COVID Study: Spike Protein in Vaccines is Cause of Deadly Blood Clots

Bombshell Salk Institute science paper reveals the covid spike protein is what’s causing deadly blood clots… and it’s in all the covid vaccines (by design).

The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what’s actually causing vascular damage in covid patients and covid vaccine recipients, promoting the strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions that have already killed thousands of Americans (source:

Critically, all four covid vaccine brands currently in widespread use either inject patients with the spike protein or, via mRNA technology, instruct the patient’s own body to manufacture spike proteins and release them into their own blood. This floods the patient’s body with the very spike protein that the Salk Institute has now identified as the smoking gun cause of vascular damage and related events (such as blood clots, which are killing many people who take the vaccines).

Put simply, it means the vaccines were designed to contain the very element that’s killing people.

The false assumption of the vaccine industry and its propagandists is that the spike protein is “inert” and harmless. The Salk Institute proves this assumption to be dangerously inaccurate.

Salk Institute: The spike protein “damages cells” and causes “vascular disease” even without a virus

In an article entitled, “The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness“, published on April 30th, 2021, the Salk Institute warns that, “Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.

From that article:

Now, a major new study shows that the virus spike proteins (which behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines) also play a key role in the disease itself.

The paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, also shows conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level.

“A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

…the paper provides clear confirmation and a detailed explanation of the mechanism through which the protein damages vascular cells for the first time.

In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.

The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.

Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.

“If you remove the replicating capabilities of the virus, it still has a major damaging effect on the vascular cells, simply by virtue of its ability to bind to this ACE2 receptor, the S protein receptor, now famous thanks to COVID,” Manor explains. “Further studies with mutant spike proteins will also provide new insight towards the infectivity and severity of mutant SARS CoV-2 viruses.”

The article does not mention that covid-19 vaccines are injecting patients with the very same spike protein that was studied, but this fact is widely known and even touted by the vaccine industry.

The upshot of this research is that covid vaccines are inducing vascular disease and directly causing injuries and deaths stemming to blood clots and other vascular reactions. This is all caused by the spike protein that’s deliberately engineered into the vaccines.

From the medical journal Circulation Research: The spike protein is what’s causing the damage

The Salk Institute article refers to this science paper published in Circulation Research: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2.

This paper is the first to document the mechanism by which spike proteins — even ones lacking an active viral component — cause vascular destruction by binding to ACE2 receptors and inhibiting the function of cellular mitochondria.

From the paper:

SARS-CoV-1 [Spike] protein promotes lung injury by decreasing the level of ACE2 in the infected lungs. In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.

We next studied the impact of S protein on mitochondrial function. Confocal images of ECs treated with S1 protein revealed increased mitochondrial fragmentation, indicating altered mitochondrial dynamics…

Moreover, ACE2-L overexpression caused increased basal acidification rate, glucose-induced glycolysis, maximal glycolytic capacity, and glycolytic reserve (Figure [D], ii). Also, ECs incubated with S1 protein had attenuated mitochondrial function but increased glycolysis, when compared with control cells treated with IgG…

…our data reveals that S protein alone can damage endothelium, manifested by impaired mitochondrial function and eNOS activity but increased glycolysis. It appears that S protein in ECs increases redox stress which may lead to AMPK deactivation, MDM2 upregulation, and ultimately ACE2 destabilization.

The study, obviously authored by a pro-vaccine organization, then says that “vaccination-generated antibodies” may protect the body from the spike protein. Thus, the paper is essentially saying (paraphrased): “The spike protein may cause enormous damage to the vascular system when a person is injected with that spike protein, and when that person’s immune system attacks the spike protein and neutralizes it, the damage may be halted.

In other words, the human immune system is trying to protect the patient from the damage caused by the vaccine, before the patient is killed by the adverse reactions.

Put another way, any person who actually survives the covid vaccine only does so because their innate immune system is protecting them from the vaccine, not with the vaccine. The vaccine is the weapon. Your immune system is your defense.

All covid vaccines should be immediately halted and recalled

Based on this research alone, all covid vaccines should be immediately pulled from the market and reevaluated for long-term side effects.

According to government published VAERS data, vaccine deaths in 2021 (so far) are already nearly 4,000% higher than all the vaccine deaths of 2020, combined. What’s new in 2021? The covid vaccine, built with the spike protein that causes vascular damage. The number of Americans who died after taking covid vaccines is already in the thousands, and realistic estimates put that number at tens of thousands (with more dying each day).

The mechanism is now well understood: The covid vaccine injects the patient with spike proteins, the spike proteins proceed to cause vascular damage and blood platelet aggregation, this leads to blood clots which circulate around the body and lodge in different organs (the hart, lungs, brain, etc.), causing deaths that are attributed to “strokes” or “heart attacks” or “pulmonary embolism.

The common cause is the vascular damage stemming from the spike protein. In essence, millions of people are being injected with artificial blood clotting factors and then dying from blood clots, all while the disastrously dishonest corporate media claims all covid vaccines are completely “safe” and have harmed no one.

mRNA vaccines turn your body into a spike protein bioweapons factory to expose others

mRNA vaccines transform the human body’s own cells into spike protein factories, spilling deadly spike protein particles into the bloodstream. A growing number of researchers are also finding that these spike proteins appear to be “shedding” or transmitting from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, causing adverse reactions in people who were never vaccinated themselves, but who have spent time close to other people who were.

The technology behind this is called “self-replicating vaccines,” and it was pioneered by doctors and scientists working under the racist Apartheid regime of South Africa. There, medical researchers designed race-specific, weaponized, self-replicating vaccines that were designed to spread through the Black population of South Africa and exterminate the masses who posed a threat to the ruling technocratic elite. Today, we are all the targets of these weapon systems as globalists seek to exterminate human populations on a global scale, regardless of skin color or country of origin.

Just this year, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has celebrated this self-replicating vaccine technology and is calling for it to be used to achieve global mass vaccination, augmented by surveillance drones and AI robots that enforce vaccine compliance (probably at gunpoint).

In effect, mRNA vaccines function as bioweapons factories that turn human beings into biological weapon manufacturing and transmission hubs, spreading vascular damage and death to the entire population, including those who were not yet vaccinated.

All covid vaccines are risky medical experiments, yet the oblivious masses are brainwashed and told the vaccines have all been “approved” as safe and effective

The FDA has not granted therapeutic approval for any covid-19 vaccine, and no long-term trials have been completed to show covid-19 vaccines as safe and effective. Rather, the FDA granted experimental authorization use in the USA, which admits that those who take the vaccines are participating in a risky medical experiment with unknown consequences.

Those who take the vaccine are often brainwashed or deceived by the lying corporate media which falsely claims covid vaccines have been “approved” by the FDA and have harmed no one. The government’s own VAERS data at proves otherwise.

In today’s Situation Update podcast, I explain all this in more detail, revealing how covid vaccines were designed from the very start to be depopulation / euthanasia injections to achieve global depopulation (mass murder via vaccines).

This conclusion is now irrefutable. The vaccines literally inject people with the very substance that kills them. This isn’t medicine; it’s medical violence against humanity.

The medical science establishment that pushes vaccines is now engaged in Holocaust-level crimes against humanity. Josef Mengele would be proud. (He was eventually executed by public hanging for his crimes against humanity.)

See more here:

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Comments (18)

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    Terry Shipman


    Good article except Josef Mengele died by drowning in 1979. So he escaped justice-in this life.

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Terry:
      Josef Mengele is another caricature of the holohoax with it’s 6 million shekel grubbers. After being wounded on the eastern front Mengele was declared unfit for combat duty and sent as a medical doctor to Auschwitz. His main duty there was to classify people as to wether they were fit to work (mainly a tire plant) or not. There are reams of proof that there were no gas chambers. There was a swimming pool, big maternity ward, soccer teams and orchestra, and plays. There is a long list of children who survived the camp including practically all of the twins at the camp that Menglele was supposedy experimenting on. The archives of Auschwitz show no record of Mengele harming a child or ordering any such action. All surviving paperwork shows that Mengele’s research was limited to Anthropological and behavioral studies in which he trained before the war and all the twins enrolled in Mengele’s program participated for many months without one death while in his care.

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        Terry Shipman


        Sorry, but as one who has a degree in history, I disagree with you. The Holocaust is one of the most well-researched events in human history.

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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Shipman:
          You evidently did not watch the video I posted. As a historian you should know that none of the principle WW2 characters (Zionists) such as half jew Churchill, Roosenvelt, Stalin, nor De Gaul ever mentioned the holohaox in their writings, In fact it was not until the 1960’s that todays Hollywood nonsense began to appear even though the 6 million figure as I mentioned had been used by the Khazar criminals since even before the first war.

          How is it that 6 million Jews were supposedly exterminated in mass by the most dangerous, inefficient and costly method possible that no one has ever used and even discontinued as a means for single executions but the Germans who were in desperate need of all available fuel and resources would choose something this outrageously ridiculous?

          How could it be that using every means available the German army (man per man the worlds most efficient) killed 6 million Jews but by official figures could only kill 800,000 of the enemy? How is it that 6 million Jews were gassed when by official figures there were not even that many Jew in Europe and Hitler at the peak only had perhaps 2.5 million in his entire territory? Explain to me how 6 million Jews were gassed but Germany has paid reparations to 4.5 million? They can’;t be dead on one hand and alive on the other. Explain to me how it is that for most of the war, the allies not only intercepted ALL transmissions to Berlin from the commandant of Aushwitz including every death and all fuel consumption and no mention of any gassings? Explain to me how it is that the allies who flew over the camp on a weekly basis saw no mountain of coal required to incinerate millions of bodies? Explain how it is that the Red Cross was in the camps on a routine basis and reported nothing extraordinary?

          Do you not know that the Auchwitz officials even admit that what is ludicrously referred to as a gas chamber was just a regular room that the Russians modified after the war by knocking out a partition and cutting some jagged holes in the roof? The fake chimney was also added at the back later. Do you know that Otto Frank lost a court case in the 1950’s over a dispute with the real writer of the Ann Frank garbage that a real historian such as David Irving would not even bother to address.

          I will not go into the technical aspects of the impossibility of using the Zyclon B pesticide (used for a time to kill lice until the Germans invented microwave) to gas people as it is too ridiculous to have to repeat and has been covered by many experts including German Phd. Chemist Germer Rudolph who was then sentenced to 4 years for speaking the truth. Maybe you could get on as a court historian for CNN. There is always room for a few shabbas goys.

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        Boris Badenov


        Interesting, your ‘proof’ is all from the same source. I don’t know about you but I’m old enough to have avoided revisionist history and the delusional ramblings of those that can’t handle facts. Of course Stalin didn’t murder millions and neither did Mao or Pol Pot, right? Those stacks of skulls are just CGI.

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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Badenov:
          It is you who accept the transparently ridiculous holohoax and the other Zionist fairy tales that are delusional. I present the facts that you cannot dispute. I never stated that the Zionist operatives such as Stalin were not murders but in fact have pointed out how they were put in. power by the Zionists and gave several sources such as Stanford Hoover Institute researcher Anthony Sutton with documents to prove it. But I guess he was a conspiracy nut to.

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          You cannot talk rational Holocaust with an obviously “STUPID” person, although I’m enjoying seeing your efforts. “Holocaust Denyers” = a group if “CRAZIES”.

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        Mark, you are told everyday that you are up a creek without a paddle, and yet you persist in drowning in lies and fallacies. Your credibility is shot to pieces. Please try to expand your reading , ask questions , look for facts such as names , dates and places that are verifiable. I don’t know why you hate Jews so much but it must be holding you back and limiting your life. Do you have friends – real ones – that care about you ; I hope so.

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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Chris#
          You just attack the messenger, not the message. You are unable to refute my information but as those who believe in the fake virus, fake test and fake numbers, believe the propaganda the Zionist syndicate and their operatives dish out despite the transparency of the lies. PSI has posted attorney Reinhard Feullmich who states their are an elite group of ap. 3,000 people behind this current international psyop. Naturally he only exposes a few individuals at this time such as Gates and Klaus Schwab. These are just the point men for a long term well organized cabal that has been at work for well over a hundred years. The Zionists, as I term them control all of the MSM and squelch all alternative views on all issues, This is clearly evident in the current fake, imaginary “pandemic.” You have just chosen to be one of their sheep.

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            Phil Inman


            Hello Mr. Tapley.
            Nice Posts. And Courageous About five years ago after a deep dive into Kennedy with no solid answer, I literally asked myself, “what else is controversial I can look at?” Light Bulb. “The Holocaust”! Took just a couple hours and the front was crumbling before my eyes. First was David Cole at Auschwitz. Still on YouTub. Was traumatic even though I been long time with no trust in the system. And Kudos to PSI for leaving it up. Anybody can see that what is happening now has a core of leaders. But everybody has a different theory who it is. Question is’; Who owns the Media? Who controls the money? Who has had centuries of practice in the black arts of bribery and blackmail against Christendom? There is no other explanation that consistently answers all the questions. Thank you.

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    Mark Tapley


    Greetings Phil Inman:
    Thanks for the compliments. As you discovered the holohoax is a cornerstone of the Zionist narrative and no matter how utterly ridiculous it is in every respect, the facade of the sacred 6 million has to be kept propped up in the pantheon of Zionist false icons. It is a great sacrilege to be a holohoax denier and in many of the Zionist controlled countries you will be persecuted and even put in prison. This is what happens when a false ideology has to be enforced by the state and also shows who runs those corrupt governments.

    Here in what I sometimes only with a bit of exaggeration call Jewmerica it has now been mandated the the holohoax be taught to every student in all government propaganda (school) centers. When college students became aware of the shootings of Palestinian children, and the bombings of schools and hospitals in Gaza by the U.S, supported (11 million per day just in so called defense spending) Israeli thugs, Trump signed an executive order forbidding anti semitic (free speech) on college campuses. At least 36 states have tried to restrict free speech and stop support of the BDS movement against the terrorist state of Israel. Here in Texas, crypto Jew Abbott got the legislature to pass a law forbidding all speech against Israel by any state employee or contractor. He must think this is Communist China. There is a picture of him kissing the “wailing wall.” Fortunately the state Supreme Court overturned this outrage. The same laws have also been thrown out in Kansas and N.M. But we are conspiracy theorists.

    The fake virus is just the latest installment of the Neo feudal agenda by the same Zionist forces. They are the only ones with the capability to control all of the highly coordinated governments and the resources to implement such a transparently ridiculous but dystopian nightmare on the world. But we are just conspiracy nuts.

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    Tom Martin


    My issues with the conclusion with this is a massive depopulation tool is that the developers them selves and their families will be subjected to the same fate.

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    John D.


    Very interesting article. I just have 1 question, and it has to do with the 1st line you quote from the Salk paper:

    “Now, a major new study shows that the virus spike proteins (which behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines)…”

    The Salk folks are saying that the spike proteins in the vaccines are “safely encoded”, and therefore behave very differently. You, however, then go on to say that the vaccine spike proteins are, in fact, the very same ones used by the vaccine manufacturers. If you could add a link to cite that claim, I think it would make this whole argument bulletproof.

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