Halt Vaccine Passports!
It is very important that people understand what is happening here. The intention is to introduce vaccine passports everywhere. But this is a disguise. It’s a world’s first digital common-format, globally-interoperable ID system with an editable health flag (vaccinated Y or N).
It makes no one safer. If you’re vaccinated, you’re protected & are not made safer by knowing others immune status.
As in Israel, you will be compelled to present a valid VaxPass in order to access defined facilities or access services. No VaxPass, you’re denied.
This system only needs 50%+ of the adult population to start up because of its huge, coercive power on the unvaccinated.
It’s illegal, medical apartheid.
If they succeed, it won’t help you to refuse. They’ll move on, leaving that minority behind.
A VaxPass System like this will give to those controlling the database & it’s algorithms TOTALITARIAN TYRANNY over us all.
The ONLY way to stop this biosecurity nightmare is to NOT GET VACCINATED FOR NON-MEDICAL REASONS!!!
I fear that, if our adversaries gain this absolute control, they will use it to harm the population. There’s no limit to the evil which will flow from this strategic goal.
DO NOT ALLOW THIS SYSTEM TO START UP, because it’s unstoppable afterwards.
One example: your VaxPass pings, instructing you to attend for your 3rd or 4th or 5th booster or variant vaccine. If you don’t, your VaxPass will expire & you’ll become an out-person, unable to access your own life.
How much choice do you have?
It’s none. You are controlled. Forever.
PLEASE share this widely, on every platform you use.
Thank you,
Dr Mike Yeadon
See more here: off-guardian.org
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very old white guy
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Israel is a shocker. A people who suffered under the Nazis institute a program in manner similar to those that persecuted them and murdered millions of them What is wrong with people? We seem to have a world wide mass insanity and it sure isn’t the whu who flu that is a problem.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Very Old White Guy,
I very much like your alias and your general wisdom because “The only source of knowledge is experience.” And very old white, black, brown, and yellow guys and gals have had the opportunity to gain a lot of experiences.
Sure would like to learn what specifically your experiences have been.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
What knowledge are you referring to? The same kind we get from all 6 of the Jew MSM networks 24\7 is all he relayed in his comment. I did post some sources with real information, not just the same Jew holohaox garbage that really did not get going good until the 60’s. The “Old guy” like most of the barnyard animals just believes the Zionist fairy tales thrown out by the media whores. Kind of like the old mule that had been on the plantation for over 20 years. He was still a jackass.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Old whit Guy:
Pushing the same old 6 million shekel grubber myth as usual. You need to look at the facts rather the little Ann Frank fairy tales dished out by Speiburg and the rest of Jew run Hollywood. For starters the 6 million fantasy had been pushed by these Khazar shysters since before even WW1. By 1945 there were at least 47 newspapers that had carried articles bemoaning the tragic deaths of the kosher criminals as a means to scam donations for the Rabbis as they pursued their new religion of Zionism formulated by Rabbi Moses Hess under the disguise of a “Homeland” for those poor wandering fake Jews with their Talmudic doctrine of sanctioned kosher pedophilia.
Although not approved by the ADL (B’nai B’rith) sensors at Amazon or Jew tube let me suggest you read the real account of how the Zionist Khazar leaders formulated and achieved the Jewish State by using mandating the Havara agreement in order to force their own people into Palestine (they couldn’t;’t get anyone to go to the desert and squabble with the Arabs) that had been invaded, occupied and held at gunpoint by the Zionist controlled British military. The Jew Edwin Black tells the whole story in “The Transfer Agreement.” There was even a coin struck between the NAZI Government and the Kosher mafia that had the swastika on one side and the Baphomet (star of David) on the other. To assist in coaxing you out of fairy tale land I also recommend the account by Britains foremost wartime correspondent Douglas Reed in his “The Controversy of Zion.”
None of this is secret but was laid out a the first Zionist Convention in 1897 by Rothschild front man Hertzl. Polish Jew and terrorist leader Shimon Perez, involved in the King David Hotel bombing (and lots of other terrorist activities) and recipient of the “Spirit of Davos” award from half Jew Klaus Schwab’s WEF have never had any hesitation in using their own people as cannon fodder in their unceasing quest to accomplish the Zionist Agenda as laid out by their prophet and on the ground operative Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) so it should be no surprise that these kosher thugs would put their own fellow occupiers up in the Zionist divide and conquer strategy
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Saw this video today. Happy to see that the UK still has life. One of the best I’ve seen this year:
Mark Tapley
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Greetings Wisenox:
Thanks for posting the video. People have to realize however that the Zionists don’t care about their protests. In fact many times peaceful protests are infiltrated by Zionist operatives in order to black wash the their opposition all prearranged with help by the Jew media. The Wall St. protests against the “too big to fail” banks and Black Rock (Rothschild) are a good example. The fake protestors were a filthy looking bunch of pro socialists calling for more government regulation, so this cast a negative light on those trying to expose government corruption. Since the Zionists control the MSM it is easy for the CIA and other elite controlled entities to paint the narrative they want while casting everything else as negative. The fake election and the totally ridiculous “capitol riot” are two more examples of elite manipulation of public opinion but it goes on all the time.
Demonstrations are also a way for people to really do nothing. All of these people need to refuse all mandates that are a violation against our natural rights. The governments have no right even if there were an actual emergency (whatever that would be) to encroach on our liberties. The government and the Zionist elite will never limit their own power but always aggrandize for more. This is the message proclaimed by the great patriot Samuel Adams to the Amer. colonists when he told them that if they wanted to be free then they must be willing to fight. I use this analogy realizing that the colonists were under a much more benign rule than what the situation will be when the Zionist Neo feudal tyranny is implemented as the long planned Agenda 2030-21.
Itz Me
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@ Mark Tapley: I always read your comments with great interest.