An International S.O.S. From Australia
On December 4th 2021 at 12pm midday, we call for an international ‘SOS from Australia’ event. On this date we call upon politicians, international leaders and all concerned citizens to respond to our SOS.
Note that whatever tyranny and oppression you see in Australia is destined for your country if we aren’t able to stop it. It seems evident Australia is ‘ground zero’. International leaders We respectfully ask you to consider supporting the requests laid out in this document. If the requests are not met, your citizens are no longer safe here.
These are the requests we suggest you ask for:
- No more lockdowns
- No mandatory vaccinations or medical procedures
- Open reasonable options for International Travel If the above requests are not honoured, we ask you to take the following steps to safeguard the human rights of your citizens residing in Australia by:
- Expediting the safe return of your citizens from Australia
- Make a public statement that no longer considers it safe for their citizens to remain in Australia
- Extending an offer of asylum to a certain number of Australians who do not feel safe to remain in their home country. International Citizens We ask that on December 4th 2021 at 12pm midday you go to the Australian Embassy or Consulate in support of Australia
Reignite Democracy Australia has been defending basic freedoms for all Australians over the last year since non-democratic restrictions have been brutally imposed on us.
Australians are facing unprecedented Government actions that have robbed us of our fundamental rights and freedoms – all enforced with extreme aggression by the Police Force. Many Australians no longer feel safe in our once-democratic country.
We have tried every peaceful and diplomatic means available to have our voices heard; however we have been ignored. Australian citizens have held regular protests asking for Human Rights and the Rule of Law to be restored These democratic demonstrations have been met with unparalleled Police suppression.
Members of the public are being pepper sprayed and many were recently fired upon with rubber bullets by the very people Australians pay, and trust to protect them. The police are supposed to be part of the Public Service. Instead, they have been turned into an instrument of public oppression, even descending into jailing people for their political views.
These are some of the rights that have been stolen or attacked:
- the right to have a political party;
- the right to peacefully protest;
- the right to work without being subject to coercion;
- the right to operate a business;
- the right to make personal medical choices;
- the right to medical privacy;
- the right for all persons, irrespective of their health or vaccination status, to be considered equal; ● the right to freely express political dissent;
- the right to assemble;
- the right to socialise.
To the everyday Australian, it seems like the Police are being used by the Government to enforce unjust laws and tyranny upon the country. Due to the state-of-emergency declarations being in place, Police have less means available to oppose the orders given to them by the Government. Basically, it looks and feels like we’re living in a ‘Police State’.
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Andrew Pilkington
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You’re not being ignored by us, Australia. Max Igan and a good few others are seeing to that, also. We share and echo your pleas, but, as with our own, here in England, we get ignored, too.
I asked why the Lizard Queen isn’t sending our Military, to take back Australia for the Commonwealth, seeing as they get sent to interfere in the affairs of other Country/s, for far less a reason. Sadly though, the answer is so clear to us, in the Freedom Community over here. We are set to become you, in the not too distant future, along with Canada, who are almost there. Two places where Asylum would not be a good option?
On a brighter note. The Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, has set the Religious ball rolling.
I wish you the Very Best of Luck. Truly I do.
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So it was a good idea for Australians to surrender their firearms, right?
And Semper Trump!
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“So it was a good idea for Australians to surrender their firearms, right?”
Nothing they can do now. Welcome to Tyranny Australia. I feel for you, I really do, but it’s your own damn fault. You let it happen! .. Here in the U.S.A., we are fighting our own tyranny, fortunately we still have firearms, many, and the shooting is about to begin. Stay tuned!
very old white guy
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Enough people banded together could take the arms from police and fix this problem. The word cowardice is the only word you need apply to this circumstance.
Eric the Red
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Good idea. Also, nets, rocks, Molotov cocktails, shields, and good 4GW tactics such as feints, ambushes, choke points, and flanking maneuvers could do a lot to start taking back the streets.