The Still Report: The Truth About COVID At Last!
We are finally winning this year-long battle over the truth about the COVID-19 virus. Never before has politically motivated propaganda completely overwhelmed the ability of the medical media to broadcast the truth to the American people – and, in this case, the people of the world.
However, slowly but surely, the truth is standing firm and the lies and liars are being exposed. But it’s still going to take a while to work its way down to the generally public. Beth just came back from the grocery store and she reports that there was only one other person in the biggest grocery store in town who was not wearing a mask.
In fact, today is the first day I’ve been bold enough to put up a COVID-related story on YouTube in many months. Over the course of the last year, I was suspended from YouTube twice. In fact I’ve only been back on YouTube for 2 weeks now. We even had to remove over 3,000 of our legacy reports for fear of having said something in the past that would have them ban our channel permanently.
However, this report on this day perhaps represents a turning point. Yes, I’m not putting this up on YouTube yet, but I put a slightly weaker version up just a couple of hours ago on YouTube and it has not yet been rejected.
By Memorial day I think we will see mask burning parties breaking out across the fruited plains of the United States. The CDC’s new suggestions about social distancing being reduced from 6 feet to 3 feet is a key indicator that the coup against the United States is making the turn around second base and it will now start to become fashionable once again to pursue truth – and consequently – freedom once again.
Monday night, Laura Ingraham interviewed famed epidemiologist Prof. Harvey Risch of the Yale School of Public Health. An epidemiologist studies patterns of health and disease because sometimes that is the only way to understand why a disease is happening, or how best to treat it. They scrutinize thousands of studies and know exactly what to look for.
Dr. Risch is one of the most prominent epidemiologists in the world. He has appeared frequently on Laura Ingraham’s show for the past year and has always been skeptical of the prevailing propaganda line in the MSM that COVID can only be treated by expensive new drugs and vaccines.
Dr. Risch is difficult to understand sometimes because he talks so quickly, but he is blunt with the truth and here it is.
Because they would have nothing to sell, so they have not been straightforward with the American public about what works.
¬And here comes the answer that I would be too fearful to put up on YouTube just yet – too much concentrated truth.
Because they are a threat to higher-priced medications and vaccines. There it is, the unvarnished truth of the last 15 months of untold, unnecessary misery – not just in the U.S., but the rest of the world.
No research in generic medications for a full year. Of course, he means the most prestigious medical outfits are the ones who participated in this coverup of the truth about COVID – and they did it because of Big Pharma money – pure greed and bridbery! Their reputations which took decades to build will soon be shattered for generations to come.
But more than that, someone has got to go after the perpetrators of this crime against all humanity, and I think – as reported in our March 19th report #3548, the Council of Europe has clearly signaled that this would be the perfect case for the Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights to take on in future months.
Every MD who participated in this war crime against humanity needs to at least lose his medical license permanently and humiliated in the eyes of history.
Once the truth is fully known, the world should be outraged about this, and justice should be swift and severe for all of those involved – no matter what role they played in it.
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Tom O
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Typically, on this old XP box I use most of the time, videos no longer run – this one included. I’ve seen other Still videos, and most of them are pretty good. I am going to comment, however, on how this article closes. Here are the last two paragraphs –
“Every MD who participated in this war crime against humanity needs to at least lose his medical license permanently and humiliated in the eyes of history.
Once the truth is fully known, the world should be outraged about this, and justice should be swift and severe for all of those involved – no matter what role they played in it.”
I could not, in good conscience, not comment on these paragraphs. We consider ourselves to be “good’, and those on the other side of the COVID issue as “bad.” These sweeping statements made by Still are as much an atrocity as what he is condemning. There are 1000s of doctors that are sitting on 1000s of dollars of debt because they went to school for this profession. The fact is, many of them could not afford to walk away from the jobs they have, and hope to find another or to support their families while they do so. I do not condemn any person that takes care of their family first. Many a person has been killed in the past – and will be in the future – because people care about their families and will do whatever it takes to keep them secure.
There are many that DO deserve the treatment he espouses, but to “severely punish” every nurse, PA, or doctor that is required to administer a vaccine shot, for instance, on people that VOLUNTEER to take it, is every bit as hypocritical as the covid anuses, such as Gates and Fauci.