Sea-Level Rise? Hundreds Of Pacific Islands Getting Bigger

New research says hundreds of islands in the Pacific are growing in land size, even as climate change-related sea-level rises threaten the region.

Scientists at the University of Auckland found atolls in the Pacific nations of the Marshall Islands and Kiribati, as well as the Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean, have grown up to 8 percent in size over the past six decades despite sea-level rise.

They say their research could help climate-vulnerable nations adapt to global warming in the future.

The scientists used satellite images of islands as well as on-the-ground analysis to track the changes.

Coastal geomorphologist Dr. Paul Kench said coral reef sediment was responsible for building up the islands.

“All the islands that we’re looking at, and the atoll systems, comprise predominantly of the broken up corals, shells and skeletons of organisms on the coral reef, which waves then sweep up and deposit on the island,” he said.

Dr. Kench said in areas where coral reefs were healthy, enough sediment was being produced to cause islands to grow.

“The majority of islands in each of those nations has either got larger or stayed very similar in size,” he said.

“So, you know, one of the remarkable takeaways of the work is that these islands are actually quite dynamic in a physical sense.”

Healthy Coral Reefs Key To Pacific Islands’ Growth

Coastal erosion from rising sea levels is considered a major threat to many Pacific communities, with some already watching as shorelines recede.

Dr. Kench said about 10 percent of islands captured in the study had gotten smaller in size.

He said a better understanding of which islands are growing and which are eroding could help Pacific nations adapt to climate change.

“That gives the island nations some power to think about adaptation strategies, about where do you focus further development, and you would perhaps choose those islands which we can demonstrate are actually growing in size,” he said.

“So we think it’s affording some different sort of strategies and opportunities for islands to think about as they’re contemplating an uncertain future.”

Dr. Kench said there was more work to be done in understanding other factors influencing the growth or reduction of the Pacific islands.

Read rest at the ABC

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Comments (11)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Michael Clarke and PSI Readers,

    Actually study the picture!!! You can simply see why the island is growing in size. And if one cannot see this: one has not learned to see.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb and PSI Readers,

    And the NOAA scientists headquartered at Newport Bay Oregon are within a mile where the action of ocean tidal current have extended the coast line because a jetties were constructed at the entrance to the bay. Observed fact. And that is not the only example of this having occurred along the coast of Oregon.

    And if Herb does not respond to these observations, he clearly is not a SCIENTIST who actually observes.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Marion and PSI Readers,

    I have to ask the following question to establish that I knew enough to ask it.

    Are the tidal levels which occur on the ‘populated’ side of the island being measured as is somewhat common practice? And if they are, are the tidal records being kept and how long is this historical record. For these are measurements from which the changing levels of the ocean can be determined and not the growing size of the island.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hi Jerry and your friends.

      I see Michael’s article has disappeared. It was published on January 8th.
      I had intended to compose a comment covering some basics on waves and currents and their interactions with each other. Water based energy which may or may not be duplicated through out the universe.
      For years the scientists in the laboratory said the monster waves that destroyed ships did not exist. They called them freak waves but the only freaks were the scientists who denied observations because they could not model them in the test tank.
      When energy from different sources and even the same source join forces or oppose each other unusual phenomena can occur.
      Have a nice day. Matt


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Matt,
        Michael’s article hasn’t disappeared it’s on page 2.


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          Hi Herb.
          On my computer page one ends on January 10th and page 2 starts on Jan 6th. Been like that for at least 24 hours.
          It could be that I support President Trump installing a couple of climate sceptics in NOAA to audit the data so big tech is messing with me. (satire)
          Cheers. Matt


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            Herb Rose


            Hi Matt,
            My computer shows it was published onJanuary 8. It’s under the article on Solar Flare in 744AD. Try a search usingMichael’s name.

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            Herb. I have just been looking at . No solar flares but a corona hole so they are predicting extra solar wind arriving Earth on the 18th January.
            The article you mention is missing too but I’ll check it out in a day or two.
            Herb! Have you ever wondered why otherwise decent people in a time of war feed off each others mass and passions and commit mass atrocities.
            We are observing it now, globally, in relation to USA election, climate change, pandemic, and misinformation.
            The first victim of war is the truth.

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          Jerry Krause


          Hi MattH,

          On my computer now posts of Jan 6 begin on page 4. And Michael’s now begins on page 3.

          I had been having problems ‘double’ posting my comments as you may have noticed. And other people had had the same problem. And the second time I had the problem I was especially careful and ‘know’ I did not click the submit button twice. More frequently I submit and receive a message that it had already been submitted. And in these cases again I am quite certain I had not gotten close to the submit Botton.

          So I can imagine a similar ‘thing’ is happening in your case for whatever reason. For recent articles should not change the articles which on previous pages.

          Sometimes, maybe often, computers do their own thing.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi MattH,

          On my computer now posts of Jan 6 begin on page 4. And Michael’s now begins on page 3.

          I had been having problems ‘double’ posting my comments as you may have noticed. And other people had had the same problem. And the second time I had the problem I was especially careful and ‘know’ I did not click the submit button twice. More frequently I submit and receive a message that it had already been submitted. And in these cases again I am quite certain I had not gotten close to the submit Botton.

          So I can imagine a similar ‘thing’ is happening in your case for whatever reason. For recent articles should not change the articles which on previous pages.

          Sometimes, maybe often, computers do their own thing.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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            Jerry Krause


            Hi MattH.

            I did not just purposefully double post.

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