Anthony Fauci: “Attacks on Me Are Attacks Against Science”

Ego-maniacal Fauci proclaims that “any attack against him” -based on his lies, fraud, deception and manipulation-  are “attacks on the very basis of science itself”.  Fauci is being preserved in the event the public become aware of how the Obama administration are behind the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

What this soundbite tells me [Video at 04:54 prompted] is that Anthony Fauci feels very protected by his connection to the Obama administration.  The stunning level of hubris and cognitive dissonance displayed in this video are indicative of a bureaucrat who views himself as untouchable. [John Brennan was/is similarly predisposed].

The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted the spoons”…

If the false narrative further collapses toward the Obama administration’s funding and support of the Wuhan biological weapons lab, then the destruction of Fauci will be used as a shield to protect the lightbringer, Obama.   They are holding Fauci as defense in the event the sunlight gets too close to Obama.  This is the familiar pattern previously deployed.

Header image: Greg Nash / Getty Images

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Comments (5)

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    Typical response from those who abuse science.


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    the democrats did it
    enough with the childish finger pointing, both parties work for the same people and it is not us


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    denis dombas


    shyster and criminal!


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    If he hadn’t been revealed to be such a collosal fraud, we wouldn’t need to ‘attack’ him.


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