Hot Dogs, Get your Hot Dogs!
In one of my previous articles I detailed an explanation to the deceptive trickery NASA gets up-to when Hyping Climate Crisis and in particular I pointed out they Con-tricks to mislead people into making wrong decisions.
The link is here so you can see.
I had quite a few comments made to me by people, that I guess should actually know better, but don’t, telling me things like “The graph isn’t misleading” “I have Phd in Physics and I know 100% its not misleading” “And you don’t know what your [sic] talking about.” And so on and so forth.
PHD eh? So I guess you are one of those people who fall into the category of “Prat with a PHD”. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I am going to reframe the entire graph so that even these numbskullish owners of PHD’s can understand. I think everyone will understand it.
So as the starting point here are the two style graphs I referred to.
Graph 1 – Wavelength Display
Honest straightforward graph, on this graph the CO2 absorption liunes (not shown as its in previous article) are around 4 microns and 15 microns not near the peak. Maximum emissions is just under the 10 Mircon wavelength as you can see from the peak.
Now we have the second graph which shows the same data and information, but in a different manner using wavenumber (inverse square centimetres and but this is the one NASA should not be using because you need to be educated in it to understand it. And if your not, and you use this one, you will jump to wrong conclusions and make wrong decisions.
Which is why NASA chooses to use it to hype up hysteria around global warming. Using this graph it looks like CO2 absorption band is near the peak of emissions of Earth, which we already know it isn’t from Graph 1 above.
Graph 2 – Wavenumber 300k
So, because “Prats with PHD’s” don’t understand this obvious point I am going to reframe in a manner that even children could follow.
In a far away land, Numptydom with a capital city Fakerville, a real right plonker found their way onto the ladder of power and became the super powerful dictatorial mayor, wielding supreme power over all official presentation of information.
This evil Mayor nicknamed “Goat-face” for his looks, one day whilst rushing to a busy meeting with some powerful corporate interests bumped into a customer at a hot dog sale stand and got hot dogs, onions and mustard all over his nice clean suit and shirt and suffice to say, he looked a right mess when he turned up at the meeting and he got angry flustered and embarrassed and did not impress the corporate teams at all.
So in his mighty rage swearing revenge on the hot dog stands, he demanded the administrators make things hell by complicating all the official paperwork for hot dog sales people, just to ruin their lives as much as he could for ruining his day like that. (It was his own fault anyway he was rushing and wasn’t looking where he was going, but no matter.)
In the good olden days under honest mayors, the system used to be the hot dog stand owner would buy permits for 2 hour time slots, when they wanted their hot dog stands out and the administrator would show them a straightforward graph of expected hot dog sales against time during the day and they could use this graph to figure out the best time quite easily and then they would buy their permits.
It looked like below.
Graph 3 – Honest Hot Dog Expected Sales Graph
From the above table we can quickly see maximum hot dog sales will be 9.65 am in the morning at just under 10 hot dogs per second from the stands expected.
So a hot dog stand owner would obviously see the best time to buy a permit would be 1 hour either side of the peak at 9.659. Due to official reasons times would be rounded so the best time without performing any calculations would obviously be between 9am to 11am.
This would give expected hot dog profit band of $61.89 per metre square. (As this line and these numbers are exact copies of Blackbody emission, but converted into hot dogs the equivalent from graph 1 would be 9 micron to 11 micron, band radiance of 61.89 Watts per square metre.) Hot dog owners would all battle for the best times and they would all make the most money they could, it would all be above board and straightforward.
But the evil mayor wasn’t having any of that, he wanted to ruin their lives as much as he could without breaking any laws. So the administrators did what he told them and they came up with this graph to show the hot dog stand owners when buying permits.
This graph is in essence the same as graph 2, except it’s not quite as well smoothed, as I used less plot points.
Now do you see the problem the hot dog stand owners have? What time of day is the most profitable time to buy a permit? How do you figure it out from looking at just this graph?
“What the hell is inverse day time Official?” Says one owner. “Oh dear, do you not get the graph? I assure this data is quite normal.” Said in a very condescending manner of course. “Do you want a permit or not, pick a time please.”
“What the hell is sales per inverse square centimetres Official” Says another. “That’s what we here in the department call the hot-doggie number, now pick a time please.”
You can see the problem, how do you figure it out without specialist maths knowledge, you just cant. A normal lay-person would be just guessing.
So, one brave stand owner says “I’ll be taking me 1 hour either side of the peak at that there 588.30 inverse day time please.” “Ok, no problem, here is your permit.”
“Let me see now, oh here we go, it says 16:00 hours to 18:00 hours.” “Well shucks, that’s different.”
And at those times the owner would stand to make $33.44 per square meter (The equivalent band radiance between 16 and 18 microns), which is $28.45 less that what he would have made if he could pick the times better using the peak on graph 3.
And there we go lots of hot dog stand owners all befuddled and “Goat-face” laughing his socks off.
On graph 3 you don’t need any help, you don’t need to do any maths, you can pick it out what would approximately be the best time quickly and easily, on graph 4, you cant.
This is the trick NASA is pulling on everyone, they use the wavenumber graph to make it look like CO2 is at the peak of emission of the Earth, when it is isn’t, to make things look as bad as they can make it look, using exactly the same data.
In short, mis-representing information to portray a deep picture of dark doom of Climate Crisis to the public to mislead them, to make them draw false conclusions they would otherwise not make.
So, the so-called scientists with PHD’s if you didn’t follow that the first time, bet you sure can now. Don’t be one of those “Prats with a PHD.” Just admit it, Climate Crisis is nothing but lies, deliberate misrepresentation and climate clownery. No problem pointing all this out to you, here to help.
Header image: Janata Weekly
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What a load of nonsense. If you cannot explain the science, then hotdogs will not help understanding.
Carbon dioxide is irrelevant, and this is the only issue that needs to be discussed. It absorbs radiation in the form of heat from the surface and it emits radiation in all directions including back to the surface, where the radiation came from. Heat cannot return to the point of origin and cause further heating. It is fundamental hemodynamics.
In addition, thermal mass is important. Air and all its constituents have low density and low specific heat, and it will never contain enough energy to start heating the oceans land masses. CO2 at 0.04% will do nothing to heat the surface even if it reached 1000C.
Geraint Hughes
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Alan, yes thats right CO2 does not induce surface heat warming. I think you missed the whole point, DID YOU EVEN READ IT? You need to think before writing trash.
This article is aimed at all those people that said the NASA graph wasn’t misleading and designed to mislead people. If you read you can see what I am talking about. In the original article it was entirely based on science. I had many people saying NASA wasn’t misleading, so I wrote this second article to show in a manner anyone can understand, to show it is. Hence the hot-dog comparison.