Fauci Emails Show He Had No Checks or Balances on His Power Grab

Emails to/from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci have been released to both Buzzfeed [HERE] and the Washington Post [HERE]. The time frame of the release is January 2020 to mid-June 2020. [Cloud pdf With 3,200+ pages HERE]

Within the emails we discover, Fauci had some urgent, time sensitive discussions about โ€œgain of functionโ€ research; the weaponization of the COVID virus.  Fauci also told colleagues โ€œretail masks donโ€™t workโ€ as protection from COVID due to the molecular size of the virus.  Also the emails reveal that Anthony Fauci was very well aware the outbreak came from a possible lab leak.

Additionally, there is a warning from a scientist inside the NIH who warned Fauci that China was lying about virus, death rates, spread and data.  A hubris filled Dr Fauci responded to the internal warning by telling the physicist his email was โ€œtoo long for me to read.โ€โ€ฆ  Yeah, think about that.

The man making decisions that would disrupt and perhaps destroy the lives of every single American tells the scientist sounding the alarm about China his explanation is too long to read.

Additionally, within the email release thereโ€™s a conversation with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.  Interestingly the redactions in the Facebook emails โ€œ(b)(4)โ€ are about protecting: โ€œtrade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person [that is] privileged or confidentialโ€. 

Which begs the questionโ€ฆ. What exactly was Zuckerberg offering Anthony Fauci?

Fauci Responds Internally First:

Fauci responds to Zuckerberg below:

It is interesting how thereโ€™s been a shift amid the U.S. government, and now it appears thereโ€™s been a decision to let Fauci take the fall for the fraud, lies, manipulation and consequences of the COVID narrative.  As we noted last week itโ€™s likely too much information is going to come out about the totality of politically connected fraud that used COVID as an excuse for political power.

โ€ฆโ€President Obama stopping gain of function research in 2014 due to the global risk of a leak from a lab. Then in 2017, in the first year of the Trump administration, unbeknownst to senior officials in the administration, NIH Director Anthony Fauci pushed through a restart of the dangerous research.

Obama stopping and Fauci unilaterally starting would explain why the media are willing to step aside and let Fauci take the fall. Defending and protecting President Obama are the primary objectives of the MSM and operatives embedded in the administrative state. Now the sudden shift makes sense. Those in the umbrella intelligence apparatus knew this type of investigative evidence was going to surface.โ€ (LINK)

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