Whirling Triffids Invade our Seashores

Wind turbines need a huge area to generate significant electricity. An area the size of Wales would need to be covered in wind turbines just to meet one sixth of UK’s daily energy needs.

So for years now, subsidised wind energy investors have been razing ridgelines, felling forests and slicing birds, bats and insects.

They trash the landscape to benefit a few landowners and speculators in a vain attempt to produce cheap reliable electricity from a low density, unpredictable, intermittent energy source.

This is all driven by a blurry green vision that humans can change the climate by manipulating the atmosphere.

But neighbours and nature-lovers are fighting back.

So now the wind speculators race for off-shore space in shallow seas.

“The Day of the Triffids” is coming for coastal communities as these towers of whirling knives accelerate their invasion of shallow coastal waters.

They pose lethal danger to sea birds – beheading or de-winging pelicans and petrels, seagulls and sea eagles, gannets and grebes, kites and gliders.

They also endanger coastal shipping, barges, helicopters, fishermen and tourists.

And the noise pollution from pile driving and turbine whine is affecting whales and seals.

“Net Zero” targets and subsidies threaten to drive a nine-fold increase in demand for wind turbine ocean space – estimated to cover an area the size of Italy well before green energy nirvana is reached.

These turbines need energy to mine and manufacture the rare metals, steel, concrete and plastics needed to build and erect the towers and transmission lines in offshore waters – a careful analysis will show an energy deficit over their short lifetimes.

And after every cyclone or tsunami, mangled turbine trash will pollute coastal waters and beaches – most of this trash cannot be recycled and will become toxic landfill.

Mining operations have to lodge financial bonds to cover decommissioning, waste disposal and land rehabilitation at the end of the mine life – why are wind and solar “farms” exempt from these liabilities?

And imagine the defence vulnerability of scattered towers and transmission lines to sabotage from hostile submarines or drones.

Proven electricity generators driven by coal, gas, hydro or nuclear with a small land footprint are far less damaging to the environment of land and sea than the Whirling Triffids.

Where are the Green objectors now?

I saw them now with a disgust that they had never roused in me before. Horrible alien things which some of us had somehow created, and which the rest of us, in our careless greed, had cultured all over the world. One could not even blame nature for them.” – Bill Masen, in “The Day of the Triffids”

Header image: The Institute of Mechanical Engineers

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Comments (9)

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    very old white guy


    Wind turbines are just one more foolish waste of resources.


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      T. C. Clark


      Blade-less wind turbines are being experimented with and there are proposals to put sails on ships to help reduce fuel burning. I don’t have a problem with it as long as there is no government mandate or subsidy. Of course most of the wind inventions are not economical.


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        Doug Harrison


        putting sails on ships to reduce fuel consumption was tried in the oil shock days of the 70s and proved to be unworkable.


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    Some countries and American states do not have a coast and so must use huge areas of land and need even more turbines because the wind speed is not as high inland.


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    “An area the size of Wales would need to be covered in wind turbines just to meet one sixth of UK’s daily energy needs” Intermittently meet one sixth of Uk’s daily energy needs, on days or could be weeks there might not be any energy.


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    Jasper's Farm


    Rarely is it mentioned, that when the turbines break or need to be replaced, they are not easily biodegradable/recyclable adding the fallacy of green energy being green.


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    These people that are supposedly trying to “save the planet” (!!!) have such a low IQ and imagination that their solutions are laughable!
    I could have suggested better solutions even 10 years before getting my university degree in engineering!
    Oh, wait… Did I say “better”? Ha, ha! No, I meant “WAY WAY WAY BETTER”! 😀
    They only cause mess and destruction. Makes you wonder if that’s what they were after from the beginning….


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      Yes, the Technocrats want to deliver, via a great reset, an energy-based accounting system for OUR global economy. And right out of the box, their wind and solar ‘solutions’ fail to be energy sources at all when using their own energy accounting system. It is becoming clear to me that the setup is that everyone becomes a debtor without receiving any loan, but rather for simply existing. It is a system designed to fail. We will fail, but that is OK so long as we purchase our carbon credits, aka pay the carbon tax.


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