Spike protein is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology. Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.

Spike proteins are very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic. Clip from DarkHorse podcast. Full livestream now CENSORED on YouTube. Odysee for backup: https://odysee.com/@BretWeinstein:f/h…


Steve’s paper on COVID vaccine reactions: https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-… Steve’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/stkirsch COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund: https://www.treatearly.org

/team/steve… Dr. Malone’s website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/mrna-vacci… Robert’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rwmalonemd Robert’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/

RWMaloneMD Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/bretweinstein https://twitter.com/BretWeinstein

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Comments (7)

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    I studied history in college, and – if there’s one lesson of history – it’s that neither government nor the scientific community have ever done anything bad to anyone; both have a perfect track record. So, if you mistrust either, you’re a nut job who probably reads principia-scientific.

    As you should know from history, the government is always kind, wise, and benevolent while scientists are always motivated by the science & nothing but the science.

    Thinking for one’s self, therefore, is always a idea because you are not as kind, wise and benevolent as government & because you might have petty, irrational motives – unlike scientists.

    If it weren’t for scientists, we’d have died from COVID. Or climate change. Or web neutrality. It’s all bad & it’s all going to kill us unless we give unlimited power to government. And scientists. Or best yet government scientists, who have an even better more perfect track record.

    Once you realize these facts, you’ll be ready for your jab. I, for one, took all 3 vaccines, and I got the Astra Zeneca version during a recent trip to Europe. I have a friend who will mail me the Sinovac version. You can’t be too careful!


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      But, but, but…CNN says….


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      Russ D Hadick


      Wow! Another Liberal IDIOT


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      denis dombas


      I think Chris is sarcastic and in fact telling you not to trust governments ever, big Pharma and “scientists” for hire.So today we have MSM = fake news that are paid to propagate lie
      and last place to look for answer would be google.We in North America do not have a single widely available independent news!


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      And little chrissy says…..BAAAAAAAAA
      Not only are you stupid, but you are really stupid. How much did you get paid to vomit that crap. I would also call you a retard, but that would be an insult to all mentally challenged people. I suppose you are being sarcastic. But if not, then you are a real nut job and should crawl back into the sewer pipe that you came from.


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    Doug Harrison


    Chris, are you having us on or is this your answer to the real concerns that are out there?
    I don’t know who taught you your history but it certainly bears no relation to the history I Know. Governments have always been prey to the fact that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely ALL THROUGH HISTORY!!


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    Ginette Craig


    Doug Harrison – I think Chris was having us on!


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