Fenofibrate could reduce COVID-19 infection by 70 Percent

According to a new study, fenofibrate, a drug used to treat abnormal levels of fatty substances in the blood, could reduce COVID-19 infection by up to 70 percent

In the study, researchers from the University of Birmingham, Keele University and the San Raffaele Scientific Institute tested a range of already licensed drugs – including fenofibrate, a drug used to treat abnormal levels of fatty substances in the blood – to identify which of these would disrupt ACE2 and Spike interactions.

After identifying fenofibrate as a candidate, they then tested its ability to reduce infection in cells using the original strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

They found fenofibrate reduced infection by up to 70 percent and additional unpublished data also indicates that it is equally effective against newer variants.

COVID-19 vaccines

Corresponding author Dr Farhat Khanim, of the University of Birmingham in the UK, explained: “The development of new more infectious SARS-CoV-2 variants has resulted in a rapid expansion in infection rates and deaths in several countries around the world, especially the UK, US and Europe. Whilst vaccine programmes will hopefully reduce infection rates and virus spread in the longer term, there is still an urgent need to expand our arsenal of drugs to treat SARS-CoV-2-positive patients.

Co-corresponding author Dr Alan Richardson, of Keele University in the UK, added: “Whilst in some countries vaccination programmes are progressing at speed, vaccine uptake rates are variable and for most low middle income countries, significant proportions of the population are unlikely to be vaccinated until 2022. Furthermore, whilst vaccination has been shown to reduce infection rates and severity of disease, we are as yet unsure of the strength and duration of the response. Therapies are still urgently needed to manage COVID-19 patients who develop symptoms or require hospitalisation.

Co-author Dr Elisa Vicenzi, of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan, Italy, said: “Our data indicates that fenofibrate may have the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and also virus spread. Given that fenofibrate is an oral drug which is very cheap and available worldwide, together with its extensive history of clinical use and its good safety profile, our data has global implications – especially in low-middle income countries and in those individuals for whom vaccines are not recommended or suitable such as children, those with hyper-immune disorders and those using immune-suppressants.

First author Dr Scott Davies, also of the University of Birmingham, concluded: “We now urgently need further clinical studies to establish whether fenofibrate is a potential therapeutic agent to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The full study ‘The hyperlipidaemic drug fenofibrate significantly reduces infection by SARS-1 CoV-2 in cell culture models’ has been published in Frontiers in Pharmacology.

See more here: openaccessgovernment.org

Header image: Medicine Reviews

PSI editor’s note: There is an increasing body of evidence that suggests ‘COVID-19’ is merely flu rebranded.

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Comments (8)

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    Oh look, another HCQ/Ivermectin/Remdesivr/Vaccine.


    So have you noticed they’re attacking lipid peroxidase, fibrinogen metabolism?

    Both heart and brain (something yall borg lack, along with magic).


    Graphene oxide would be related to some of that. Oh also, the BBB.

    They’re trying to phrase the results of damaging you, repair mechanisms as “good”. Covid is entirely fraud, so. Their establishment is fraud, so. They’re so, so.

    Remember what was said about the lukewarm??


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      What you study, to get more distanced from truth, which takes you decades, I may sometimes understand instantly.

      Btw, their cholesterol demonization shit, forcing it lower etc is not only related to your heart function. There’s a reason they try lower that, coz it’s directly related to your BBB too.


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        Oh look…


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    Whatever they say, it’s like “Please love our industrial corporate governance that wants to kill you with toxins and tax you for it, just support us with buying our toxic profiteering corporate government products from our suggested problems, reactions and solutions, very repeatedly.”

    Now, perhaps you’re stupid?


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    very old white guy


    I no longer care what anyone does. If you do absolutely nothing you will be better off. That is what I have done and guess what, I am still alive and I will tell you the whu who flu will not kill me.


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    Andrew Pilkington


    “… they then tested its ability to reduce infection in cells using the original strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”. Really? So these people claim to have access to the original strains of this “Agenda Virus”, do they? Good, then maybe the need some FOIA requests sending their way, about it being “Correctly” Isolated and Purified, from at least ONE of the Millions of people who “allegedly” had/have the disease it is said to cause?

    “Virus”? Anyone old enough to remember hearing of catching a “Flu Bug”? Emphasis on the word “Bug”. I do.

    “… whilst vaccination has been shown to reduce infection rates and severity of disease …”. Really? So why are so many “Injected” Victims contracting this alleged disease, over the Intelligent?

    “… manage COVID-19 patients who develop symptoms or require hospitalisation.”. Yes, we must “Manage” Patients, as opposed to “Care” for them.

    A few more names here, awaiting a holiday in Nuremberg?


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      “Anyone old enough to remember hearing of catching a “Flu Bug””
      Those were happy days Andrew.


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    That is nonsense. This drug is not very safe as per info , may kill your kidneys . Even having high cholesterol, I would not touch this …


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