Mars Photos Baffle NASA over ‘signs of life’

The space agency’s Perseverance Rover is due to touch down today after making the 293 million mile journey from Earth to Mars. The probe will buzz across the Martian sky at 12,000mph, before slowing itself down by deploying a 70-foot-wide parachute and setting in a crater littered with boulders.

If all goes to plan, Perseverance will successfully complete its mission this evening at around 8.43pm, and will soon start work on to determine whether the planet was once habitable.

No proof of past or present life as we know it has been found yet, but evidence has shown during the ancient Noachian period the surface environment of Mars had liquid water and may have been habitable for microorganisms.

And the Science Channel’s ‘NASA’s Unexplained Files’ revealed how NASA got a surprise last time they touched down on the Red Planet.

The narrator detailed: “NASA’s mission to Mars is on the line.

“The entire $800million (£610million) operation depends on the Opportunity Rover probe’s high-risk landing inside the Eagle Crater.

“When Opportunity starts transmitting, Mission Control’s elation soon turns to shock.

“The Martian surface is covered in small spherical rocks.”

Planetary scientist Professor Jim Bell explained how they identified what soon came to be known as the ‘Mars blueberries’.

He said: “We’re looking around, we’re taking pictures, and we see the ground literally covered with these little spherical grains and this is really bizarre.

“What are these things and where did they come from?

“Mars is the Red Planet, everything is red, and these are less red, so to an astronomer that means blue.”

The presence of the spherical rocks that were a different colour from the surrounding terrain raised the question of how they got there.

Astrophysicist David Brin, who now serves on NASA’s advisory board, recalled his thoughts at the time.

He said: “Could these have an artificial source? Obviously something powerful happened that blew pits of the Martian crust off. Something funny is going on there.”

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    Satellite Frequency Bands

    C Band – primarily used for voice and data communications as well as backhauling (the portion of the network comprising the intermediate links between the core network, or backbone network, and the small sub-networks at the edge of the network.); performs better under adverse weather conditions on the ground.
    X Band – used mainly for military communications and Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) systems; less susceptible to rain fade; higher performance level under adverse weather conditions.
    Ku Band – primarily used for two-way consumer broadband and military networks. Due to the higher frequencies of this band, it can be more vulnerable to signal quality problems caused by rain fade.

    VHF – Very High Frequency, is Line of Sight.
    Basically means; the further away the transmission source is, is the higher the receiver needs to be. Good luck.


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    probably brighton beach pebbles with a blue-ish pink tint on the lense


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    Burns Matkin


    This is a lot of money spent to try to prove that life on earth was a naturally occurring spontaneous event. This is because we know that the sludge life beginning idea is just plain garbage. So, in an attempt to get the secular genesis story back on line, they are looking for life on Mars. This is interesting but just about useless.
    Why can’t people just admit they don’t know, or it is a matter of faith and spend the money on something that improves human and the world condition.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi.Burns, ,

      If one actually reads Darwin’s book one will find there are two issues: the creation of life and the adaptation of this life after it had been created.

      The last SCIENTIST, who challenged Darwin’s creation of life, was Lewis Agassiz and he lost his scientific reputation as being a notable NATURALIST who had convinced the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY that glaciers in the past had covered northern portions of Europe, Asia, and North American southward to 45N latitude and sometimes even beyond.

      Agassiz was a BELIEVER who believed: “And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the across the expanse of the sky.” So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed blessed them and said: “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas and let the birds increase on the earth.” And there was evening and there was morning—the fifth day.” (NIV Genesis 1:20-23)

      Agassiz was a naturalist who specifically studied prehistoric fish fossils and ignored the birds which God had also created on the fifth day. So he argued that prehistoric fish fossils showed a structure similar to modern fish structures and most of the SCIENTISTS, with whom he debated, had never studied the structures of prehistoric fishes nor the structures of modern fishes. Hence, Agassiz lost his argument and his reputation.

      However, who does not know that most bird eggs need to be incubated (warmed to the birds body temperature) in order for little, helpless, birds to ‘hatch’ from the eggs??? Who does not know about the sex life of the birds which creates a ‘fertile’ egg??? WHO programed the birds to sit on their fertile eggs that they might hatch and the birds reproduce their kind???

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Tom O


        And an interesting consideration is this – why is creation and evolution mutually exclusive? I see no reason that believing in one requires one to exclude the other as a reality, as that is exactly how see it. In the beginning was creation, and since then, change through evolution. We have no true clue as to the time scale for anything. The time line is completely based in the assumption that conditions have always been the same, thus our choices to “date” everything is based in immutable facts. Just thinking out loud.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Tom O,

        The problem with Darwin’s theory of evolution (creation) does not include a Creator God and this Creator God has inspired other men to write that He is a jealous God and is not willing to have anyone claim that He did not create the heavens and the Earth and life.

        In my prior reading of the posting by Callum I did not catch that the pebbles were magnified. I believe the images which have been seen (observed) by the Hubble telescopes so I have no trouble imaging that pebbles similar to these formed the mineral composition of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars as described in the earlier verses of Genesis 1.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    Being honest


    The earth is flat


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