How Much More Are You Going to Take?

This morning I saw the news that our local hospital has shut down its maternity ward, due to multiple healthcare professionals quitting — rather than being forced to get an experimental injection!

They have bills to pay, a family to support —  yet they have said: enough! Kudos to these brave, principled people, some of whom have resigned from a position that they have been involved with for decades.

How about the rest of us? At what point do we say that we’re not going to take it any more?

It seems like most citizens will tolerate a loss of their rights and freedoms, if it is done gradually — like slowly turning up the temperature of a pot with a lobster in it.

Most citizens have already looked the other way about innumerable recent liberty extractions:

— like a state mandating that wind energy  must provide 30% of the electricity. What happened to the free market?
— like the federal government demanding adherence to “climate change” policies. What happened to real Science?
— like universities forcing “woke” propaganda into the curriculum. What happened to critical thinking?
— like the Attorney General attempting to block forensic election audits.  What happened to election integrity?
— like governments requiring that certain citizens must get an experimental injection. What happened to our body, our choice?
— etc., ad nauseam.

When is enough, enough?

Maybe it’s when we realize that there is a pattern here, and that these are not random abuses.
Maybe it’s when we realize that the direction these are taking is towards Communism.
Maybe it’s when we realize that the only power that governments, etc. have, is what we have voluntarily granted them.
Maybe it’s when we realize that by tolerating these abuses, that it’s perceived as compliance and weakness — which invites more injustices.
Maybe it’s when we realize that good people are in the majority — and that working intelligently together, we can defeat these assaults on our rights.
Maybe it’s when we realize that we need to collectively and aggressively push back against these attacks on our freedoms.

Let’s start drawing some lines in the sand.

How about we begin with the unscientific FDA COVID-19 drug approval process involving Remdesivir and Ivermectin?

That issue may sound obscure, but it is that corrupted process —> that then illegally allowed experimental injections —> which led to subsequent mandates, etc., etc.  (For details see these two Reports ( here and here), plus this powerful video.)

Fix the FDA drug approval process, and the rest of the  unscientific  COVID-19 policies fall like a house of cards!

One way to fix it is to personally sue the FDA individuals whose negligence allowed this debacle to happen.

To pull this off, dedicated volunteers are needed!

(E.g., to coordinate this effort, to send information to social media, to research contact information for sympathetic media, to research contact information for like-minded organizations, to set up a fund-raising campaign, attorneys to prosecute, etc.)

It’s your life and your choice as to when you have had enough. Hope it’s not too late.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (11)

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    i’m not gonna take it anymoooooooore!!!!


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    Maybe: “…good people are in the majority — and that working intelligently together…”
    Maybe only after majority of sheople are ravished by the intentional injections; but then, it would be too late to “defeat” anything anyway.
    Sorry, JaKo


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    J Cuttance


    Yip. My wife and I are about to lose our midwife for this reason.


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    Many people are so dumbed down and programmed to accept the status quo and never question anything coming from any authority. It’s not until they are in chains that they wonder what happened. I support anyone looking out for their health and that of their families. We cannot trust big pharma anymore, if we ever could during the last 50 years, and we certainly can never trust these mRNA injections. They have not and never will be proven to do anything good or be safe.


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    Remdesivir, to nie jest remedium na covid, natomiast ivermectin, chydroksychlorichin, zynk, Vit D3, Vit C. Wchodzą w schemat leczenia udostępniony przez Americans Front Line Doktors.


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    Roger Higgs


    Great article, thank you Johns (Droz & O’Sullivan).

    I don’t understand why the medical staff would voluntarily quit, rather than make their employer sack them (potentially opening the way to unfair dismissal claims, eventually).


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    Wayne H Wilhelm


    Your article’s link: (*1)

    In your article, you provide this link to a video in support of Ivermectin: (*2)

    The video at the 22:00 minute mark begins a discussion of the use of Ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh, India. The video specifically states a date of implementation of August 2020.

    The video you linked claims usage in Uttar Pradesh, India dating from August 2020. However that date doesn’t correlate to data provided by a Google search result which covers covid cases extensively. The Google search link I’m providing (*3) provides covid data for every country providing data. I’ve been using their data for well over a year and reference extensively. If the Google results are errant, I should have observed that a long time ago. The Google depiction has always seemed to parallel what other sources of information claim.

    Either Google search is providing errant data, or the video link you provided is errant, or I’m errant in my interpretation. By errant, I’m stating the August 2020 date doesn’t match the covid case data provided by Google. Again, the 22:00 minute mark on the video is where the reference to Uttar Pradesh begins.

    Could you have someone check the links to see if they can figure out the discrepancy?





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    A Reasonable Man


    It’s really getting hard to figure out just how things have gotten just this f. Up /crazy in the world. COVID vac madness, woke riot lawlessness, wide open southern US border, Afghanistan, freaking “woke” Generals and Admirals. Oh almost forgot about global warming bs . This is what happens when you give one world order sci fi fantasy society fruitcakes ,power money and propaganda support. This will not end well. Just a matter of time before something really bad happens . Sorry for the rant.


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