Sir Antony Fisher – from law breaker to knighthood!
Anyone can break some crazy law, clever people can change such a law, however it takes a genius to abolish a crazy law; and leave behind a lasting benefit. Sir Antony Fisher falls into the category of genius and a modest one at that.
His reputation as a World War II flying ace is well known.
Witnessing his brother, a fellow flying ace, shot down during the Battle of Britain, ejecting from his cockpit with a blazing parachute to fall to his death, left a lasting image on Antony’s mind and contributed to his strength of character.
His success, as an economic reformer, came from taking F.A. Hayek’s advice not to go into politics but instead, “make some money and start a Think Tank to change public opinion”.
By taking Hayek’s advice, Fisher created the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), leading onto the creation of the 500-member Atlas Network of Economic Think Tanks, spanning the globe.
All that may be well known too. However, not so well known, is Fisher’s initial risky steps leading to a dramatic change in Britain’s eating habits. Upon receiving Hayek’s advice, Fisher researched some possible business propositions that might get him started.
After travelling abroad Fisher wondered why chicken, a luxury in Britain, was an inexpensive daily item for Americans? Fisher discovered, “that the Americans had produced a strain of chicken with a high conversion rate of feed into meat. Compared to the scrawny, but expensive farmyard fowls of home, the plump White Rock chicken matured quickly and produced meat of a consistent quality.” U.K. legislation outlawed the importation of both birds and eggs into Britain, thus condemning the British to eating expensive scrawny chickens for the rest of their lives.
This situation was unacceptable to Fisher who disguised 24 fertilised White Rock eggs as Easter eggs by wrapping them in silver paper and bringing them into the country in his hand luggage. These eggs, when hatched, would be the key to the transformation of agriculture and eating habits in Britain.
By May 1953, Fisher had 2,500 chickens and by August, 24,000. By 1964, Fisher was producing 500,000 birds a week and became Europe’s biggest chicken farmer, giving him the “substance” to launch the Institute of Economic Affairs.
Subsequently, Fisher brushed with the bureaucratic Egg Board by producing eggs that exceeded the imposed quality standards, and with the assistance of the IEA, managed to have the anachronistic Egg Board abolished completely.
Meanwhile, Australia looked on, continuing its own Onion Board, Egg Board and, the recently abolished, Potato Board, in the belief that there was some merit in such “closed cartels”.
The merits were only in favour of the selected few who were receiving the concentrated benefits, and the costs of maintaining such boards were spread over many millions of ignorant consumers.
Interesting to reflect that our State Potato Board was only abolished recently and our equivalent to Antony Fisher is our very own Tony Galati who took the bureaucrats on, and by continually breaking the law and ridiculing the Board’s performance, managed to have it abolished. I understand that the Potato Board members may still be receiving fees as the Board conveniently had its term extended only weeks before its abolition.
We all have much to thank Sir Antony Fisher for, and one might say that his effort on behalf of economic freedom was “not bad for a chicken farmer“.
Milton Friedman, a friend, and neighbour of Fisher’s, commented on Fisher’s achievements, “Atlas’s coverage of the world on behalf of liberty is truly remarkable.”
So, let us celebrate with a toast to Sir Antony Fisher!
Further reading on Sir Antony Fisher: –
- One of the most inspirational stories that I have ever read –
- My early 1977 recollections of Antony Fisher – ‘The Educational Method’
Header image: Toronto Public Library
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Robert Beatty
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Congratulations on getting your first? Mannerism posted at PSI. Hope we see many more.
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Forgive my intrusion in this.
Fisher brothers did not seem to fulfill the definition of “Flying Aces.” “Further, Antony received his AFC for his innovation in pilot training.
Also, the smuggling of some North American biologicals into Europe may have created a 20th century equivalent of phylloxera plague, which well meaning UK botanists brought about eggzactly a century before then; luckily it didn’t…
Cheers, JaKo
Jerry Krause
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Hi JaKo,
I read: “His success, as an economic reformer, came from taking F.A. Hayek’s advice not to go into politics but instead, “make some money and start a Think Tank to change public opinion”.
By taking Hayek’s advice, Fisher created the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), leading onto the creation of the 500-member Atlas Network of Economic Think Tanks, spanning the globe.”
And at the end of the article, Ron notes: “Milton Friedman, a friend, and neighbour of Fisher’s, commented on Fisher’s achievements, “Atlas’s coverage of the world on behalf of liberty is truly remarkable.” ” Here LIBERTY seems to be influencing (changing) PULBIC OPINION for one’s financial gain.
Where are you Mark (forget your last name)??? Clearly, no possibly imagined conspiracy theory here. As the strategy is clearly stated and it is termed liberty.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Never heard of any of this but it seems to be another one of those fake MSM propaganda stories. The two brothers parachuting in the war. We have seen a lot of this with the fake Kennedy stories of the PT boat in the Pacific and the the case where the other Kennedy was killed where he failed to get clear of the old bomber they were aiming at the German Submarine base across the channel. We see the same thing in the glamorized George Bush incident where he abandoned his crew in the Navies well positioned placement of him against the totally out gunned Japanese.
I suspect that the chicken story chronicled here is another one of those fake stories. during the time in question the chicken industry in the U.S. was undergoing rapid mechanization and development started by a woman (can’t remember her name) in attempt to begin automating the industry. At this same time breeding programs were developing faster growing birds with more breast meat. Britain was just another market.
I expect (((Fisher))) was from one of the “families” to begin with. At any rate I don’t have the goods on him as I have presented in the incontrovertible NASA money laundering scams of Apollo, and the Challenge hoax in which I posted the photos of all of the ass tronauts (ex. one) found and exposed ap. 30 years later.
Mark Tapley
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Throughout history there have always been those who who are able to use the power of government to make society work for them. We see this in all types of industries. The most insidious and damaging of course is the private banking banking cartel made up up the world’s too big to fail banks. The quote by the elite’s financial guru and Zionist pervert John M. Keynes describes their mission:
By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act is another example where the power of gov. was brought in to keep out competition. The Rockefeller’s (Levinson) were in partnership with the Rothschilds that controlled the railroads in Jewmerica, so they got a sweetheart deal on the most critical aspect of petroleum in the early days, that being transportation. despite this advantage, competition was encroaching anyway so the government had to be brought in. to save the oil cartel. This is all laid out in John Moody’s (of the Moody’s Bond rating Co.) book “The truth About the Trusts.”
The purpose of the tobacco lawsuits is the same thing. The states and the lawyers got a big payoff and the tobacco co’s got a guaranteed monopoly under the guise of consumer protection.
Now the allopathic medical monopoly must also be included. Started by the Rockefeller’s with the introduction of a series of blood toxin injections accompanied by deadly medical malpractice and hyped by the controlled MSM (papers) the 1918 flu and the founding by the Rockefeller’s of the CDC assured the formation of big Pharma and the vaccination racket. The virus scam began after the passage of the Bayhe Dole Act in 1980, launching the phony AIDS hoax and leading to the transparently ridiculous covid of today.
The Club of Rome’s “Green Energy” climate change fraud is another part of the syndicate’s plan for total control of all the world’s land, capital and resources. This is all laid out in the U.N. bankers Sustainable Development Initiative Agenda 2030-21. In the total monopoly of Neo feudal technocracy all the goyim will just be livestock on the Zionist elite’s global plantation.