Navy Hits ‘Target’ off Cape Canaveral with Nuclear Torpedo

It is extremely likely that the US Navy fired a Mark 45 torpedo with a 10 kiloton W34 nuclear warhead on June 19th at a target deemed “hostile” 105 miles off the Florida coast, curiously adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center.

Conventional explosives to create this kind of blast would cost upwards of $800 million, a bit high for a “shock test.”  One might also add that this is the last place on earth someone would hold such a test, which would normally occur in the Pacific.

There is always a remote possibility the Navy is telling the truth.  If so, we will soon see a seismograph reading that will be a “soft hump” rather than a double-spike.  The clock is ticking…

As for speculation, the first place we go is Russia and China and a response to either or both “planting” their flag offshore in one of the most sensitive regions involving potential US military deployments in space.

Would the US have used a nuclear torpedo as a show of strength?  There are a couple of answers:

  • Yes, it is all we have in our arsenal, nuclear torpedoes and nuclear depth charges, we have no large conventional explosive devices used in naval warfare
  • Yes, chances are something was doing something very wrong for this kind of response

We are all sitting on the UFO aspect, the reports of underground bases in the Pacific or of UFO’s that disappear into the water like the video above or other occasions like October 1973 off Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda, Michigan. (still classified)

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Comments (12)

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    Mark Tapley


    Yeah, more nukes like the pretend nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Read Akio Nakatani’s “Death Object”, The Nuclear Weapons Hoax. Besides the Navy already has plenty of fake weapons systems designed to line the pockets of the insiders and fleece the goyim. The main Naval objective now appears to be to enlist as many LGBTQ’s as possible.


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    Is there a single thing you do believe?


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    Some have said. The level of technology today is far beyond what you actually get to see. There has been said that they have tech able to launch a torpedo at speed above the sound barrier under water. If that’s actually possible there is NO counter defence to that. You ain’t going to see that one coming. No steel dome or lasers to stop that. Water refraction! Nuke a coast. Irradiated water evaporates and rains down onto the land. Crops die. Animals die. It’s a shit show.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Phil,
      Since the speed of sound is about 4 times as fast in salt water than it is in air and salt water is about 1000 times the density of air, I don’t see how it is possible for a torpedo to travel that fast in water.


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        Herb, I am pretty sure sound travels a lot fast in seawater than that, depending upon temperature, salinity and depth. For example, at 20C, 3.5% salinity, (average seawater) sound travels at 1,470.37 m/s at a depth of 500m and slightly faster near the surface. You can use this calculator to find out ( ). This is most certainly more than 4 times faster than in air. When I went through diving school we were told that in general you could figure about 25x’s fast than in air (roughly).


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Squidly,
          I believe you. When I looked up the speed of light in air I thought it said 383m/s. Since the speed of sound increases with the density of the medium it is traveling in, I would think that at greater depths it would travel faster than at the surface.
          Tough to get a torpedo to go faster through greater resistance like sound does.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Phil:
    Pay more attention to what they do than what they say. Nuclear weapons are another hoax. Thats why no country has used them since the fake atomic attack on Japan where it was all conventional explosives and napalm. One of the most highly touted (and expensive) systems, the Patriot missiles had a 100% failure rate. Except when it comes to laundering the taxpayers money into the insiders pockets in another phony War for Israel. Then its 100% success.


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      I worked for a company that supplied a small part of the Patriot system to the Yanks, and I was one of three who visited a testing facility somwehere by Detroit in 1989, and I can tell you from first-hand experience, the Patriots had a 92% kill rate after the PAC2 upgrade.


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      You’re nuts!!! .. My father worked for 35yrs where they refined plutonium, some of it specifically for nuclear weapons. My cousin has worked for more than 30 years on missile silo’s throughout the great plains. And finally, I spent a time working for the DOD at the NSWC, where I have seen, with my very own eyes, tactical nuclear weapons. You’re FOS! .. Your statements on this just lost you any credibility with me moving forward. I can’t even fathom the level of stupidity in your statements.


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        mark Tapley


        Hello Squidly:
        Thousands of people have been employed in the phony defense industries such as the Manhattan Project as well as the NASA money laundering programs including Apollo and the shuttle scam. That proves nothing. Even the Israelis who tracked the Patriot boondoggle missiles verified not one of them hit a scud. I refer you to the book by Akio Nakatoni on the fake nuclear weapons as well as “The Nuclear Hoax” by Servando Gonzalez who exposes the fake “:Cuban Missile crisis” during the queer puppet actor JFK ad.

        The Hegelian dialectic thesis antithesis of contrived wars requires massive regimentation of the population and resources in order for it to be successful. I recommend you study the work by Anthony Sutton of the incredible and unremitting aid furnished to the Soviets (Bolshevik Jews) just to keep them propped up for 70 years. Also the massive Wall St. assistance in order to get Germany ready for another round. You have been scammed.


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          I don’t remember the last time I came across someone as filled with hate and paranoia as you.


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    They could be more productive aiming for the DC Swamp.


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