Dubai Makes Artificial Rain With Drones That Shock Clouds

The United Arab Emirates uses drones that fly into clouds and deliver an electric shock to “cajole them” into producing precipitation amid dangerous heat waves regularly surpassing triple digits.

According to Daily Mail, UAE’s National Center of Meteorology (NCM) is flying drones equipped with electric-charge emission instruments that deliver an electric charge to air molecules, which generally encourage precipitation.

NCM has produced “monsoon-like downpours across the country” with drones to deter sweltering 122F heat. Footage shows Dubai battered with torrential rain produced by cloud seeding technology.

The country already uses cloud-seeding technology, such as dropping salt and other chemicals into clouds to stimulate precipitation.

The latest cloud seeding operations via drones is part of a $15 million program that is already producing rain in the country, which ranks one of the top driest in the world.

The country has plenty of clouds, so triggering rainstorms with electrical charges via drones shouldn’t be an issue.

Not every cloud will trigger, but seeding “increases the amount of rain by between five and 70 percent,” Daily Mail said.

Rain triggered through cloud seeding is much cheaper than desalinated water, where about 42 percent of the country’s water originates.

Cloud seeding via drones has enormous potential and shows water can be tapped from the sky. This technology might be helpful to North and South America, where huge megadroughts impact water supplies and damage crops.

The downside to artificial rain in arid climates is that these areas aren’t well-positioned to handle downpours and may result in flash floods.

There’s always a caveat when playing with Mother Nature.

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Comments (8)

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    Hmmm… So when all the ground they reclaimed becomes water-logged and sloughs away, they know who to blame. lunatics.


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    Michael Clarke


    Hmmm, So those clouds that are seeded and produce a downpour were not going to do that elsewhere?
    Is Dubai stealing rain that would otherwise fall elsewhere?


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      Zoe Phin


      They are, but it’s still ingenius. Many places dam up rivers, “stealing” water downstream, so this is not different. Many large cities wouldn’t grow otherwise.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Michael,

      Of course you know the answer to both of your excellent questions is YES!!!

      R. C. Sufcliffe, “Weather and Climate’ (1966).gave a brief general descriptions what all must be considered when humans begin to play with Mother Nature. (pp 169-172). For localized downpours with violent winds etx. are be believed to be result of cloud seeding.

      What seems ignored that downpours are quite limited in AREA and duration. Hence, even the precipitation of a downpour is of a limited quantity of ‘artificial’ liquid water; which given the hot, dry climate of Dubai quickly Evaporates. So for awhile the atmospheric temperature might be a few degrees lower because of the evaporation but in this case the Relative Humidity is uncomfortably more HUMID with its well known problems.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        So you all are experts. Just back up your negatively with science and not bull.


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          Don’t need to be an “expert” to see the obvious, Gary. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of evidence of devastation due to waterlogged land becoming unstable, to support my words at least. Can’t speak for others.


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    K Kaiser


    The North American Weather Modification Council ( ) and its forerunners have been in existence for decades. Much of their actual work, success & failures, are only available to members.
    In other countries, like China, weather modification attempts have been used to suppress dust storms, atmospheric particulates, and related problems For example, the Beijing Weather Modification Office forms a part of China’s nationwide weather control effort, believed to be the world’s largest; it employs 37,000 people nationwide, who seed clouds by firing rockets and shells loaded with silver iodide into them. (,of%20Hebei%20and%20Inner%20Mongolia.%20%5B1%5D%20%5B2%5D%20%5B3%5D ).

    As I view it, these efforts are, by and large, attempts to “rob Peter to pay Paul”.


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    Dave Hunt


    Dane Wiggington weather is a weapon.


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