AP False Claim That Climate Change Made Superstorm Sandy Worse
Image: World Vision
An Associated Press (AP) story, titled “Study: Climate change added $8 billion to Superstorm Sandy damages,” is getting wide pick-up by the mainstream media. The story claims new research proves human-caused climate change resulted in an increase in the costs of 2012’s Hurricane Sandy. Data shows this is false.
There is no evidence the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy was more severe or extensive than it would have been absent the past century’s modest warming.
According to the AP story:
“During Sandy — a late fall freak combination of a hurricane and other storms that struck New York and surrounding areas — the seas were almost 4 inches (9.6 centimeters) higher because of human-caused climate change, according to a study in Tuesday’s journal Nature Communications.“
The AP’s story draws on a report titled, “Economic damages from Hurricane Sandy attributable to sea-level rise caused by anthropogenic climate change” by Strauss et al., published in Nature Climate Change.
This report can’t link any actual damage from Sandy to climate change, because it does not reference actual data, instead of as its authors write:
“We employ a high-resolution dynamic flood model and spatially varying error correction to simulate Sandy’s peak flood both as it occurred…”
To be clear, despite the fact that actual measurements of rising seas and the impact of flooding from Sandy were available, rather than reference actual data, the authors of the Nature report instead used a computer model to “simulate” flooding based on a number of assumptions.
Interestingly, the authors of the Nature report upon which the AP’s story is based admit there’s no actual evidence Sandy was enhanced by climate change.
They also acknowledge the best evidence indicates climate change will have little effect on tropical cyclones in the future.
“Studies have so far found no evidence that Sandy’s intensity, size, or unusual storm track were made more likely by climate change,” writes Straus, et al. “More broadly, a recent study found that future climate change effects on tropical cyclones will have only a small effect on extreme sea levels in New York Bight, relative to the effects of sea-level rise.”
The tidal gauge at the Battery in New York City confirms the rate of sea-level rise has not increased during the recent period of modest global warming.
As the figure below demonstrates, data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) show sea levels have been rising steadily by approximately 2.88mm (0.11 inch) per year since 1856 when the tidal gauge station was first opened; 1856 is long before “climate change” became the favorite boogeyman of science and socialists alike.
Figure 1. Sea-level data and trends in New York City since 1856, annotations added by Anthony Watts. Source
Simple math demonstrates that to reach the 4 inches of the effect claimed to be on top of the storm surge from Hurricane Sandy, at the rate of 2.88mm/year they’d have to go back 35 years to 1977 to get that 4 inches of claimed sea level rise due to climate change.
Calculation: 2.88mm/yr x 35yr = 100.8mm or 3.96 inches
As I’ve pointed out in Figure 1, either ALL of the rise in sea level since 1856 is caused by climate change, or none of it is due to climate change, since there was no change in the rate of sea-level rise in the last 35 years compared to the previous 121.
You can’t scientifically claim the last 35 years were specific to climate change when they are identical to the rate of change for the previous 121 years.
There was no increase in the rate of sea-level rise before Hurricane Sandy struck 2012, and there has been no measurable increase since.
As a result, there is no evidence flooding during Sandy was enhanced by four inches due to climate change. The observed sea-level rise appears to be part of Earth’s natural process.
Computer model simulations are no replacement for actual data when such is available.
The real data shows that sea levels have been rising at a small, steady unchanged pace, with no acceleration long before climate change became an issue.
See more here: climatechangedispatch.com
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Tony Prentice
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It’s my belief that the rise in sea levels to deforestation and desertification, as without trees, shrubs etc there is nothing to hold the water back and will therefore make its way to the sea.
Herb Rose
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The high cost of Sandy was the direct result of FEMA, not the hurricane. By delaying and requiring their approval they caused the damage that would have been fixed by next summer in the past, to not be done 5 years later. If the goal is to reduce damage don’t give insurance to those stupid enough to build on barriers islands. Bit discouraging stupidity is not something governments do, or are capable of doing.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
Totally agree with you!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
As pondered what you had written and I had agreed with, I saw that government humans are not the only stupid people, for the fact is private insurance humans voluntary line up to insure these properties which which should never be built. Because they know that mathematics shows if they insure enough at various places they can ‘make’ money if these properties which should never be built are a small enough portion of their total policies. For the insurance companies are required by government law to have large enough SAVINGS to cover such NATURAL disasters.
Have a good day, Jerry
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
Flood insurance is subsidized by the Federal Government so the insurance companies can’t lose money.
Have a good day,
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At the time of hurricane Sandy, I came across information from ‘Dutchsinse’ that implied the hurricane was being steered and supercharged using mobile and fixed 2.45Ghz haarp arrays to maximise its destructive power.
Charles Higley
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The storm was not supercharged in any way. Do not let the ” superstorm” term they made up lead to think this was anything more than a subtropical storm, which as with such storm can deliver loads of water and also storm surge. Nothing new here.
Charles Higley
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There never was a Superstorm Sandy, because there is no such thing as a Superstorm. The moniker was cobbled up for show and fear mongering.
There was indeed a subtropical storm Sandy, not even a hurricane, that they had to make sound worse than anything else. A lot of people were caught unprepared for the effects of a subtropical storm in that region. They were lulled into complacency because that region had not been hit by any storm in many years. This was a human tragedy and not a natural one.
james McGinn
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The biggest problem with hurricanes and tornadoes is the fact that the study of severe weather and storms in general is dominated by morons. These morons pretend to believe that warm, moist air becomes less dense and more buoyant that the cooler air above and begins rushing upwards to form what they call “hot towers.” In reality warm moist air is heavier than cooler air above because it contains large quantities of invisibly small nanodroplets of liquid H2O. This means that the upward movement of air in hurricanes and tornadoes (and all storms) cannot be the result of buoyancy (convection).
Just like global warming advocates, meteorologists cannot admit their theory is wrong because it would reveal that they’ve just been pretending all along and funding might stop.
The ‘Missing Link’ of Meteorology’s Theory of Storms
James McGinn / Genius
Brian James
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May 18, 2021 Climate Moral Panic
It’s a Climate Crisis!! We must act NOW!! Panic!! OMG!! We hear this rhetoric every day from the mainstream press, political partisans, professional activists, and corporate rent seekers. Do you believe it?