“Imperfect vaccines and the evolution of pathogen virulence”

The medical and scientific community and the world have known for 20 years that vaccines which only treat symptoms without terminating the virus result in more infectious and dangerous disease and higher overall deaths.

Abstract: …

Here we show that vaccines designed to reduce pathogen growth rate and/or toxicity diminish selection against virulent pathogens. The subsequent evolution leads to higher levels of intrinsic virulence and hence to more severe disease in unvaccinated individuals. This evolution can erode any population-wide benefits such that overall mortality rates are unaffected, or even increase, with the level of vaccination coverage. These findings have policy implications for the development and use of vaccines that are not expected to provide full immunity, such as candidate vaccines for malaria.

~S Gandon  1 , M J Mackinnon, S Nee, A F Read, Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK.

Nature.2001 Dec 13;414(6865):751-6. doi: 10.1038/414751a.

In other words, this is the Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and immune escape described by brave doctors and scientists who are being blocked by social and mainstream media and ignored by governments and others with sworn duty to protect public health.


See more here: budbromley.blog

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Comments (11)

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    And here’s the BMJ…

    Global eradication of COVID-19 probably feasible, and more so than for polio, say public health experts
    “Vaccination, public health measures, and global interest in achieving this goal as a result of the huge financial and social havoc wrought by the coronavirus pandemic, all make eradication possible.

    But the main challenges lie in securing sufficiently high vaccine coverage and being able to respond quickly enough to variants that may evade immunity, say the authors.”

    The ENTIRE edifice of vaccination is and always was for reasons of degenerating.



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      And some references to earlier usage of vaccines.

      Objective investigations into the history of the practice have revealed that there is no science or evidence on which vaccination was originally based.”

      Florence Nightingale noted no contagious spread, she did however note that vaccines caused disease.

      I actually know very little about Gandhi, but he wasn’t a fan, either.

      “Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”
      – Mahatma Gandhi


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        Why the fuck, would anyone believe a concoction of “random” genetic material, GMO, shit derived from like cancer tumour stem cells, with added toxins would be good for them?

        What if mosquitoes actually heal people by sucking out toxins from their blood?


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          I say that because Aedes Egypti is my original vampire wife.


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          Like, does freak out and smear themselves with toxins if they find Aedes Aegypti or African Honeybees?

          But anyway, when you try to kill my undead bitch, I’ll let you know, I domesticated cats to spread toxoplasma gondii. They happen to control things. Like govts.


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            In case you think I’m joking…

            “The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), has been a nuisance species in the United States for centuries.”

            ” During the Spanish-American War, U.S. troops suffered more casualties from yellow fever transmitted by Aedes aegypti than from enemy fire (Tabachnick 1991). ”

            What a reasonable excuse. It’s not that they were in a war, with the purpose of murder, it’s that if they’re not careful, I start pressing nuke buttons.

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            “Walter Reed National Military Medical Center generates the largest number of ongoing clinical research studies within the Department of Defense. It is often referred to as the flagship of DoD clinical research and it is the largest and most diverse biomedical research laboratory in DoD.”

            If you take a look at Walter Reed, you will perhaps find one of my dead enemies.

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    Good link osiris, that article is a keeper.


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    “In other words, this is the Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and immune escape described by brave doctors and scientists who are being blocked by social and mainstream media and ignored by governments and others with sworn duty to protect public health.

    See, that’s wrong. Appeal to institutional authority. No reference to people. What’s a “brave” scientist, doctor, govt? Oh that’s right, you forgot about Jesus telling you about the “builders” who don’t respect the rock.

    You could just be a decent sort of not anti-life qlippothic mammon worshiper with no “credentials” whatsoever, and still get banned, ostracized and such by their “freemason” institutional constructs.


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      I mean, other than the “consensus understanding” of antibodies being equatable with immunity.

      Which is also wrong (in the whatreallymakesyou ill link, that’s also hinted at). Antibodies are signs of degeneracy. They result from toxic shit and such.


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