New Dinosaur Fossils Indicate Some Lived in the Arctic

Adding a fascinating insight into our understanding of dinosaurs, researchers say that a slew of fossils found in Alaska seemingly indicate that some of the creatures had lived in the Arctic.

The revelatory remains reportedly consist of hundreds of tiny teeth and bones which once belonged to dinosaurs that were either poised to hatch from their eggs or had just recently been born.

Recovered over the course of a decade from the Prince Creek Formation in Alaska, the nature of the fossils left researchers stunned as they would appear to upend the previously held belief that the creatures had only passed through the region and, instead, suggest that they actually resided there.

โ€œGiven long incubation periods, small hatching sizes, and the short Arctic summer,โ€ paleontologist Gregory Erickson explained, โ€œit is very unlikely the dinosaurs were migrating.โ€ Remarkably, scientists studying the fossils identified seven different species among the remains, including the famed tyrannosaur.

Based on the dating of the rocks where the fossils were found, it believed that the creatures called the area their home around 70 million years ago. Although the climate of the region was not quite as harsh as it is today, conditions in the location at the time were unlike the environment one usually imagines when picturing dinosaurs roaming the Earth.

To that end, researchers note that the area would have been subjected to a staggering four months of continuous darkness during the winter season and the average daily temperature would have been around 43 degrees Fahrenheit (six degrees Centigrade).

In a paper outlining the findings of the study, the team that unearthed and examined the fossils observed that โ€œthe dinosaurs, if winter residents, endured freezing winter conditions with occasional snowfall.โ€

How the presumably cold-blooded creatures could have survived such conditions is up for debate, but the researchers theorized that some may have hibernated while others could have relied on feathers for warmth.

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Thanks to Nancy Ryan

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Comments (14)

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    Mark Tapley


    I have brought out on this site before during paleontology article discussions that dinosaur bones and tropical plant remains have been found in the arctic. This has been known for many decades. The idea that these reptiles could survive minus 50 degree temperatures or even below freezing is ridiculous. Can a Komodo lizard live in the arctic?

    When God made the earth until the time of the flood of Noah, the earth was tropical everywhere. Genesis 2:6 tells us:
    but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
    This is why everyone thought Noah was crazy when he told them the rain was coming., People lived much longer then, as Mathusala is reported to have been 969 years old. In Genesis 6:3 God limits manโ€™s age.
    โ€œAnd the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.โ€
    The longest lived person to be verified is still the woman in France at 121. One of the Patriarchs (canโ€™t remember which one) said that he would not would live for a long time as had his ancestors. Scientists are puzzled by the fossils of the huge winged reptiles that they would not be able to fly in todays atmosphere. But just like the dinosaur bones in the arctic shows, the world was totally different then.


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      The Earth was considerably warmer during the reign of the dinosaurs. The arctic temperatures they would have encountered are mentioned in the article.


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        Mark Tapley


        The statements in this article are asinine. I have mentioned these findings in the arctic before. The article states that the โ€œregion was not quite as harsh as today.โ€ I donโ€™t know what they base this statement on. Climatologists often state that there was a great ice age in which a giant sheet of ice extended all the way into what is now Illinois. At any rate it is obvious that no dinosaurs would be able to survive anything close to those conditions. No mention is made of the tropical plant remains that have been found. I guess they grew feathers too. To suggest that reptiles grew feathers just shows how paleontology works. About like the virologists with their fake viruses.


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          You obviously know more about paleontology than those whose job it is.


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            Burns Matkin


            Thatโ€™s not hard, even kids know that mammoths eat 400 lbs of browse per day and that isnโ€™t found anywhere in the north in historical records.
            Having a reptile, even with endothermic heat in minus 50 is just plain stupid.
            Hereโ€™s the punch for the woke Archeologists.
            1. The earthโ€™s climate has always been this way and man with his CO2 is disrupting that.
            2. Force feeding some evolutionary garbage on humans is par for the course. Example is feathers on dinos or the fake fossil by Nat. Geographic
            3.Somebody has to give jobs to losers from loser colleges that tell stories that a 12 year old canโ€™t believe.
            I suppose you believe everything the Govt. throws at you?

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mark,

      Very good! Andy doesnโ€™t seem to believe the TRUTH of the Holy Bible but is seems he believes every word that anyone, who CLAIMS to be a SCIENTIST and maybe is not, writes.

      I believe that Genesis 1:9-13 should not be ignored. โ€œAnd God said, โ€œlet the water under the sky be gathered in one place, and let dry ground appear. And it was so. God called the dry ground โ€œland,โ€ and the gathered waters he called โ€œseas.โ€ And God saw that is was good. Then God said, โ€œLet the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.โ€ And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morningโ€“the third day.โ€ (NIV)

      Nor should we ignore Genesis 1:26. โ€œThen God said, โ€œLet us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.โ€ (NIV).


      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Mark Tapley


        Thanks Jerry:
        As is evident on your climate discussions, there are some scientists who are pursuing science and some who are pursuing a pre determined agenda. Professional credentials and key positions are often used to push agendas that cannot stand on their own merit. The Club of Romeโ€™s climate change and the Rockefeller CDC big Pharma fake virus are critical examples. Evolution has always been a tool to debase mankind from a creation in the image of God and his glorious plan to just a higher level ape to be managed in the technocratic NWO.
        Best regards, Mark


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        Youโ€™re right Jerry, I do not believe in the โ€˜truthโ€™ in the Bible no. That is my choice, and it is not for you, or anyone else, to criticise that choice, as I do not criticise yours. I believe in science, and I would rather believe what paleontologists say over people commenting on a website.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello STEVYN:
    Lots of supposition here using hundred of millions of years. If the earth had gotten onto just a tiny bit more of an elliptical orbit (just 1%) that would tend to create more ice accumulation. There are other factors involved over this supposed time that are not considered. We know that the sun is burning itโ€™s self out at a constant rate. If the earth were anywhere are old as claimed it would have been roasted by a much more intense sun millions of years ago. The moon is moving away from the earth in itโ€™s rotation at a constant rate. This indicates a young earth. The earths magnetic field is deteriorating at a constant rate and in a few thousand years will be gone. All meteorites that have been found are near the surface indicating a young earth and the salt content of the oceans would be much greater if the earth were lots older.


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    I think the problem here is with the make-believe global scorch scare (aka โ€œclimate changeโ€) โ€” is it really so hard to imagine a tranquil climate on Earth, CO2 at triple of todayโ€™s โ€” completely irrelevant, while the โ€œaverageโ€ temperature sits at 22C and the only creatures of mammal lineup are some kind of rodents-like, hunting insects at night (getting smart in the process;-)
    I wish we could get back to that climate condition, well, save for those huge, rather unfriendly creatures and, of course โ€” no Gates Foundation! Would that be The Heaven?
    Cheers, JaKo


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    Horses lived in Alaska and that was about 12 000 years ago. It was obviously warm enough to provide daily sustenance for a herbivore who needs to eat 2% of his bodyweight daily ; a 500kg horse requires at a minimum 10kg daily of roughage particularly in colder weather.
    I thought we had jettisoned the idea that dinosaurs were cold blooded.?


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello chris:
      When the area that is the arctic today was under tropical conditions before the flood it supported lots of animal life as evidenced by the fossil record. Dinosaurs were not warm blooded as is evident because they have no turbinates in their nose like all mammals have in order to prevent the expelling of water vapor. Some of the dinosaurs were incredibly large. It is doubtful that a warm blooded land animal of this size would be able to dissipate enough heat in a warm climate necessary to grow the vast amount of grass needed for the ones that grazed and therefore to sustain the carnivores.


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    Marvelous. No wonder dinosaurs survived in the Arctic regions. No doubt, they were smarter than man. They didnโ€™t need governments and big pharma to thrive for 175 million years.


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