Columbia study: True U.S. COVID vaxx death count around 400,000

The CDC’s latest count of deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines is nearly 20,000, but a study by researchers at Columbia University estimates the actual number is 20 times higher.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS, reports 19,886 deaths, 102,857 hospitalizations and a total of 946,461 adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines through Dec. 3.

If the Columbia study’s underreporting factor is correct, it would mean that there are nearly 400,000 deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines.

In the study’s abstract, the researchers note that “accurate estimates of COVID vaccine-induced severe adverse event and death rates are critical for risk-benefit ratio analyses of vaccination and boosters against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in different age groups.”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services points out that a VAERS report is not documentation that a link has been established between a vaccine and an adverse event. However, HHS also notes that VAERS is a “passive” system of reporting, and it “receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.” Many health care workers have disclosed they are instructed by their superiors not to report to VAERS any harm caused by COVID vaccines.

VAERS is described as a “voluntary” reporting system, but HHS says that health-care providers “who administer COVID-19 vaccines are required by law after vaccination to report to VAERS” any errors in administering the shots along with, among other things, deaths and life-threatening adverse events.

The Columbia researchers method of estimating underreporting was to use the regional variation in vaccination rates to predict all-cause mortality and non-COVID deaths in subsequent time periods, based on two independent, publicly available datasets from the U.S. and Europe.

They found that more than six weeks after injection, vaccination had a negative correlation with mortality. But within five weeks of injection, vaccination predicted all-cause mortality in nearly every age group, with an “age-related temporal pattern consistent with the U.S. vaccine rollout.”

Comparing the study’s estimated vaccine fatality rate with the CDC-reported rate, the researchers concluded VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, which is “consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias.”

The researchers said the study “suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.”

They emphasize “the urgent need to identify, develop and disseminate diagnostics and treatments for life-altering vaccine injuries.”

A decade before COVID-19, the so-called Lazarus study by Harvard researchers estimated VAERS accounted for only one percent of vaccine-induced injuries.

Recently, Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, and others conducted an analysis comparing anaphylaxis rates published in a study to rates found in VAERS. They concluded the true death toll from COVID-19 vaccines is 41 times higher.

The website VAERS Analysis used whistleblower data from the CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to come up with an estimated underreporting factor of 44.64

FDA data

Files obtained from the Food and Drug Administration in November through a Freedom of Information lawsuit recorded 158,893 adverse events from the Pfizer vaccine in the first two and a half months of distribution, including 25,957 incidents of “nervous system disorders.”

The lawsuit was filed by a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, comprised of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown. As WND reported, in court papers filed in December, the FDA proposed that it be given 55 years to release all 329,000 pages of documents related to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine requested by the group.

The FDA has now modified that request, asking a judge for a delay of 75 years.

One of the scientists in the lawsuit is Dr. Peter McCullough, who has become an outspoken critic of universal COVID-19 vaccination.

In a recent, lengthy interview with podcaster Joe Rogan, he cited a study conducted before COVID by Dr. H. Cody Meissner of Tufts University School of Medicine finding that about 80 percent of VAERS reports are done by doctors, nurses or other health-care professionals who believe a vaccine caused the problem. Only about 14 or 15 percent of the reports are done by the patients themselves.

McCullough believes CMS data indicates VAERS underreports by a factor of about four or five.

With the CMS data, he said, “you know when someone got the shot and you know when they died.”

The proportion of Medicare and Medicaid patients in the U.S. population is known, he reasons, so an estimate can be obtained through extrapolation.

A factor of five was used in the lawsuit against the FDA, estimating 45,000 U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines while VAERS reported 9,000 at the time the case was filed.

Last year, America’s doctors, nurses and paramedics were celebrated as frontline heroes battling a fearsome new pandemic. Today, under Joe Biden, tens of thousands of these same heroes are denounced as rebels, conspiracy theorists, extremists and potential terrorists.

Along with massive numbers of police, firemen, Border Patrol agents, Navy SEALs, pilots, air-traffic controllers, and countless other truly essential Americans, they’re all considered so dangerous as to merit termination, their professional and personal lives turned upside down due to their decision not to be injected with the experimental COVID vaccines.

Biden’s tyrannical mandate threatens to cripple American society – from law enforcement to airlines to commercial supply chains to hospitals. It’s already happening.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Reuters / Henry Nicholls

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Comments (8)

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    very old white guy


    any number is now too high, be it 20k from vaers or 400k from columbia. it has to stop.


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    I have no idea what the truth is about deaths and other serious adverse events. It seems to me that the failure of the reporting systems is that firstly they are not taken serious by health professionals because they don’t want to admit failure and secondly, reported events are not investigated to establish whether the vaccines are the cause.

    There has certainly been a significant increase in the events reported through VAERS for Covid vaccines, I not sure about the UK Yellow Card system. What this reveals is the complete failure of the vaccine RCTs to run long enough to ensure that the safety of the vaccines was established before being approved. It is hardly surprising considering the past record of some of the drug companies but ultimately the blame must be put on the politicians. They are the ones we expect to protect us.


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      big pharma, the bought out media, politicians, and experts, the major NGOs funding and then pushing all of it. there is enough blame to go around.
      i don’t know, how this will be mended on a societal level. Will we ever put trust in any institution after this event? Will we need a sort of pax populi where in we gather up the 1000s of the god heads of these various institutions and publicly execute them and display their corpses as fair warning for other psycopaths for years to come?
      or just be diciplined enough to practice the s07e06 Simpson’s “just don’t look” policy, and separate from society all together; hoping to maintain enough vigilance for this to never happen again?

      humanity as a mass is resilient. me as a person am not. i don’t think i will be able to live in a new normal, let alone go back to the old normal. I don’t think i am strong enough to forgive the cowards and hypocrites that surround me on a daily basis.

      i have a new found understanding of why militaries across history would try and execute the cowards in their ranks.


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        I agree completely to what you say. Thank you !


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        denis dombas


        Alex,they did not bought anything they own it.Black rRock owns big Pharma and almost all major MSM media.


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    Hidden in plain sight just like the entire fake pandemic. There never was going to be or never will be any fact and figures worth more than a pile of cow turds. This keeps the agenda rolling down hill complete with confusion and mayhem.

    People are dying directly from the mRNA spike protein injections and the real carnage hasn’t even begun yet. It too will be ignored by the powers that be as they have been bought off by fauci, gates and big pharma. What’s a few billion when the goal is to make trillions?


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    Richard Greene


    Not a study, just a wild guess.
    probably grossly overestimated.
    A study requires case individual case investigations
    and autopsies A decent sized sample, not a few dozen.


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