Israeli Death Rates Skyrocket After Pfizer COVID ‘Vaccines’ Roll Out
We have previously reported how Israel rapidly vaccinated the highest percentage of their population with experimental COVID vaccines after the Israeli government struck a bargain with Pfizer to secure millions of doses of their mRNA COVID vaccines.
Vera Sharav wrote:
It is astonishing that the government of Israel entrusted the health of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects, without their knowledge or consent.
To date, Israel has vaccinated over 53% of their population, twice the percentage of the next closest nation, Britain, with 26.9%.
The “official news” published by the corporate media claiming that the vaccines have been effective in reducing rates of COVID in Israel has been scrutinized and examined by Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ, who published their results on a discussion forum website called “Nakim.”
The information quickly went viral, and has now been translated into several languages and addressed on various news sites around the world, including Arutz Sheva 7,
A front-page article appeared in the FranceSoir newspaper about findings on the Nakim website regarding what some experts are calling “the high mortality caused by the vaccine.”
The paper interviews Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ about their research and data analysis.
They claim that Pfizer’s shot causes “mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc.”
Dr Hervé Seligmann works at the Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. He is of Israeli-Luxembourg nationality. He has a B. Sc. In Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has written over 100 scientific publications.
FranceSoir writes that they follow publications, data analyzes, and feedback from various countries on vaccination, and have therefore taken an interest in the Nakim article, asking to interview them in order to understand their analysis and its limitations.
The authors of the article declare they have no conflicts or interests other than having children in Israel.
After a presentation, the authors discussed their data analysis, the validations carried out, limitations, and above all, their conclusions that they compare with data received via a Health Ministry Freedom of Information Act request.
Their findings are:
- There is a mismatch between the data published by the authorities and the reality on the ground.
- They have three sources of information, besides the emails and adverse event reports they receive through the Internet. These three sources are Israeli news site Ynet, the Israeli Health Ministry database, and the U.S. federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.
- In January 2021, there were 3,000 records of vaccine adverse events, including 2,900 for mRNA vaccines.
- Compared to other years, mortality is 40 times higher.
- On February 11, a Ynet article presented data related to vaccination. The authors of the Nakim article claim to have debunked this analysis based on data published by Ynet itself: “We took the data by looking at mortality during the vaccination period, which spans 5 weeks. By analyzing these data, we arrived at startling figures that attribute significant mortality to the vaccine.”
- The authors say “vaccinations have caused more deaths than the coronavirus would have caused during the same period.”
- Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann declare that for them, “this is a new Holocaust,” in face of Israeli authority pressure to vaccinate citizens.
They also invite specialists to complete their analyses, and intend to pursue legal follow-up to their discovery. The Health Ministry was not available for comment on a FranceSoir query regarding the findings.
The authors also deplored “the fact of not being able to communicate on this vital information” to their fellow citizens.
Mordechai Sones also has his own radio broadcast in Israel, and a few weeks ago he began his broadcast by reading the names of 28 people who have died following the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA injections.
The list begins with some elderly Rabbis, but also includes young people who reportedly had no existing health problems and died suddenly, including a 25-year-old woman.
After reading these 28 names, Mordechai states:
The list continues, but cannot be brought here in its entirety due to time constraints.
An Israeli man who posted this reading on YouTube stated:
I made this short video with an audio broadcast of Mordechai Sones; so that I could pass on the information that many people here in Israel have been dying after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine.
But none of this information seems to be making it into the mainline media.
I am calling on everyone to pray and seek the Lord to have this evil thing stopped immediately.
Here is the video from our Rumble Channel, and it is also on our Bitchute Channel.
I think it is safe to conclude that what is happening in Israel right now with the massive roll out of the experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA vaccine is a test of what the Globalists desire to roll out in other countries around the world, so everyone should be watching carefully what Israel is doing right now to see what is probably coming to the U.S. and other countries around the world.
From Mordechai Sones’ Facebook Page.
Israel has now started a “Green Pass” program that requires people to show proof of COVID vaccination to gain entrance to “registered” places of business. This was published yesterday, 2/28/21 in The Jerusalem Post:
The country is expected to further return to routine on Sunday and to facilitate this, the Health Ministry will roll out its “green passport” program.
A green passport will be required to enter certain places and to participate in certain activities. Only people who have been vaccinated or have recovered from coronavirus will be eligible for one.
As part of the program, registered gyms, theaters, hotels, concerts and synagogues will be able to operate starting next week.
“We are giving a huge line to vaccinators,” Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said on Thursday during an extensive briefing.
“This is the first step back to an almost normal life.”
Welcome to the “new normal.” Will the Israelis and other populations around the world comply with this?
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Brian James
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Mar 3, 2021 Three traditional Chinese medicine formulas on COVID-19 approved for sale
Three traditional Chinese medicine formulas have been approved on the market. Medical experts said the medicines were proven to be effective during the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.
Joseph Olson
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“All Wars Are Bankers Wars” by Michael Rivero, documentary
Holocaust by injection, is still HOLOCAUST
K Kaiser
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The short-term effects of this mRNA type vaccine already appear to be quite disconcerting.
The vaccine type’s long-term effects, particularly on pregnant women and (currently) children and adolescents are entirely unknown.
Randy Zeilinger
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Stuck a needle in your arm you fool you and I thought there were smarter than that do you think JESUS being Jewish would’ve done the needle Not?
Andrew Pilkington
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People will likely comply, because they are NOT being informed that they taking part in MASSIVE (Worldwide) Human DNA-Changing Experiments or that around 99.97% of people would make a Full Recovery “IF” they were unlucky enough to get Covnid-19?
But, as their SARS-CoV-2 has NEVER been Isolated, to have a “Vaccine” is Impossible.
No one will believe that their own Governments would Lie on such a Scale and the Majority don’t even want to know.
Who’d have thought that renaming the Flu could be such a great Psychological Weapon for Controlling and Destroying us?
This IS a “World War” whether people can see it or not and ALL the Countries are under Heavy Attack using Psychological Warfare. The Psychopaths behind all this, should be rounded up, along with all their Compromised Minions?
Our NHS are still pushing the “Following extensive trials”, “… the first safe and effective …” , “COVID-19 vaccine has been approved …” , “… to be given to priority groups …” . That is in 1 paragraph on a page on my GP’s website. How much Fraud in one paragraph?
Good article. Thank you.
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The psychopaths should be tarred and feathered at a minimum.
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Have Israeli’s read The Nuremberg Code (1947)?
Maria Pace
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It is a shame that the Israeli Government did not read this Information before they made the deal with Phizer. The Lord Help Israel, with future vaccines. STOP THE PHIZER VACCINE and get rid of the vaccines altogether, because these Pharmacutical
Companies are only interested in the money they can make from injecting this vaccine.They don’t care about the deaths that occur as a result of someone being injected. This mRNA has been reported to have caused many deaths before, I am shocked that the Israeli Government did not hear about this earlier, and could have saved many lives. I PRAY FOR ISRAEL AND ANY OTHER COUNTRY THAT USES THE mRNA VACCINE IN FUTURE, IT SHOULD BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET, BECAUSE IT IS A DEADLY VACCINE, FROM THE REPORTS I HAVE READ IN THE PAST 2 MONTHS.
Maria Pace
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It is a shame that the Israeli Government did not read this Information before they made the deal with Phizer. The Lord Help Israel, with future vaccines. STOP THE PHIZER VACCINE and get rid of the vaccines altogether, because these Pharmacutical
Companies are only interested in the money they can make from injecting this vaccine.They don’t care about the deaths that occur as a result of someone being injected. This mRNA has been reported to have caused many deaths before, I am shocked that the Israeli Government did not hear about this earlier, and could have saved many lives. I PRAY FOR ISRAEL AND ANY OTHER COUNTRY THAT USES THE mRNA VACCINE IN FUTURE, IT SHOULD BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET, BECAUSE IT IS A DEADLY VACCINE, FROM THE REPORTS I HAVE READ IN THE PAST 2 MONTHS. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE HEARD OF THIS HIGH A PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE HAVING BEEN VACCINATED WITH THE mRNA AT ONE TIME. IT HAS NOT BEEN TESTED ON ANIMALS OR PEOPLE, IT IS ONLY AT THE EXPERIMENTAL STAGE AS IT IS AT THIS TIME.
Ken Irwin
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That photo should be disturbing to any Jew. #neveragain
How about wearing and armband with the star of David and “Gimpft Juden” in Gothic font.
Bevan Dockery
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Why are we being lied to ? My dictionary defines a vaccine as “a suspension of attenuated or killed disease-causing microorganisms such as a virus ….”. As far as we have been told, the supposed vaccine does not contain any Covid19 virus, in which case we do not have a vaccine. My understanding is that we have a recently devised gene altering injection for which the long term consequences cannot possibly be known.
As for “lock downs”, it seems obvious that fresh air and sunshine would have been of benefit yet the answer has been to imprison people in confined spaces, breathing the stale air circulating from person to person as they are trapped inside a building. Was that because the World Health Organisation stated back in January 2020 that the virus was not transmissible from human to human ?
How can we have any confidence in health professionals any longer ?
Note: The above placed on the Comment page for The Australian newspaper on Thursday 04 March but quickly removed by the editorial staff.
Saeed Qureshi
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Wrote in May of 2020 that the authorities lie ( It is time to audit the science at the authorities before it is too late.
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Israeli are dying ? How sad. After all that hard work of escaping Germany and Russia and other places in Europe and kicking the Palestinians off their land . The Israelis are dying. Another Israeli lie ? Due to a virus as simple as the covid-19. A true Ashkenazi Jew from Khazaria shall not be affected by this virus. Their DNA has already been modified , ( think Bibi ) and mRNA gene modification on such a person shall have no affect. They have alien genes. They are not human.
Yes Israelis are dying. Those deemed a nuisance and those from Ethiopia. Those who are a nuisance are the true Semite Jews, who belong to Israel. To where the Lord Jesus Christ belongs. Once in a while you see them. Black robes, long curly hair, sandals, always in a tussle with Israeli soldiers, refusing to serve the IDF. Blatantly opposed to Zionism. Which to them is an expression of Satanism. May God help them and preserve their souls. THIS expression of being an Israeli does not blow up Twin Towers in NY. It does not start dancing on the roads in view of the Twin Towers , ready and waiting with cameras for two planes to run into these Towers. It does not make deals with Bin Salman. It does not encourage deep underground facilities on its soil to build covid-19 viruses, it does not drive out poor Palestinians from their homes in the middle of the night and move in with those heavy Hyundai machines to destroy their homes. These Israelis live by the Torah. The Ashkenazi lives by the Talmud. The Ashkenazi Jew got booted out of Russia and Poland ( think Bibi ) and has no place to go. So they walk into Palestine Land. The Ashkenazi cannot live without human sacrifice in the form of your children. That is the reason for the universal resonance with the “developed world “, where Satanic practice is rampant and galore. The real Semite Jew follows the laws of the Universal God. And Satan does not like that. We await the return of Christ to rid us of this Ashkenazi scum, once again. LGBT… belongs to the Ashkenazi mind. No Sir, do not be bothered. Covid-19 will not harm the Ashkenazi Jew. They eat these viruses day and night, as dessert. This virus is only meant for us !
Gates ! ( aka Covid-19 man) is a pimp for the Ashkenazi. Satan’s true son. Do not worry about Israel. You and I will be long dead and gone before anything can touch the Ashkenazi
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