Is starvation and population reduction next in the globalists playbook?

One finds the practice in ancient Babylon/Mesopotamia 4,000 years ago. In Greece, the cults of Apollo, Demeter, and Rhea-Cybele often controlled the shipment of grain and other food stuffs, through the temples. In Imperial Rome, the control of grain became the basis of the empire.

Rome was the center. Conquered outlying colonies in Gaul, Brittany, Spain, Sicily, Egypt, North Africa, and the Mediterranean littoral had to ship grain to the noble Roman families, as taxes and tribute. Often the grain tax was greater than the land could bear, and areas of North Africa, for instance, were turned into dust bowls.

The evil city-state of Venice took over grain routes, particularly after the Fourth Crusade (1202-04). The main Venetian thirteenth century trading routes had their eastern termini in Constantinople, the ports of the Oltremare (which were the lands of the crusading States), and Alexandria, Egypt.

Goods from these ports were shipped to Venice, and from there made their way up the Po Valley to markets in Lombardy, or over the Alpine passes to the Rhône and into France. Eventually, Venetian trade extended to the Mongol empire in the East.

By the fifteenth century, although Venice was still very much a merchant empire, it had franchised some of its grain and other trade to the powerful Burgundian duchy, whose effective headquarters was Antwerp.

This empire, encompassing parts of France, extended from Amsterdam and Belgium to much of present-day Switzerland. From this Venetian-Lombard-Burgundian nexus, each of the food cartel’s six leading grain companies was either founded, or inherited a substantial part of its operations today.

By the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the British Levant and East India companies had absorbed many of these Venetian operations. In the nineteenth century, the London-based Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange became the world’s leading instrument for contracting for and shipping grain.

Ten to 12 pivotal companies, assisted by another 3 dozen, run the world’s food supply. They are the key components of the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss-American cartel, which is grouped around the 2 families.

Led by the six leading grain companies – this food and raw materials cartel has complete domination over the world’s cereals and grains supplies, from wheat to oats and corn, from barley to sorghum and rye. But it also controls meat, dairy, edible oils and fats, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices.

Each year tens of millions die from the most elementary lack of their daily bread. This is the result of the work of the BAC cartel. And, as the ongoing financial collapse wipes out bloated speculative financial paper, the oligarchy has moved into hoarding, increasing its food and raw materials holdings. It is prepared to apply a tourniquet to food production and export supplies, not only to poor nations, but to advanced sector nations as well.

Today, food warfare is firmly under the control of London and New York. Today’s food companies were created by having had a section of this ancient set of Mesopotamian-Roman-Venetian-British food networks and infrastructure carved out for them.

The oligarchy has built up a single, integrated raw materials cartel, with three divisions – energy, raw materials, and increasingly scarce food supplies.

Figure 1 above represents the situation. At the top are the House of Windsor and Club of Isles. Right below are the principal control instruments of the Rothschilds – the Worldwide Fund for Nature – headed by Prince Phillip – which leads the world in ethnic conflicts and terrorism.

The firms within each cartel group are listed. While they maintain the fiction of being different corporate organizations, in reality this is one interlocking syndicate, with a common purpose and multiple overlapping boards of directors.

The oligarchy owns these cartels, and they are the instruments of power of the oligarchy, accumulated over centuries, for breaking nations’ sovereignty.

Up to the 1940s, the share of international trade in grains was around 10 million tons. This was a substantial amount, but small compared to the levels of trade that would follow.

World War 2 ravaged the globe, creating mass hunger, especially in Eurasia, and what is today the Third World. Under the impetus of American programs such as “Food for Peace “, the worldwide trade in grains shot up to 160 million tons by 1979.

Today, it is 515 million tons per year. In addition, tens of millions of other foodstuffs are traded each year.

It is proper for countries with grain, meat, dairy, and other surpluses to export them. But the cartel’s four exporting regions were given pre-eminence in a brutal manner, while much of the rest of the world was thrust into enforced backwardness.

The 2 families (Rothschilds and Rockefellers) denied these nations seed, fertilizer, water management, electricity, rail transportation, that is, all the infrastructure and capital goods inputs needed to turn them into self-sufficient food producers.

These nations were reduced to the status of vassals: Either import from the cartel’s export regions, or starve.

However, the food cartel also has control internationally. For example, outside of the US, the largest producer of soybeans and soybean products are Argentina and Brazil.

One of the Big Six grain companies, Bunge and Born, settled in Argentina in 1876, and accumulated plantations of hundreds of thousands of acres. In the second half of the twentieth century, it also moved into Brazil. Today, in Brazil and Argentina, Bunge and Born is a major force in soybeans and related products, along with Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, and Continental.

Thus, the grain cartel dominates output everywhere. Further tightening the control are joint ventures, especially in the area of producing new strains of seeds and biotechnology.

Cargill, the world’s largest grain exporter, through its Nutrena division, is also the biggest producer of animal feed and hybrid seed in the world. In 1998, Cargill announced a joint venture with Monsanto, one of the leading farm biotechnology firms.

Also in 1998, Novartis (the new company name for the 1996 merger of Swiss chemical giants CIBA-Geigy and Sandoz) formed a joint venture with Land O’Lakes, and through them, with ADM, for the development of specialty corn hybrids for food and feed markets.

Meanwhile, the food cartel reduced the export regions, which supposedly enjoy favored status, to a state of servitude as well. During the last 4 decades, millions of farmers in the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, India and South Africa, have been wiped out.

This report will document, for the first time, the extent of concentration and control that the raw materials cartel exercises over both the international and domestic trade in food. It will look at the food cartel’s international and domestic control over grain, milk, edible oils and fats, and meat.

This article will provide the names of the key forces in the cartels’ control of the world’s food supply.

The five privately held grain companies were carved out from the centuries-old Mesopotamian-Venetian-Burgundian-Swiss-Amsterdam grain route, which today extends around the world.

The Big Five are Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Born, and André Cargill Company, the world’s largest grain company, is based in the Minneapolis, Minnesota suburb of Minnetonka.

It was founded by Scotsman William Cargill, in Conover, Iowa in 1865, and has been run, since the 1920s, by the billionaire MacMillan family. But the true nexus of Cargill is in Geneva, Switzerland, where Cargill’s international trading arm, Tradax, Inc., is headquartered, having been established there in 1956.

Archer Daniels Midland’s purchase of Töpfer, a Hamburg, Germany-based Grain Company, vastly increased ADM’s presence in the world grain trade. Töpfer’s trade is situated within the old Venice-Swiss-Amsterdam-Paris routes, and it has extensive business partnerships with the British Crown jewel, the Rothschild Bank.

The manner in which the grain cartel companies operate is highly secretive. All but ADM-Töpfer are private companies.

Profiles & Histories

Here are the strategic profiles of some of the key companies that constitute the food sector of the BAC cartel. The British have a far greater degree of control in the food business, due to its predecessor’s involvement, dating back centuries.

Allied with various other European families and companies, the totality of the European food companies, the British companies effectively exert control over most of the European giants.

This is due to the fact that the Rothschilds have based themselves in London, since 1795, and from this base, managed to dominate European business and finance.

The US has come to the party late. But, since 1945, under Rockefeller patronage, the American companies have made great strides in the field of food. That is why the title “British-American Cartel,” or BAC, for short.

The profiles confirm that through multiple forms of concentration, these companies dominate grain, dairy, meat, and other food production, and the processing and distribution system of food, all the way to the supermarket.

Very little food moves on the face of the earth without the food cartel having a hand in it.


Cargill raises 700,000 pigs, 14 million turkeys, and 500 million broiler chickens. In the US, it owns 440 barges, 16 towboats, 3 huge vessels that sail the Great Lakes, 22 ocean-going ships, 3,000 railroad hopper cars, and 3,500 tank cars.

Cargill and its subsidiaries operate 900 plants globally. It has 500 US offices, 300 foreign offices. It operates in 60 countries.

Shortly after the American Civil War, William Cargill, a Scottish immigrant sea merchant, bought his first grain elevator in Iowa. In 1870, with his brother Sam, William Cargill bought grain elevators all along the Southern Minnesota Railroad, at a time when Minnesota was becoming an important shipping route.

But Cargill’s biggest break came when he bought elevators which went west along the line of James J Hill’s Great Railroad Northern. Hiss was the business partner of Ned Harriman (father of Averell Harriman, and a front for William Rockefeller – brother of John D). Through a rebate system, and other arrangements, Hill’s rail line builds the Cargill operation.

Twice during the 20th century, the Cargill firm nearly went under, and between 1909 and 1917, Cargill hovered on the brink of bankruptcy. The founder’s daughter married John Macmillan.

William Rockefeller rescued the firm and designated Macmillan and his family to come in and reorganize Cargill. This was the period in which the Macmillan family started running Cargill.

Following the 1929 stock market crash, and ensuing Great Depression, Cargill nearly went bankrupt, but, this time was again rescued by the Rockefellers Chase Manhattan Bank. Chase sent its officer John Peterson to help run Cargill, and soon headed the firm.

Since then, the Rockefellers Chase bank has a stake in Cargill. With Rockefeller backing, Cargill began to expand.

Cargill has been repeatedly cited for “blending” – adding foreign matter to its grain. For example, an export contract may allow for 8% of the grain volume that a company is exporting to be foreign matter.

If Cargill’s grain load is only 6% foreign matter, it will mix in dirt and gravel. A Cargill supervisor said, in July 1982, “ If we’ve got a real clean load, we will make sure we hold it until we can mix it with something dirtier. Otherwise, we’d be throwing away money.”

Cargill has expanded into every major crop and livestock on earth, in over 60 countries. It has also expanded into coal, steel (becoming America’s 7th largest steel producer), waste disposals and metals.

Today, Cargill runs one of the 10 largest commodity brokerage firms in the US, trading on the Chicago and world markets. In 1995, Cargill bought the US business of Continental Grain. The combined Cargill and Macmillan families own 100% of the company’s stock, with a combined net worth of some $15 billion.

Continental Grain

It is the second largest grain trader in the world. The combined Cargill-Continental nexus accounts for some 50-60 percent of the world’s export share.

Continental processes and markets beef, pork, poultry, seafood, along with animal feeds and wheat flour. The company transports nearly 95 million tons of grains, oilseeds, rice, cotton, and energy products annually, an amount that exceeds the annual production of almost every country in the world. Continental owns a fleet of towboats and 500 river barges.

It owns over 1500 hopper cars. It has offices and plants in 50 countries, on 6 continents.

Simon Fribourg founded the business as a commodity-trading company in Belgium, in 1813. Fifty years later, the Fribourg family went into milling, building mills in Luxembourg and Belgium, especially Antwerp, which, with its deep harbors and connections to the Rhine River, transported Fribourg flour and wheat to and from the rest of Europe.

By 1914, the heirs moved operations to London, to capitalize on the ability to trade grain internationally. In 1920, the headquarters moved to Paris.

Then, in the 1920s, the company opened offices in the US. During the Depression of the 1930s, the Continental Company made out like bandits.

The then head of the family, Jules, instructed his New York agent to buy Midwest grain elevators, which were at depressed prices, with the instructions, “Don’t bother to look at them –just buy them.” When the Nazi army invaded France in June 1940, the Fribourgs fled to America.

In 1969, the Fribourgs, working with the Cargill company, and through an agent of the grain cartel in the US Dept of Agriculture, Clarence Palmby, helped destroy the American merchant fleet, by convincing President Nixon that the “50-50” provision, by which half of all American grain exports had to be carried on American vessels, should be abolished, in order to land a large Russian grain order.

Almost all of the grain went on Russian-bottom boats. Various favors paid off, for, in 1973, the Russians rewarded Continental by making an unprecedented purchase from the company of 6 million tons of grain and soybeans.

In 1976, Continental was fined $500,000 for short-weighting ships. In the late 1970s, when Congo, or Zaire, which was very poor, was unable to pay its bills, Continental cut off food shipments to that starving nation.

In the 1970s, Continental became the first grain company to sell grain to China. The company is headed by Paul Fribourg. The Fribourg family own 100 percent of the company, and the family is worth some $4 billion.

This is taken from a very long article. Read the rest here:

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    Wait and see what we do to them!


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    Please use higher res infographics or clickable so they can be read full size. Why even have pics with text only ants can read?


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    Well, whatever the playbook is, it sure doesn’t include healthy living, expanding populations, better and more food, better and improved medical care, the right to choose what goes into your body or not, freedom of choice, freedom from spying, personal privacy, non-censorship of opposing and critical and questioning views, etc, etc…

    What’s left? Destruction of the human race so that the few arrogant elite can survive. Of course, after 6-7 billion people have been murdered by the globalists, it is only right and fitting that they will die off too! These remaining anti-humans will be the people who hate life, hate each other and hate themselves. Bye, bye!


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    Thumbs up.


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