed the roads, set up checkpoints where vehicles were searched and used helicopters with trained personnel to hunt the escapees.
That’s the reference for how this guy rolls.
See more here:
Header image: The Guardian
Bold emphasis added
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Michael Gunner is an absolute lunatic. He makes decisions without any public discussion or debate. He suffers from ‘little man syndrome’. The guy acts like he is a Big Pharma salesman pushing their vaccines.
To simple minded Gunner, the vaccines are safe, they work, and to hell with those who refuse to risk their health and lives taking the experimental drugs which the world knows has caused too many injuries and too many deaths.
I live in Darwin. Gunner’s actions are causing “mass formation psychosis” because of the way he has been stigmatising and dehumanising the unvaccinated in a way that would make North Korea’s Kim Jong-un or the CCP feel proud.
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“Vaccines will free you” – where have I heard something similar?