Inventor of mRNA Vaccines Asks Inconvenient Question
Trust the science: The phrase has echoed across the world throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a supposed safeguard against questioning what mainstream “science” feeds us — or even injects into us.
But as controversial as it seems, basement-dwelling, tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists aren’t the only ones acknowledging that something could go wrong with mRNA vaccines — some of the first vaccines authorized for distribution and COVID-19 prevention in the U.S.
This time Dr. Robert Malone — the inventor of mRNA vaccines — is considering the idea himself.
“What happens to confidence in public health and USG if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have [significant] safety issues?” he asked in a tweet on Saturday. “This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.”
In a separate tweet, Malone went further.
“Regarding post-COVID genetic vaccine syndromes. I know they happen, do not know how severe or frequent,” he wrote. “I argue for data transparency from @CDCGlobal @CDCgov and #QALY based risk/benefit assessment. Data. Science-based Medicine. Honesty. Transparency. Bioethics. Not conspiracy.”
Malone isn’t the only person to question just how safe mRNA vaccines are and to argue for transparency on the issue, but, as the man who pioneered mRNA science, it’s safe to say his arguments pack a punch.
First, there’s the question every person should ask before being jabbed — what are mRNA vaccines?
These kinds of immunizations work differently than the traditional vaccines with which we’ve become familiar over the years.
“Instead of introducing the body to an inactivated or weakened version of a virus or a piece of it,” as previous generations of vaccines have done, “they temporarily turn the body’s cells into tiny vaccine-making factories,” Bloomberg reported. “They do this using synthesized versions of something called messenger RNA, a molecule that normally carries genetic coding from a cell’s DNA to its protein-making machinery.”
The first two COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use — one from Moderna and the other from Pfizer/BioNTech — were produced by this “experimental” science, according to the report.
Since the concept is so new, however, individuals reserve the right to be wary.
After all, this technology is now inside people.
But Malone’s wariness coincides with the development of a “traditional” vaccine introduced by the U.S.-based company Novavax that’s now being labeled the “Coronavax.”
According to TrialSite News, this traditional vaccine “demonstrated 100% protection against moderate and severe disease” and “90.4 percent overall efficacy,” keeping this “Coronavax” competitive with mRNA-based vaccines and superior to the Adenovirus-based Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Malone labeled Novavax’s development a “‘traditional’ vaccine for those wary of the gene vaccines (mRNA, adenovirus vectored)” in a third tweet.
Malone first developed mRNA vaccines at the Salk Institute in 1988, according to his webpage. Still, 33 years later, it appears evidence of their safety is nowhere near exhaustive — especially considering this technology is now so widespread and advocated at every turn.
An evidence review from the Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-Based Practice at the University of Pennsylvania stated in December that “no large trials of any mRNA vaccine have been completed yet” and that “direct evidence on the comparative safety of mRNA vaccines and other vaccines is lacking.”
The evidence review also stated that “the only evidence on safety of mRNA vaccines comes from small phase I and phase II trials of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, with follow-up typically less than two months” and that “larger trials” of the vaccine were in progress, expected to yield results in mid-2021.
Of course, this review was published just as COVID-19 vaccines first became accessible to the public — but let’s digest that for a moment.
With so little insight into mRNA vaccines at the time their distribution began, shouldn’t scientists have been wary of advocating for the widespread use of this new technology so soon?
Malone seems to think so.
Even without advocating for or against the administration of mRNA COVID vaccines — or any COVID vaccine, for that matter — scientists should be open to all possibilities and should ensure that their “consumers” are aware of these possibilities as well.
Questions like Malone’s have led Big Tech companies to slap free-thinkers with “medical misinformation” warnings and, along with them, a threat to ban these users from their platforms altogether.
Asking questions about this new technology is obviously highly discouraged.
And we can safely assume why.
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I do not see how it can be claimed that “larger trials” are in progress to assess long term risks. This can only be done if the placebo group still exists and I suspect that most of them have now been vaccinated.
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Hi PSI readers.
mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on ‘Tucker’ after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks
Mark Tapley
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Its been 33 years since this mRNA crap was developed and there are still no reliable human test results available. Much less the industry standard double blind placebo test. Does that tell you something? It is just as microbiologist and autism whistleblower Dr. Andrew Wakefield said. It is a technology that is flawed and is too dangerous to be used on humans. That is why it has not been tested.
The whole issue of vaccines is a fraud. The notion that a toxic tissue sample of foreign proteins containing monkey kidney or aborted fetal or bovine substrate mixed with nano particles and neurotoxic aluminum is going to impart immunity is ridiculous. Vaccines have never worked as is shown by the public records demonstrated in Suzanne Humphries MD book “Dissolving Illusions” where she proves that all the so called :”infectious disease” were practically eliminated by proper diet and sanitation before the vaccine scam was started.
The CDC was founded by the Rockefeller’s who created the manmade 1918 “pandemic.” The vaccine scam is just another part of the allopathic big Pharma deception to rake in billions while debilitating the herd as they are conditioned to fear an invisible and imaginary pathogen.
Tom O
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This is really intriguing. The creator of the PCR process said the process wasn’t suitable for testing. He died, and they used it for testing.
The creator of the mRNA process now questions what they have done with his process. How soon will he, too, have a heart attack? And youtube takes down his video as misinformation?
It really leaves no doubt that the “can’t be isolated virus” was just a set up to “spike” people with the spike bioweapon, probably developed under Fauci’s gain of function research. I wonder what the kill rate for these spike jabs will be, and how many of those that survive it from the start end up being dementia victims – thus a drain on societal resources, since the spike appears to attack brain cells best – though it also appears to attack any and every organ.
We obviously can’t NOT provide these people with spike dementia with the support they need, which is why I said a drain. That will be funds that can’t be used to uplift the economy, assuming there is any children being born, that is, to need a future economy.
Everything considered, it certainly appears that those of European heritage are definitely in the cross hairs of the powers that be for whatever reason, judging by all of the “anti-white” movement in society. Who do we stand in the way of taking over the world? Are they of this world or from off planet?
And no, I am not implying that “peoples of color” aren’t equally vulnerable to the spike – they appear to be more so. I am alluding to the fact that most of the industrially developed world was driven by Europeans, world wide.
Nor am I implying that this comes out of Asia – after all they didn’t develop the mRNA injections. But “some group” developed the spike and introduced it as if it was part of “the virus” and have used the deadly jabs as the first line of defense, and that initial push for the shots was in the the western industrial countries, and is spreading out like a cancer. Makes me wonder if some GAIA cult isn’t trying to rid her of the parasite known as Man.
And you can can the white supremacist comments that this comment will draw – we are ALL God’s children, and in both His and my eyes, there are no differences between those children other than some are born males and the rest are born female, though there are a few that are born with both capabilities.
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Tom 0,
I don’t see any controversy in your statements above, maybe except “parasite known as Man”. — the same controversy as with the first step on the Moon…
There are at least three “explanations” of why:
(a) if all industrialized countries are gone, the less so will “adjust” their populations in accordance with sustainability fairly quickly, wouldn’t you agree?
(b) considering which countries are the most “vaccinated” now, there may be another two “options:”
(i) the vaccinated weak will be gone first, but the strong ones will need a “booster-shot” = whether an antidote with a legal protocol attached or an “individual will” suppressing agent (same result, but more Sci-Fi).
(ii) a real bio-weapon will be released then and only those who agree to conditions of “booster shot” will survive. Again, a guarantied tyranny.
There may be a myriad of combinations, but there surely are logical limits to those.
Anyway, those are the obvious options as much as a person with limited knowledge can see, as I do not contemplate on the “unknown unknowns.”
Nobody knows what lays ahead, but it is obvious, that Nuremberg #2 will not happen — as the covidian bunch did not lose the war!
Cheers, JaKo
Mark Tapley
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Hi Tom O:
Recently PSI posted an excellent video by Brendon D. Murphy that showed how the current fake virus had been. planned for well over a decade. I have posted the 2014 video of reporter Harry Vox in which he exposed the coming fake virus documented in the Rockefeller papers of 2010. Reporter Jon Rappaport has followed this medical scam from it’s launch with the AIDS fraud. The fake virus and the phony climate change narrative are both major initiatives of the Zionist syndicate. They also use the hate crime, anti semite, anti western culture Frankfurt School propaganda pushed by the MSM, academics, “entertainment” and corporate world and with key political puppet actors controlled by the over a hundred Jew money organizations of which the ADL (B’nai B’rith) and aIPAC are just the most visible. It will continue to get worse unless and until enough people recognize the real source of the problem and throw the Zionist politicians out, boycott all corporations that support this agenda and turn off the totally controlled mainstream media.
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Long term trials? They are injecting the placebo groups from the original trials stating that they don’t want to keep such a marvelous life saving injection from anyone. They are systematically destroying the placebo group. We are supposedly in the 3rd phase of trials that should last into 2023.
By then, most of the placebo group will be wrecked, and this of course is by design. How else to force an unproven, untested injection unto billions of lab rats (humans) while altering its contents yearly and without any trials for the altered injections? Usually, the trial period for regular new vaccines is on average 7-10 years, not 4-6 months.
This is an entirely new technology , still very experimental, and pharma is demanding it be given to the entire world’s population…at risk or not. Something is definitely not right with this. Millions of people are not dying from CoV-2 and this is not an extreme pandemic where we have no choice.
Shame on Malone for creating this monstrous therapy and then allowing it to be unleashed upon the public without proper and long term trials and testing. Now he is questioning its safety and efficacy? This guy is a BUM. Not to be trusted as is any pharma company.
Ann Yuill
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From the article –
‘Malone labeled Novavax’s development a “‘traditional’ vaccine for those wary of the gene vaccines (mRNA, adenovirus vectored)” in a third tweet.’
Could someone please explain how a ‘traditional vaccine’ can be made if the virus has not been isolated? Thank you