When will “COVID-Vaccines” become APPROVED?

The mainstream media (radio, TV, newspapers) are full of reports of the successes of COVID-19 “vaccines” in reducing the number of new “cases” here and in many other jurisdictions.

However, to this date none of those “mRNA-type vaccines” (like from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax) and, perhaps, other manufacturers/providers) have received an unequivocal “stamp of

approval” by any government entity (e.g., the U.S. Centers for Disease Control [CDC] and U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]), or by Canada, or by Europe’s EMA (European Medicines Agency).

The pictures nearby will show that. Read the label carefully (shown in the enlargement):

Image: Arne Müseler

A Case in Point

On May 5, 2021, in the CTV News, Canada’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. T. Tam, spoke of “authorized” vaccines — in contrast to other medicines (for other kinds of ailments) that are described as having been “approved” by the authorities for specific other kinds of ailments.

There is, certainly in many places, a misunderstanding between the (U.S.) legal terms for medicines/vaccines that are “Authorized” and those that are “Approved.” This differentiation is akin to

the (U.S.) legal terms of “Agreement” and “Treaty.

In both examples, the first is non-binding (or not subject to legal proceedings) but the latter is. Regrettably, few journalists and politicians (especially outside the U.S.) seem to understand the differences. In common language parlance they appear to have identical meanings but not in “legalese” as common and binding language on this continent.

Other Example

Another example of the fierce competition in the field of COVID-19 vaccine developments, barely mentioned in western societies’ media, are products developed elsewhere. For example, the Sputnik vaccines developed in Russia on the basis of an approximately 70-year old proven (non-mRNA-type) vaccine technology, similar to the AstraZeneca product, barely ever get mentioned.

Then there are at least three similar anti-COVID products currently available in China (with others still under development) and in other countries. Some countries have ordered millions of doses from their manufacturers.

The Wall Street Journal website at https://www.wsj.com/articles/tracking-covid-19-vaccine-distribution-11611355360 provides some good graphics for international product comparisons. The question is what’s the better/best long-lasting protection with the least amount of negative effects that is also able to defend against the rapidly evolving mutations (so-called variants) and potential future varieties?

Already, the CEO of the Pfizer group has stated that a third jab may be necessary and annual “vaxxings” thereafter. Of course, that is very reminiscent of past decades’ annual flu-shot  recommendations here.

You may Wonder

You may wonder “What gives?” Yes, that’s exactly what I’m asking, too.

Questions ought to be answered forthwith by the official health agencies’ representatives and not just with platitudes but with measurable “endpoints,” numbers, dates, and in formats that provide comparable data to other vaccine-like products and diseases (like the common seasonal flu).

Answers are urgently required.

This is not a game of one-upmanship between the pharma giants but rather answers to question of long-term safety (especially also for young children and pregnant women) are of worldwide importance. For example, Norway’s National Institute of Public Health recently recommended stopping further use of one of the currently used injections there.

Long-term Safety Concerns

The long-term safety, efficacy and lack of “side-effects” (including deaths) of the anti-COVID-19 injections are much more important than benevolent ideas of setting-aside legal provisions for the protection of intellectual property and patent protections for the development and/or manufacture of such materials.

Even Pfizer’s own documents warn of a variety of known side effects and that non-vaxxed folks should stay away from those that have been injected with the company’s product.

Clearly, there are global implications to such considerations.

Short of accepting, without question, any and all globalist ideas, claimed to be for “protection,” clear answers to those questions about long-term safety are urgently needed!

Approval must rest on standard testing methods, procedures, and statistical analyses that should equally apply to all materials offered.

Nothing else will do!

{author} image
Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser is author of CONVENIENT MYTHS, the green revolution – perceptions, politics, and facts Convenient Myths

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Comments (4)

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    ‘contains no preservatives’ on the label
    ah, must be alright then

    if they get this poison passed, then it will become mandatory for everyone


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    I hope for the safety of the world it only gets approved at the end of the trial period when all the real long term effects are well known and what the effect of meeting a wild virus will be on those injected bodies. Apart from the feeding frenzy profit taking by the Pharma the populations would prefer to be injected with a completely safe product rather than short term snake oil.


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    Doug Harrison


    As always, a very well reasoned article from Dr Kaiser.


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    I pray to God never! I will wait at least 10 years before I even give a half a second of thought towards committing to these experimental death potions.


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