Guess which term Fauci wants to abandon
Ron DeSantis was ridiculed for suggesting that someday the definition of “fully vaccinated” could change, and people could lose their jobs for not getting a third mRNA shot.
I don’t know why the lizard people bother ridiculing those who speculate about where the dystopia is going, because everything they speculate about winds up coming to pass.
There are already booster requirements all over the place.
And now we have this from Fauci: we’re not going to use the expression “fully vaccinated” anymore. Why?
Because it commits what we laughingly call our public health establishment to determining a definitive endpoint.
He said, “We’re using the terminology now ‘keeping your vaccinations up to date,’ rather than what ‘fully vaccinated’ means. Right now, optimal protection is with a third shot of an mRNA or a second shot of a J&J.”
But with every booster, compliance falls significantly.
With every school closure — nearly two years into this nonsense — more normie parents decide they’ve had it.
With every throttling of a Joe Rogan episode, an audience of (literally) tens of millions gets exposed to previously excluded perspectives.
Does this mean we win?
Well, we have a lot more fighting to do, that’s for sure.
But there are a lot of us. And our numbers are growing, while theirs are falling.
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very old white guy
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why not just drop the word vaccinated period, as no one is vaccinated period.
Terry Shipman
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I have not had the FIRST shot yet. I had Covid in November and recovered quite nicely. Of course, I felt awful. A chest X-ray showed my lungs were fine. Now I have the Pearl of Great Price, natural immunity. Not bad for a 71 year old male. I fear the jab more than I fear Covid and the VAERS database confirms my fear. It’s nice being retired so I have no employer breathing down my neck.
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Austria made 3.8 million people UN vacced because they didn’t have the booster on their green pass just last week. This will never end until we end them.
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Fauci, the top jesuit AND the top member of the Golden Secret MASONIC Society is thus the TOP SATANIST ON THIS PLANET. Why the satanic agenda to REDEFINE HUMAN BODIES via genetically modifying covid injections is the most important act for him? “But with every booster, compliance falls significantly.”???
With every booster human DEATH RATES increase exponentially! With every booster human bodies are gaining more genetically modified stem cells in their NO MORE HUMAN BODIES! With every booster transhuman2.0 is nearer the wish of the SATANIC AGENDA!!!! People, whoever can grasp this sign of END OF HUMANITY please do so and help to stop the CRIMINALS who should leave this planet NOW!
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I was checking the Jerusalem Post daily as Israeli science and research was the most advanced on issues Pfizer vaccine. Israel began their mass mRNA concoction injections first and is in effect Pfizer’s laboratory
Israeli scientists reported 6 months after the second shot efficacy dropped down to 39% while Pfizer scientists claimed 47% efficacy, everything else being equal.
Booster shots began in July August and JP reported in November preliminary efficacy results on boosters would be published in “two weeks”. Four weeks later the results had still not been published but a distraction called omicron had begun infecting people.
How convenient!