How a Royal Tragedy Echoes Today’s Fake Pandemic

Dr Royal Rife: Unjustly dismissed as a fraud, the genius whose device ‘ended all diseases’ is now winning wide acclaim as a pioneer of microscopy. His demise at the hands of Big Pharma is echoed today in the malevolence of Dr Anthony Fauci and elitist eugenicists who destroy any threat to their pre-eminence.

American inventor of the Universal Microscope, Royal Rife was systematically ridiculed, undermined, deplatformed and shunned because his work threatened the status quo of Big Pharma. His story is a salutary reminder that corrupt politicians and corporate interests connive to serve themselves – not We, the People.

We can draw parallels from then and now in light of the COVID19 pandemic fraud; that too often allopathic medicine serves not as the friend of humanity, but rather the evil servant of a corrupt, money-grabbing, psychopathic elite.

This is the story of how a potential cure for cancers was hobbled at birth because Big Pharma hated cures, because cures meant fewer long-term customers and reduced profits.

On November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation’s most respected medical authorities honoured Dr. Rife with a banquet they named “The End To All Diseases.” Rife’s dear friend and supporter, the politically influential Dr. Milbank Johnson was the host of the banquet.

That same year, Popular Science magazine told Americans nationwide about Royal Rife and his treatments. Physicians came from all across the U.S. to observe his work and verify his findings. In 1934, the University of California funded a research project that brought 16 terminally ill patients from the Pasadena County Hospital to Rife’s lab in San Diego for treatments. After 90 days of treatment with Rife’s machine, 14 patients were completely cured, and within the next 4 weeks the two other patients followed, completely cancer-free.

But Rife died penniless and scorned. His accolades hollow testimony to the promise of a lone shining star snuffed out by lesser men bent on distorting science and suppressing truth for their own wicked ends.

What happened to Rife has stark parallels to what is being done today to not just one or two brave pioneers exposing medical fraud during the pandemic, but to tens of thousands of honest doctors and scientists willing to put service to humanity before greed and vanity.

If Dr Anthony Fauci, powerful director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical advisor to the president, is today’s architect of fooling the world into believing COVID19 is a ‘deadly virus’ then you will witness similar villainy in his 1930’s counterpart, Morris Fishbein (photo, below).

Morris Fishbein was recruited in 1913 by George Simmons to work at the office of the American Medical Association (AMA) and in 1930’s America he rose in public consciousness to be the equivalent in sage medical pronouncements as today’s Dr Fauci.

Fishbein, like Fauci, backed by a compliant, obsequious media, became so powerful a figure in medicine that he, too, was also able to railroad a scientifically illiterate public into believing his dressed up spin.

Thanks to Fishbein, for over 70 years biased mainstream media platforms have discredited Royal Rife’s contribution to the world of virology and medicine. But modern virology has recently become unstuck in fake claims and counter claims about what we know and don’t know about coronaviruses.

With lies of omission on the role of our immune system and the unadmitted limitations of virology and electron microscopy exposed, the door to alternative therapies begins to open up once more and we may look with fresh eyes at unsung innovators like Royal Rife.

It is not lost on this author that the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who died suspiciously just before the COVID19 pandemic, also spoke vociferously against the subversion of science to corporate greed. It is sadly a recurrent historical fact that inconvenient truthers are mercilessly silenced so that evil may prosper.

If only Mullis had survived one more year. What an advocate for real science he would have proven to be against the COVID testing fraud. For we know, before his death, PCR Inventor Kary Mullis Talks About Anthony Fauci

“he doesn’t know anything really about anything.”

Mullis won the Nobel Prize for his work and during Rife’s time his scientific discoveries were widely praised in various well-regarded newspapers such as the LA Times and San Diego Tribune. In fact, Royal Rife was seen by contemporaries as the pioneer of bioelectric medicine. Like Kary Mullis he brought a wave of optimism but with it a threat to the status quo.

Once a point of no return is reached the fate of both these pioneers was sealed – Mullis branded a heretic for claiming AIDS wasn’t a real disease, and Rife vilified by the Establishment as a snake oil salesman.

Indeed, there is far more to this story than meets the eye and reveals how vested interests have historically sought to subvert scientific innovations. While we cannot (yet) lay any crimes at Dr Anthony Fauci’s door we can sound the alarm that his career is ominously similar to that of Fishbein’s.

Fishbein became head of the AMA in 1934 and despite being the head of the AMA, had never practised medicine. Like Dr Fauci, he was a front man and behind the scenes deal maker. Fishbein spent his career denouncing alternative medicine, chiropractors and alternative healers at every turn.

In contrast to Fishbein, Rife was a ‘hands on’ scientist and had attended Johns Hopkins University to study medicine and then changed his focus to bacteriology.  During a spell at Heidelberg University, Germany Rife developed the Atlas of Parasites for the University and worked with Zeiss Optics in the research, design, and production of fine microscopes.

In 1920, Dr. Rife built the first virus microscope and by 1933 he had improved the technology and introduced to the world the Universal Microscope which had almost 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal size.

While Rife’s contributions to science are positive Morris Fishbein is increasingly regarded as a gatekeeper to truth, a controversial man who wielded unending power in the service of upholding the status quo of Big Medicine. As Dr Fauci serves billionaire, Bill Gates Morris Fishbein likewise prostituted himself to the rich.

Fishbein was challenged in court for anti-trust violations in 1938, and lost a libel case in 1949. He was censured by the Fitzgerald Commission in 1953 for his role in more than a dozen promising cancer treatments eradicated by organized medicine.

Rife was praised internationally in the 1930’s for his work. As tells us:

“Rife became a hometown hero in San Diego. On November 3, 1929, the San Diego Union reported on the progress of Dr. Rife’s work. His microscope brought him great praise and credit. These were minor achievements though, because his microscope and all of his discoveries regarding viruses were just leading into his ultimate invention, the Rife machine.

Sworn affidavits and medical experts testified to the complete remission of the “hopeless” cases within four to six weeks. Every person treated by Rife’s Frequency Machine was cured with no adverse effects.

In 1939, Rife was formally invited to address the Royal Society of Medicine in London, England, which had recently verified his findings. He was also invited to speak in Germany and France. “

Along with the Universal Microscope, Dr. Rife also invented the heterodyning ultraviolet microscope, a micro-dissector, and a micromanipulator and due to his work, he received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg.

Rife’s Universal Microscope versus Modern Electron Microscopes

Unlike all other microscopes then and now, Rife’s Universal Microscope allowed real time, actual observations of living samples, much like a movie. By contrast, the Electron Microscope first kills the specimen and only provided still images.

Rife not only was able to view active viruses, which could not be observed using previous existing technology, but he also could see them change their form in response to their environment and even transform normal cells into tumor cells – something that was not even imaginable in the 1930’s.

So, how was Rife able to achieve this, in an age when electronics and medicine were still just evolving?

What Rife did that was unique was to painstakingly identify the individual spectroscopic signature of each microbe, using a slit spectroscope attachment. Thereafter, he would slowly rotate block quartz prisms to focus light of a single wavelength upon the microorganism to be examined.  This wavelength was selected because it resonated with the spectroscopic signature frequency of the microbe based on the now-established fact that every molecule oscillates at its own distinct frequency. See:

According to Dr Rife:

“… used monochromatic light that caused the organism to fluoresce and allowed him to identify the virus through monitoring the color it refracted. For instance, one of the viruses Dr. Rife isolated he called the Bacillus X (BX) virus, which gave off a distinctive purple-red emanation. Some of the headlines that were generated due to his findings included “Local Man Bares Wonders of Germ Life” and “San Diegan’s Super-Microscope Gives First View of Filtered Bacteria.””  [ ]

But Rife’s rise signaled a retaliation from Big Pharma and the American Medical Association (AMA) led by Morris Fishbein. These enemies of science made it their business to take down the unwelcome upstart threatening their customer base.

One tactic Fishbein used to discredit Rife was to urge critics to focus criticism on the fact that at times it would take 20 hours or so for Rife’s microscope to focus the virus. Impatience and cynicism caused some physicians to abandon trying to see the virus. Also, the fact that the virus was being observed ‘alive’ meant it was often changing form and harder to distinguish. As such, critics would play up on doubts and suspicion.

But Rife was undeterred and interest in his innovation grew. This annoyed Fishbein and more drastic methods to stop Rife ensued.

According to

“Documents, research, photographs and films all began to go missing from Rife’s San Diego lab.”

The big blow came when someone had vandalized Rife’s virus microscopes.

In 1939, a laboratory in New Jersey that was repeating Rife’s work had burned down while the scientist running the program was visiting Rife in San Diego. The fire came just as the scientists were preparing to announce confirmation of Rife’s work.

At this point, Rife had set up a Ray Beam Corporation with partners Philip Hoyland and Ben Cullen. They produced the machines and sold them to doctors so they could begin treating patients in their practices.

The same year in 1939, agents of a family that controlled the pharmaceutical drug industry assisted Rife’s partner, Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his two other partners in the corporation. Fishbein himself bribed Hoyland with $10 000 to file a lawsuit against Rife in order to obtain the company and to include Fishbein’s agent on the board of directors, while excluding Rife. (Ten grand during the Great Depression was quite the sum of money.)

Rife countersued and won the same year.

Nonetheless, the trial worked. The company was bankrupt by the legal expenses. Due to the Great Depression, this meant that all commercial production of Rife’s frequency instruments were ceased completely.”

In a stark parallel to the shenanigans of the covid19 pandemic a slew of deaths ensued of anyone positively associated with Rife (regular readers of Principia Scientific International will be aware of the suspicions we had over the unexpected death of the inventor of the PCR test, Dr Kary Mullis, right before the outbreak of the 2020 pandemic).


COVIDgate: Awfully suspicious that biocehmist Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test died on August 7, 2019.

Dr. Couche and Dr. Milbank were the only ones that didn’t give up Rife’s work or sell out to Big Pharma. Milbank said he would gladly give it all to cure cancer.

In 1944, just as he was about to make a public announcement about Rife’s device, Milbank died a rapid death of food poisoning. In late 1950’s and early 60’s, two federal inspectors examined Milbank’s hospital records and concluded that he was likely poisoned.

Rife’s Legacy Re-emerges in the Wake of the Fake COVID19 Pandemic

Virology is now in a quandary due to failure of modern medicine to isolate and replicate a ‘gold standard’ for COVID19. A Big Lie which was originally exposed by Dr Rife in the 1930’s and buried by the self-serving AMA and Morris Fishbein (forerunner of today’s Dr Anthony Fauci?).

Almost one hundred years ago the “Rife Machine” – a device that delivers low energy electromagnetic frequency to the body with the intent of bettering the individual’s health –  was set to change the course medicine until Big Pharma’s evil hand intervened.

Today, we must learn the lessons the Rife story tells us and not allow rich, self-serving corporate greed to steal from humanity the amazing gifts of such benign maverick geniuses.

Rife had initially developed his device based on the work of an American Physician, Dr. Albert Abrams. In essence, Dr. Rife believed that all organisms have their own, unique electromagnetic signature or frequency, a concept that fits better with today’s level of scientific understanding in an age where the Electric Universe is set to be the new paradigm as grave flaws in Einsteinian Physics become more widely recognised.

Rife was a true pioneer and the first scientists to show that microorganisms were particularly sensitive to their own specific “bio-frequencies” and that they could be destroyed by bombarding them with this frequency.  It is akin to our less savoury modern military application – Directed Electromagnetic Weapons (DEW).

Study: Electromagnetism (Including 5G) Disrupts Human Immune System

Principia Scientific International (PSI) has published much on this threat and the dangers of 5G. This is technology so profound to life that it can be used for good or evil and we must all understand that there are evil forces hard at work aiming to both hide these facts from us and to use them against us rather than apply them for the benefit of humanity.

Major New Study Reveals Health Threats Of 5G

Notwithstanding that such technology can be devastating in the hands of the most evil in society, let us end on the positive note that Rife’s device can be a boon to modern medicine.

If it is tuned to the frequency of the microorganism, only the pathogen would be affected, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. Records indicate that Dr. Rife was able to discover the frequency of 24 microorganisms, which included herpes, polio, pneumonia, syphilis, influenza, and typhoid.  All these diseases could, in theory be eradicated.

Tiny viruses are among the hardest organisms to detect and examine. Over 75 percent of the organisms Rife seen under the Universal Microscope are only visible with ultra-violet light, which is outside the range of human vision and ‘invisible’ to us.

Royal Rife’s genius was in overcoming this limitation by heterodyning, a technique which became popular in early radio broadcasting.  His Universal Microscope illuminated a virus or bacteria with two different wavelengths of the same ultraviolet light frequency which resonated with the spectral signature of the microbe.

These two wavelengths produced interference where they merged. This interference was, in effect, a third, longer wave which fell into the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.  This was how Dr. Rife made invisible microbes visible without killing them, a feat which today’s electron microscopes still cannot duplicate.

Rife is a hero to science and medicine and his trials and tribulations versus Big Pharma and Morris Fishbein are echoed today in the war on humanity waged by grass roots doctors and innovators fighting to save lives and expose the malign practices Big Pharma. Morris Fishbein and Anthony Fauci will both be consigned to the trashcan of history while Royal Rife and his modern acolytes will take their rightful places as servants to the Greater Good.

Did the above comment condemn Nobel laureate Mullis to an untimely end?

Fishbein is long beyond the reach of justice, but Fauci isn’t. We urge readers to examine ‘The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier‘ to learn more about his misdeeds so that a final twist in the story of Big Pharma’s corruption of science may yet come to pass.


About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (8)

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    Brian James


    Great article. Jun 2, 2021 5G Workshop Q and A European Parliament by Environmental Health Trust

    Full Video of the December 5G Workshop Q and A European Parliament.


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    Mark Tapley


    The allopathic fraud began with insider con man Pasteur who is universally praised for discovering the germ theory of medicine. Only problem was that it was all a fraud. His diary reveals he never succeeded in transmitting a single pathogen from one host to another. He just spiked the tissue sample with poisons, usually arsenic or mercury.

    The Rockefeller’s (Levinson) saw huge potential in the germ theory as a way to create big Pharma drugs and treatment along with utilizing the fraudulent vaccine scam to rake In huge profits while further conditioning then herd in their vulnerability to invading pathogens. Rockefeller Foundation Director Simon and brother Abraham were able to get all medical schools into the allopathic orbit while defunding everyone else. The CDC was also a Rockefeller creation that carries on the same allopathic dogma.

    All of this was made even worse when in 1980 congress passed the Bayh Dole Act that allowed individuals and groups (CDC big Pharma) to patent drugs and vaccines using tax payer money. This opened the door to multi billion dollar profits and soon after this law went into effect, AIDS was invented (and exposed as a fraud by PCR inventor Mullis). since then several fake viruses have been contrived accompanied by disabling and deadly vaccines to where we are today with the biggest medical fraud of all time. An imaginary virus built on a campaign of fear.


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    Tom O


    This really is thought provoking. I wonder if the “spike protein” has a unique frequency even though it isn’t a microbe. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to pull the dying back from the precipice?


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    Fascinating that every organism has its own biofrequency. This is entirely logical. I did not know about Rife’s research.

    Every object – living or dead – has one, or more, resonant frequencies. If a forcing frequency is applied to this object, near or at this resonant frequency, the object will vibrate uncontrollably, and can be forced to rupture.

    When cv19 first emerged in early 2019, I misguidedly wrote to the Gates Foundation – thinking that philanthropist Bill – would be interested in saving mankind. (I am a serial inventor, designer). I outlined the concept and proposed this as a means to reduce sarcov2 virus in a closed environment. I never even received an acknowledgment of my mail – not even a ‘received by…’

    At that point I had no real idea of the eugenist monster that I’d attempted to engage. Lesson learned.


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    Big Pharma & Co treated Dr Stainslaw Burzynski in a similar manner. Burzynski invented a cure for cancer using his Antineoplastons treatment. They tried to destroy him but failed. Still, the FDA refused to authorise his treatment despite finally acknowledging it worked.

    The problem really is Big Pharma & Co. who are not interested in Healthcare. Their business is 100% into Sickcare.


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    A marvelous article. It provides further support to the fact that big parma is exceptionally corrupt and that most of today’s medical system is a fraud designed not to provide health or save lives, but for profit only. Pharma still hates any cure that threatens their mafia empire.


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    Hannah Horton


    Brilliant article john


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