An Australian Teachers’ Guide To Indoctrinating The Young
The national primary-school English teachers’ association has launched a climate propaganda blitz on the 5- to 14-years-olds placed in their care.
The teachers’ just-released manual spruiks intermittent wind and solar and demands an end to coal-fired electricity and fossil fuels.
As notes to the manual say:
Chapter 9 is a call for action. Without students taking personal action to mitigate climate change, there is no point to this book.”(P4)
It’s an error-ridden 174-page blueprint that quarantines kids from any acknowledgment that costly wind and solar farms must be backed up by 24-7 baseload power.
The blueprint would have kids chanting North Korean-style “an Earth-focused school or class ‘anthem’ at assemblies. (This) is a great way to build emotional attachment to the planet” (P154). The authors suggest such lyrics as:
Earth is getting warmer, oceans rising higher
Storms are growing stronger, floods and fire
We know about the dangers, know there must be changes
The future is in our hands
The blueprint is called Teaching the language of climate change science and is issued by the Primary English Teaching Association of Australia (PETAA) for its 3,500 members and teachers generally.
One author is Julie Hayes, retired principal of Cowandilla Primary School, SA, which has been “a Climate Change Focus School” for the past 20 years. The co-author is Dr. Bronwyn Parkin, a literacy-linguistics specialist at Adelaide University. Both are listed as PETAA directors.
The indoctrination was poorly vetted by a 20-person academic panel. Its only card-carrying climate scientist was Professor Chris Turney of UNSW.[1] Turney’s wife, Annette, a tutor and Ph.D. student at Wollongong University, was a co-panelist, which seems a bit in-group.[2]
Turney is famous for leading the “ship of fools” expedition to the Antarctic in 2013 to spruik global warming there. The ship got stuck in the ice that wasn’t supposed to be there and the climate scientists and joy-riders had to be extricated by a series of rescue vessels at huge expense and disruption to real science down there.
The authors excuse their simplified claims on the ground that kids are too young for hard science.
But they are happy to indoctrinate kids with nonsense about climate-caused starving polar bears (see below), the (non) warming and (non) melting Antarctic,[3] the (non) drowning Pacific Islands, and (not) worse droughts and (not) worse tornados.
The book even includes earthquakes on the roll-call of warming-caused extreme weather! (P103).
The authors’ view is that training pre-schoolers as climate activists is a little premature, but they can at least be taught that climate scientists are beyond reproach. And kids can be softened up for the coming indoctrination in primary school (P155):
Action at the Preschool level: The book doesn’t suggest developing a class action plan for young children. Instead, at this influential stage, educators have the opportunity to model care for the environment, conservation of resources and respect for the work of scientists.
Spheres of influence: In the middle and upper years of primary school, the spheres of influence widen … Older students can influence others in the school, from younger students, to staff and the governing council. They can also involve parents and family in their actions. The highest year levels extend their spheres of influence to the wider community, to local shopping centres and the local council.
By Years 4-6, kids are trained to write persuasive texts to parents/carers against using petrol, a paradox in light of parents’ chauffeuring kids to and from schools creates ghastly morning and afternoon traffic jams. (p154, 160).
“Teachers’ involvement and enthusiasm signals to students that acting on climate change is important and that we are all in this together.” (P159).
Other supplied book notes re 9- to 10-year-olds:
Parents become an important audience for students as they begin to take on the scientific mantle, with growing attachment to the scientific community.
It’s another question whether parents, including power-station workers and coal miners, appreciate lectures from their teacher-indoctrinated sub-Greta offspring.
For kids 11-12yo notes say,
They begin communication with students in other parts of the world who are also advocating for the Earth.
I wonder, who are those? Greta’s acolytes or Extinction Rebellion teens?
At years 7-8,
They can take leadership roles in their school, working with students, staff and governing council to audit and reduce energy use … They may advocate for and support changes from peers, the local community, local businesses and the local council. Their voices can be shared with our political leaders. (P115)
The book provides a template letter for 13- to 14-year-olds to pester and wedge their school principals, the notional “Ms Ashwin”:
We are worried about the future and how climate change is going to impact on our lives. We see documentaries and news items [especially on the ABC – TT] that paint a bleak picture of Australia in the coming decades. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed. Instead we are determined to use Greta Thunberg as our inspiration and get together with other students to do things that really make a difference. Could we please make an appointment to speak with you about our ideas? Your support is important to us…(P166).
Presumably, they will ape Greta and decamp on school strikes.
These same kids are to write “pro-renewable tracts, make videos, write songs, report at assemblies, create works of art or engage in discussion with decision makers”. (P161).
This includes inviting local, state, or federal politicians to explain their energy policies, after which students and teachers combine to write “a follow-up letter with recommendations to the politicians” – and doubtless chiding them for any wrongthink. (P162).
While the authors are careful not to name their favored political party, only hard-line Greens politicians and the likes of Extinction Rebellion could ever make a favorable impression on PETAA-led classes.
The book’s big theme is warming causing “extreme weather”, which kids are to be harangued about from age 7. (P33-34).
The authors then write curious material like (P43), “When the weather forecast is extreme, the teacher can introduce that word to students, ‘Today we are having extreme weather.’”
Teachers are to rally the class with extra water bottles and dog bowls, by shading the vege patch, watering the plants, and promoting suitable clothing. This has been commonsense since the first settlement, if not Neolithic times, but kids are now warned that CO2 emissions are the real culprit.
The authors hew to this line despite the IPCC’s 2013 report (fine print sections) playing down climate-change attribution to weather disasters.
Taking the most obvious aspect – heatwaves – the IPCC said mildly, referring to the US, “Medium confidence: increases in more regions than decreases, but the 1930s [dust bowl] dominates longer-term trends in the USA.”[4]
The manual’s theoretical underpinning is cited as Canadian professor Maria Ojala on “hopeful transgressive learning”.
Consulting that study, one finds among the academic gobbledegook that “transgressive” means exactly what it says.
“People can transgress or disrupt deeply held and taken-for-granted norms, norms that are at the roots of oppression and unsustainability, by acting in surprising, creative and boundary-crossing ways.”
Climate hope, Ojala quotes, requires a “disruption of the stubborn neoliberal worldview that we live in the best of societies, a society that furthermore has no alternative and thereby can’t be changed.”[5].
PETAA author Julie Hayes claims to have “closely followed the science of climate change since the mid-1990s”. The booklet’s fruits include pages of yet-more nonsense about polar bear peril from climate change, disseminated by the activist group Polar Bears International.
Even the International Union for Conservation of Nature put the bears’ population in 2015 at 22,000 to 31,000 when warmists earlier had forecast them expiring from lack of ice to prowl en route to their prey. (A bear perched on an ice floe was poster-boy for Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth).[6]
The book harps to kids that human-caused global warming is responsible for worse drought and bushfire intensity. The CSIRO, grilled in Parliament by Senator Matt Canavan, admitted 18 months ago that “No studies explicitly attributing the Australian increase in fire weather to climate change have been performed at this time.”
Even warmist icon Professor Andy Pitman has agreed there is no link between climate change and drought.[7] The PETAA authors actually score an own-goal, recommending to kids a series of weather-disaster books by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley (fun reading, kids!).
The book Drought subverts PETAA’s narrative by saying, “There is no malice in a drought. It is perhaps the way the Australian bush prunes itself down to the toughest and hardiest, recycling nutrients for new growth.”
Although there is material on the needs of plants (P34-35), in the entire tract there is no mention that CO2 is a life-giving gas for plants, let alone that it is greening the planet.
I noticed only one mention of China, and certainly not its vastly increasing emissions nullifying all costly cuts of the West. This single fact illustrates why the complex, heavily politicized, and uncertain field of climate science is inappropriate for small kids’ classrooms.
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Herb Roser
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When I was in college the dumbest students were in the college of education because they could not maintain the grades for any other major. It appears that the dumbest of the dumb become the leaders and are telling the others what to teach.
Mark Tapley
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This article shows why one of the ten planks of Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) communists (Zionist) manifesto is public (indoctrination centers) education. They also push the LGBTQ agenda, evolution theory nonsense and are now pushing Critical race theory right out of the Frankfort (all Jew) school. Jewmerica spends far more per capita on “education” than any other country and is consistently at the bottom of the barrel in educational performance.
The present system in this country began with socialist Thomas Mann and was picked up by “father of American Ed.” Rockefeller flunky John Dewey who said that the purpose of the school system should be to mold students to be cogs in the socialist system. The elite desire every material advantage for their own children while wasting tax money on dumbed down curriculums and Zionist propaganda for every one else.
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More anti-semitic crap.
Francois Stallbom
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The truth always hurts
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb, Mark, Andy and PSI Readers,
Galileo (in translated English) is said to have stated: “I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.”
While I at times seriously disagree with some Herb’s and Mark’s ideas, Andy with his brief comment seems to strongly disagree with Galileo.
Einstein is said to have stated: “The only source of knowledge is experience.”
I have much personal experience in the USA public educational system as a student and as a teacher during the period when nearly all education in the USA eventually went south. For once USA educated students were at the top of the international barrel.
Mark was correct when he wrote: “[The USA] spends far more per capita on “education” than any other country and is consistently at the bottom of the barrel in educational performance.” Mark was correct when he wrote: “John Dewey … said that the purpose of the school system should be to mold students to be cogs in the socialist system.” Actually, John Dewey WROTE it in his book which I have read from cover to cover. And I never found that he ever STATED that our schools should educate the student; instead he clearly STATED that our schools should SOCIALIZE the student.
And Herb was absolute correct when he wrote: “When I was in college the dumbest students were in the college of education because they could not maintain the grades for any other major. It appears that the dumbest of the dumb become the leaders and are telling the others what to teach.” While I do not know if Herb ever read ‘Education’s Smoking Gun: How Teachers Colleges Have Destroyed Education In America.’ by Reginald Damerell (1985), Herb’s comment is a brief generalization of the theme of Damerell’s book.
Have a good day, Jerry
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I’m struggling to see any connection between what I wrote and any disagreement with Galileo, what are you referring to?
Jerry Krause
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Hi Andy,
Almost missed your question: “I’m struggling to see any connection between what I wrote and any disagreement with Galileo, what are you referring to?”
While you are correct about about Mark frequently writes which is ‘negative, ignorant, hate speech’, you seem to totally dismiss the positive information which he brings to PSI Readers attentions which Galileo claims he does not miss.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
The decline of education, Christian culture and moral character is no accident. Jefferson said that “only a moral and enlightened people can govern themselves ” As we have descended from a Republic of Sovereign States to a European “democracy” on our way to a global socialist tyranny, the destruction of learning has been a key factor. The best way to change society is to change the people and the Zionist run education, “entertainment” and media have known this for a long time.
I suppose you are familiar with Charlotte Iserbyt’s “Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.” John Gotto in his “The Underground History of Amer. Education” is very good. The military has tested general literacy and educational skills for a long time, and since WW2 they have fallen precipitously. The middle class has always been the biggest problem for the elite in this country. Now it has been mostly eviscerated by the efforts of the fiat banking cartel in conjunction with the government. The demoralization and destabilization of society is far advanced as evidenced by the brazen initiatives from 911, the bailout for billionaires program of 08-09 and again now with the “stimulus” for the banking cartel’s buddies on Wall St. again, under cover of the fake virus. The great mass of people also do not see elephant in the distance. If we do not reverse the Club of Rome’s (Maurice Strong – Rockefeller, 1968) climate change agenda the game will be over. This is the old “Technocracy movement” in a new Sustainable Development Initiative U.N. banker “green energy scam package rolled out in Agenda 2030-21. Here PSI regular Dr. Vernon Coleman exposes the plan:
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
Have you ever been a teacher???
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
I was never a teacher but my mother taught high school English for over 30 years until 1971. She endured two years of the governments forced integration and bussing that was supposed to raise the educational level of the negroes. Naturally this unconstitutional social engineering lowered education levels for all students while destroying the neighborhood schools and parental involvement . Of course that was the plan all along.
Fabian Socialist Society founding member and friend of the Royal Family, Bertrand Russel experimented with school systems and declared that if they could get the children for eight hours per day they could indoctrinate them away from the parents influences,. Lenin said it only required four hours.
Best Regards, Mark
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark and PSI Readers,
PSI Readers because there is lots of good information in this brief comment of Mark. Because I am ignorant about many things, I have to ask him how the attempt to level the playing field for the BLACKS was “unconstitutional social engineering”?
I ask this because I do not understand how it was unconstitutional. Now ask I write this I see how it might be considered unconstitutional for education was a responsibility of the states and not of the federal government. And if one looks to the states one finds that education had been left to the local governments (school districts). Except, the financial resources of the local school districts NATURALLY varied widely. But from the beginning, I believe but don’t know, that the founders of the USA believed everybody deserved an elementary education which taught READING, WRITING, and ARITHMETIC. Which made this NEW NATION different from many European nations.
Mark is regularly claiming so much being done voluntarily by the citizens of the USA for valid reasons is being controlled by a few people. And that is true because only a few people are elected to govern this from the local level, to the state level, to the national level. But as I have written and Mark has just written; things began to change drastically in the 1970s. What I have not read is there was a war (which was not a war) going on in the 60s and 70s in which the USA was involved.
For the world is populated with good people and evil people and evil people try to control good people anyway they (the evil people) can. And this is no conspiracy driven by the people whom Mark claims control nearly everything that is occurring in OUR WORLD.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Twain said “we are all ignorant; just about different things.” As you stated, under our original constitution no education authority was granted to the federal government. Or much of anything else. It’s power was strictly limited by the Bill of Rights. The 10th amendment stating:
“The powers not delegated to the United States (Federal gov.) by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Article IV states that it is the responsibility of the federal gov. to provide defense to the states from invasion. The founders did not envision a situation in which the federal government would declare war against its own citizens who had voted to legally succeed. After the deaths of 620,000 Americans in order to maintain the unconstitutional tariffs for Lincoln and the radical Rep. New England power base, states rights were destroyed and big crony socialism was installed. In order for the south to get out from under martial law they were forced to ratify the unconstitutional 14th Amed. which establishes federal power over the individual. This corruption along with the mischaracterization of the general welfare clause has laid the ground work for huge federal over reach of which the Marxist education system is just a part.
I refrain from using the term “Blacks” because it is a Marxist term used by the early race baiters such as W.E..B. DeBois and Obamas real father Frank Martial Davis (see video Dreams of My REAL Father). The so called “civill rights” mov. was run by the Zionist Jews using their back proxy warriors as is the case today with ANTFA and Soros (Gyorgy Schwartz) with his three negro women as fronts.
History is replete with conspiracies. The difference today is that never before the advent of what I refer to as the Zionists has it ever been on a global scale. There is much evidence to determine this going back over a hundred years but the fact that all the countries had their fake PCR tests ordered back in 2018 shows advance planning and coordination. Thats just one example of many. I refer you to the video posted by PSI by Brendon D. Murphy. It is as FDR said:
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
911 is another example that was planned for 30 years right down to the ten million dollar short sales three days before the event. To understand the massive level of planning, coordination and cunning this syndicate is capable of, going back over a hundred years I recommend the heavily foot noted book by historian Jerry Docherty “Hidden History, The Secret origins of The First World War.” It is hard for many people to conceive of entrenched evil. But it is here. Most people just go about their business and expect that is the way everyone else is. There are evil people that are carring on the agenda set before they were born. The Anglo Zionists in the book I referred to all realized their plans would not be achieved in their life time. But now it is very close. I will close by stating that the election process is controlled at the higher levels. I won’t go into detail here but as an example, both Trump (ck out all of his top donors) and self proclaimed Zionist Biden are just puppet actors. The fake election and the ridiculous staged riot at the capitol are further examples. The Zionists control both the fake Rep. and the Fake Dem. parties at the top. It is as Clinton’s history Prof. stated:
Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.
Best regards, Mark
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
You seem to forget it is the Constitution of the United States and many of the founders fought a WAR to gain FREEDOM from a King who was not giving them liberty. And yes to form a more perfect union this people who fought for this liberty knew it was hypocritical to allow humans to be slaves (personal property like their livestock). So, Lincoln, an elected president, had the courage to try to put the end to the hypocrisy of slavery.
My Great Grandfather brought his family from northern Germany to the United States in about 1862 (which I believe I remember was the time of the Civil War). I have no knowledge why he did this. What I know is my Grandfather, immediately after marrying a Germany lady, moved from Wisconsin to eastern South Dakota to homestead 160 acres of free land in 1982 A land where there were no trees and the cold north winter wind blew FREE.
Now, a very interesting fact was that my Father was on a troop ship to fight the Germans when WWI was called off. He told of two jobs he had when he got there. One was to guard German prisoners. The other was place the bodies of solders of the United State, who had gone to help defend England and the other good people of Europe, in coffins for shipment back to the United States, which had had a War of their own, to free slaves and to remain UNITED.
One has to have the courage to fight EVIL if one is to be a GOOD PERSON. No one is perfect but Adam and Eve disobeyed the CREATOR GOD and they, and all humans who followed, know the difference between GOOD AND EVIL. So no one has an excuse if he/she choses EVIL. But I must have the courage to quote: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Lincoln was careful not to bring up slavery until later in the war because he knew that no one in the north would fight to free the slaves. In fact the great majority of northerners cared nothing about the negroes, slave or free as long as they were not in the north. Most of the slaves lived in communities on large plantations and were much better off than the northern factory workers. Lee had large numbers of them in his Army of Northern Virginia. Most did not fight but some did. They are even depicted on the murial of the Arlington Cemetery (land that was stolen from the Lee family).
Less than 5% of southerners had slaves. Many of the men in Lee’s Army had never seen a colored person. Do you think they fought for slavery? There were more free negroes in many parts of the south at this time such as New Orleans than slaves and many that were slaves were so only in. the nominal sense. George Washington is a good example. He owned extensive properties. In the nine years of the revolution he only returned home on three occasions for about three days at a time. During this time, his estate was run by a slave husband (called king George) and wife team. In the south 14,000 negroes themselves owned slaves and at one time the biggest slave owner in the Charleston area (a large agricultural region) was a black man and former slave.
More northern generals owned slaves than southern ones, including the war criminals Grant and Sherman. Lee would have nothing to do with it. His wife did inherit her fathers slaves but Lee got rid of them as soon as possible. As I mentioned lots of slaves went into Pennsylvania with Lee and were asked by lots of northerners why they did not run off, to which they answered that they were treated better in the south. This was the case, for the only thing the negroes were free to do in practically any area of the north was leave. In many areas of the north they were either burned out, beaten or thrown in prison. The great cavalry general N. Bedford Forrest had an elite force of 46 cavalry troops, all slaves from his plantation. All of them except one stayed until the end of the war.
The war was instigated by the north because the New England industrialists and manufactures did not want an independent and free trade south competing with them, They also knew western expansion was coming and were afraid trade would go up the Mississippi and leave them highlands dry. Private letters of Lincoln’s Sec of State and of War express the desire to damage the southern economy. When you examine the minutes of the northern Committee for the Conduct of the War, it is clear that had it been necessary to to kill every man, woman and child in the south in order to keep the money, the power and the territory they would have. When checking the northern news papers of the day during the time leading up to the war, slavery was never an issue other than the desire to keep the negroes out of the north. The issue was trade. In fact New York City even threatened to secede because it was a big trade partner with the south. The sodomite and murderer Lincoln shut down ap. 300 newspapers and threw ap. 15,000 people in prison. with no due process for opposing the war. The south even offered to end slavery in 1864 but Lincoln was not interested in that one way nor another.
The Atlantic slave trade was all controlled out of New England (almost all Jews). Slaves were purchased from the Africans (with rum another Jew controlled business) and sold to the British controlled Caribbean sugar cane industry. A very brutal environment.. Since early on, very few slaves went to the south since the population. grew on its own. It’s just like he said in his first inaugural address. Slavery transport was technically ended in 1809 but this law was never enforced. Only two ships were stopped in 50 years. Really the New England slave trade continued until WW2 with the ivory trade that was also run from two towns in N.E. When someone asked the explorer and missionary Livingston about this ivory trade slavery, he replied that he did not like to talk about it because it was so terrible.
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”
Have a peaceful and blessed Holliday,