Did You Know Dietary Supplements Have Cured Cancer & Covid-19?
Thymus Gland Hormone Demonstrably Raises T-Cell Counts, Slashes Deaths by 272 percent Among Severely-Ill COVID-19 Patients Without Side Effects; Also Could Be Cancer Cure; Can Be Mimicked With Zinc Pills.
In an astounding study the public has not heard about, the subcutaneous (under the skin) injection of just 1.6 milligrams of a thymus gland hormone (thymosin alpha-1) for seven days among patients with severe deathbed COVID-19 coronavirus disease dramatically increases T-cell counts and slashes the mortality rate by 272% (from 30% to 11%) without side effects.
This astonishing study, which emanates from Wuhan, China, the initial epicenter for the COVID-19 pandemic, indicates a life-saving remedy for severe COVID-19 coronavirus infections is at hand. The report, published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, is a landmark study because of its demonstrable effect even among the most severely ill patients facing imminent death.
In a parallel study published in the journal International Immunopharmacology, short-term thymus gland hormone treatment (5 or more days) dramatically reduced survival at the 28-day point but not 60-day mortality, presumably because treatment was not continued.
In recent times it has become evident that T-cells (white blood cells produced in the thymus gland) are superior to antibodies in providing long-term immunity against infectious disease. T-memory cells not only activate antibodies but are able to “completely suppress viral replication or completely eradicate the virus.”
Thymus gland hormone (thymosin-A1), an approved therapy for infectious diseases and cancer, is posed as “hope out of the box in the COVID-19 disaster.”
Not for prevention
Thymosin-A1 injections are not beneficial for healthy patients who have adequate T-cell counts. So, the treatment will not serve to prevent any infectious disease including COVID-19, but exerts a demonstrable life-saving effect among severely ill patients. Side effects are reported from thymosin-A1 injections in healthy individuals.
Nothing done about age-related decline in thymus hormone
The immune system weakens with advancing age and little is done about that. Exhausted thymus gland hormone is the key reason for this age-related decline in immunity.
Produced in the thymus gland, thymosin-A1 is a natural and essential component of the human immune system. It is what the human body relies upon to fend off infectious diseases. Removal of the thymus gland results in mortality of laboratory animals.
Over a decade ago a report in Future Medicine claimed that “Thymosin-based therapies have the potential to treat the two most prevalent causes of death in the USA – cancer and cardiovascular disease.”
A more recent report “strongly recommended” thymosin-A1 among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Thymosin-A1 is also posed as a “vaccine enhancer.” Thymosin-A1 can also be added to vaccines as an adjuvant.
Thymosin-A1 and cancer
Thymosin-A1 is an already-approved drug for immunodeficiency diseases and has direct therapeutic and even curative application as an anti-cancer treatment via its ability to minimize immune-suppression and inhibit cancer growth factors (vascular endothelial growth factor or VEGF) and therefore can also serve to avert vision loss from growth of abnormal blood vessels in the visual center of the eyes (macular degeneration).
Thymosin-A1 has been successfully used to treat lung cancer patients. The most recent research advocates for thymosin A-1 for breast cancer.
At the very least, thymosin A-1 could be used to treat opportunistic infections among patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy.
Foot-dragging in modern medicine
Thymosin A-1 was first isolated in the late 1970s. Given that the thymus gland is the main immune organ, there is no adequate explanation for the foot-dragging in modern medicine to implement T-cell elevating thymosin treatment among immune-compromised patients, advocated in 1976 and even earlier. More than four decades have elapsed since thymosin-A1 was first isolated and early studies “did not fall short of expectations.”
Thymosin-A1 is licensed in 37 countries for the treatment of hepatitis and as an immune adjuvant and stimulant. Thousands of patients have been safely and successfully treated with thymosin-A1 (T-A1 “safety profile is excellent and is virtually devoid of toxicity,” which is more than can be said about vaccines).
This “amazing” remedy has been overshadowed by lesser effective monoclonal antibody drugs (remdesivir) that are approved for treatment of COVID-19.
Oral thymosin-A1
Oral thymosin-A1 is orally absorbed and is the most potent ingredient in thymus powder, exhibiting 10-10,000 times more biological activity than raw thymus extract. Pure chemically synthetic thymosin-A1 is not affordable for most people. (Thymus gland extracts are not to be taken by healthy adults.)
Indirect thymosin booster: zinc
The trace mineral zinc is considered the gatekeeper of immune surveillance, the mechanism by which white blood cells seek out and destroy abnormal organisms (bacteria, viruses, tumor cells).
The indirect way to boost thymosin-A1 is to supplement the diet with zinc since thymosin-A1 is a zinc-dependent string of 28 amino acids (peptide). Zinc supplementation raises T-cell counts.
Zinc supplementation raises thymus hormone levels among zinc-deficient individuals by 5-fold.
Over a decade ago thymosin, thymosin + zinc and zinc alone were listed as having positive effects upon a weakened immune system.
Zinc deficiency not only results in the involution (shrinkage) of the thymus gland from the size of a walnut to the size of a pea with advancing age, and impairs the ability of the thymus gland to produce peptide (amino acid) hormones such as thymosin-A1.
COVID-19 and zinc
A recent study reveals COVID-19 patients have particularly low levels of zinc and selenium. Almost 20% of COVID-19 survivors have low zinc/selenium levels versus 50% of non-survivors.
Adequate zinc/selenium levels are associated with greater survival. Selenium deficiency is also associated with COVID-19 mortality.
One study reveals 24% of older adults do not consume sufficient amounts of zinc and 14% have low zinc blood levels and presumably have low thymus hormone levels.
Thymosin-A1 and cancer survival
Researchers are now calling for a “reappraisal of thymosin-A1 for cancer therapy.”
Thymosin and melanoma
There are published reports of prolonged remissions of cancer among zinc supplemented patients. The most remarkable is the report of 57.8-month (almost 5-year) survival when metastatic (spreading) melanoma patients were given thymosin-A1 + a monoclonal antibody drug. Survival was only 7.4 months with the monoclonal antibody alone.
Zinc supplementation and cancer
An unexpected discovery was the use of zinc ionophores (binders) that drag more zinc inside living cells for the treatment of malaria that resulted in a reduction in cancer mortality .
Zinc reduces skin tumor development in laboratory animals.
In a human study, among 196 patients given zinc vs. 71 who received no zinc, liver function deteriorated among patients who received no zinc over a 3-year period. Incidence of liver cancer was 24.9% among patients given no zinc vs. 9.5% among patients given supplemental zinc.
Have you ever heard of an oncologist who prescribes zinc?
If you ponder what you have just read about thymosin-1A and zinc, you may realize a major breakthrough in cancer has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic that has gone unreported by health authorities and the news media. Self-care will be the only way the public will take advantage of this breakthrough.
Why vaccinate?
The current narrow scope of modern medicine, which appears to be solely focused on vaccination against a reported coronavirus infection, which kills 1/10th of one-percent of the population (379,000 deaths among 325,000,000 Americans = 0.001 risk), and only 6% of these deaths involve COVID-19 alone with co-morbid factors (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) being a more likely cause of death among frail elderly Americans. This suggests only 22,740 deaths solely from COVID-19, which is only 7 deaths in 100,000. That means one would have to vaccinate 14,285 people to save one life, a massive over-vaccination policy. 99% of the US population would not benefit from mass vaccination with an RNA COVID-19 vaccine.
The current vaccines are being tested for their ability to transiently reduce symptoms of COVID-19 infection and are not being tested for their ability to reduce mortality rates, which requires long-term studies. Therefore, based upon available evidence, it can be concluded that thymosin-A1 and zinc supplementation offer more valid evidence of life-saving therapy and prevention of COVID-19 than vaccination.
Thymus gland extracts
Animal derived (calves) thymus gland extracts are available as dietary supplements. Two sources would be Nature’s Way Thymulus and Ecological Formulas Lyphoactivated Thymic Peptides. (Again, only to be taken when ill.)
Zinc supplements
There are many forms of zinc supplements (zinc acetate, citrate, gluconate, monomethionine, picolinate, oxide, the latter being less absorbable). Zinc carnosine (polaprezinc) is easier on the digestive tract and is advised for the eradication of H. pylori, a bacterium that causes gastric ulcers. A 30 mg dose of daily zinc is advised for adults by Dr. Ananda Prasad, the reigning authority on zinc nutriture. Zinc lozenges (preferably with ionophores) are recommended in the Critical Care Management Protocol, taken 5 times a day, especially when symptoms of breathlessness or loss of smell and taste occur, (which are signs of zinc deficiency) or when a cold, flu or coronavirus infection occurs. Zinc lozenges are considered the closest thing to a cure for the common cold.
Addendum: Lock-down disease is a widespread phenomenon that began with mandated quarantines and confinement of human populations in their homes. It emanates from the over-consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea and sugary foods during the pandemic, as well as reliance on vitamin-depleting diuretic water pills, antacids and anti-diabetic drugs (metformin), that interfere with vitamin B1, an essential nutrient that controls the autonomic (automatic) nervous system, and produces symptoms similar to a viral infection (chronic cough, breathlessness, diarrhea/constipation, fever, as well as loss of smell and taste, without a true viral infection. Read more about lock-down disease here
Read more at www.lewrockwell.com
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If the mortality rate is reduced from 30% to 11%,
the drop in the mortality rate is 19%,
(not 272% as stated).