India’s Big Green Doppelganger Is Doomed to Fail

India was once known as the Crown jewel of the British Empire before gaining independence in 1946. Sadly, like most of the post WWII history, that leap to independence was tainted by a fair dose of propaganda.

Of course many great patriots arose to powerful positions in India during the past seven decades bearing such names as Homi Babha (the father of Indian nuclear science), Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandi (assassinated in 1984 and 1991 respectively)… but so too have British stooges more loyal to British intelligence agendas than their own nations’ well being.

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, the populist leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party has vacillated between those two extremes, occasionally breaking from Anglo-American pressure to treat China, Pakistan or the New Silk Road as enemies, but more often than not bending to the geopolitical demands of the empire.

A recent case of the latter slavish behaviour can be seen with Modi’s renewed call to counter the spread of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with a strange doppelganger known as the One Sun, One World, One Grid Plan (OSOWOG). This three-phased global plan was first announced in 2018 and promises to transition the world into a single international green energy grid by 2050 in order to meet the COP-21 demands for mass carbon dioxide reduction. Part of the plan also involves creating a ‘World Solar Bank’ to offset the China-dominated Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and New Development Bank.

The OSOWOG Plan targets a vast region encapsulating two broad zones which basically receive lots of sun light: 1) the Far East of Asia and Middle East and 2) North Africa. In essence, the plan calls for spreading green energy infrastructure across these sun-soaked regions and a generating a new integrated green grid as a way to counterbalance China’s BRI. The first phase calls for enmeshing the Middle East, South Asia and South East Asia into green grids followed soon thereafter by North Africa and then finally, the world. Indian secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Anand Kumar stated: “this would be the key to future renewable-based energy systems globally. Creation of regional and international interconnected green grids can enable sharing of renewable energy across international borders.”

Currently receiving start up capital from the World Bank, the OSOWOG Plan is managed by another entity created during the COP-19 Conference in 2015 and headquartered in New Delhi entitled the International Solar Alliance (an umbrella organization of 66 nations).

According to the project’s Request for Proposal of bids, “the vision behind the OSOWOG mantra is ‘The Sun Never Sets’ and is a constant at some geographical location, globally, at any given point of time”.

This may look nice on the surface, but when one looks at the partners of OSOWOG and the anti-BRI geopolitical dynamics underlying its deployment, it appears that the British Empire’s still-active controlling hand has more to do with the mantra than the presence of the sun’s rays on the earth.

In June 2019, Modi’s International Solar Alliance (ISA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the British Commonwealth of 52 nations of the “former British Empire” which is still headed by Queen Elizabeth herself and of which India is still a member. According to their press release, these nations “agreed to work in partnership to promote the development and scaling-up of solar power within member countries common to both organisations.” The head of the ISA stated: “Together, ISA and Commonwealth will be able to look at country-wide strategies to promote the Paris Agreement on climate change, and Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 13 on clean, affordable energy and climate action.”

Why China’s BRI Works

The fact is that under the ever-growing Belt and Road Initiative, nations which have suffered under decades of neocolonialism and abject poverty have now recognized a tangible hope for sustained growth and freedom from want.

China’s win-win paradigm is premised not on debt slavery as some of the BRI’s detractors maintain, but rather on long term, large scale infrastructure development which simply benefits all participants.

What makes this project so successful is that unlike 50 years of globalization promises that have only created a world of neocolonial debt slavery, China actually gets things done, as 800 million who have been lifted out of poverty in 25 years can attest to. Frustrating the armies of western mathematical economists sitting in their ivory towers, the BRI is not formulaic and uses practices that have some characteristics of “market-driven/capitalism” as well as others that are “socialist/protectionist”.

To put it simply, the BRI defies formalism because reality is not formal. If you care about helping nations become self-sufficient while uplifting the material/cognitive/cultural conditions of the people, then the path to attain those principled goals may take on many forms, but the substance is the same. I would characterize that substance in the simplest terms the following 3-fold way:

1) Have a plan for every nation state and city you wish to cooperate with.

2) Make sure these plans are in harmony with a larger unifying plan that organizes the local and regional parts from the top down.

3) Make sure that the fruits of building these plans are of a type that benefits all players- private, public, rich, poor, agricultural and industrial.

This is the essence of the Belt and Road Initiative.

By building the largest dams, high speed rail grids, electricity programs, ports and bridges in history, concrete, steel, aluminum, iron, tin and rare earths have been used and deployed in amounts far exceeding anything the USA has done in the past 60. These feats require energy. Lots of energy.

But not all energy is created equal.

The Imperial Fraud of ‘Green’ Energy

If we are simply measuring energy as calories, then from a purely mathematical standpoint one can say one calorie of nuclear power, one calorie of coal power and one calorie from a solar farm are equivalent. However, if we assess the quality of the organization of energy, then those three are no longer equal with one gram of nuclear fuel performing the equivalent amount of work as 3 million grams of coal (which itself is exponentially more efficient and cheap than solar power).

While it cannot be denied that China has become a world leader in “green” energy projects, and Xi Jinping speaks of “green power” a lot, the thrust of China’s international projects are not successful due to such forms of energy but rather vast investments into nuclear power, coal, hydro power and natural gas- all of which are considered verboten by the green technocrats in the west preaching a global decarbonization pipe dream for climate offending nations in the developing sector.

For those on the left still hanging onto the misinformed belief that windmills and solar panels can replace “dirty” fossil fuels and nuclear power, it is useful to review Michael Moore’s recent documentary Planet of the Humans which has thrown many an eco-activist in an existential funk since its April 2020 release. [Warning: Moore’s film excellently demonstrates the fraud of green energy, but still falls into the cynical Malthusian belief that ultimately humanity’s only chance for survival is to bite the bullet and wilfully depopulate ourselves].

In spite of its misanthropic narrative, Moore’s film does effectively capture the fact that while wind and solar look good on paper (or in the mathematical fantasy lands of technocrats), the reality is that such energy sources are the very opposite of “sustainable”… as windmills and solar panels cannot be even be created using windmill and solar energy!

Here is where the fraud of Modi’s “Sun Never Sets” Initiative comes in.

By attempting to create a green belt cutting across Mackinder’s World Island, from Asia through the Middle East to Africa, the OSOWOG plan promises to do essentially what the British Empire of yesteryear did to the world for centuries: Ensure no industrial growth, infrastructure or national sovereignty while keeping all nations foolish enough to jump on board in perpetual debt slavery with no means of production necessary to extinguish ever growing debts. This lesson was learned by the earlier Club of Rome promoters of Desertec which promised to convert the Sahara into a solar super hub to power all of Europe forever and which Siemans CEO Peter Loscher stated would be “the Apollo project of the 21st century” in 2009, but which turned out to be a failed boondoggle by 2013 as nations decided their future was best guaranteed by joining the New Silk Road instead.

With COVID-19 being used by the most powerful financial forces on the earth as an excuse to ram through a Green New Deal under the UN’s Global Compact (which has the support of the largest western corporations and banks in the world), it is obvious that OSOWOG is really just another lame attempt to revive the British Empire as an anti-development strategy for the 21st century.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide FoundationHe can be reached at [email protected]

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Comments (5)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Matthew,

    You began: “India was once known as the Crown jewel of the British Empire before gaining independence in 1946.”

    Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution. (Wikipedia)

    Caste is 1. One of the hereditary classes of social organization in India. 2. Hence: A similar division or class of society any community. (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary)

    I give these two definitions of ‘caste’ for you to consider. For I have a few questions for you and other readers to consider.

    Why do you suppose that my great grandfather migrated to the USA in 1860 from northern Germany to begin farming in Wisconsin?

    When I did a little history search I found a possible answer was: “The population reached 305,000 by 1850; of these, over 36% were foreign-born with Germans predominating.” (Britannica 1968)

    So, my question now becomes: Why did so many foreign-born migrate to Wisconsin which Han only become a state in 1848?

    Another question: Why does the USA need to build a fence to keep millions of illegal migrants from crossing this border to settle in the USA?

    Was this migration to the New World was because of the caste social-economical-governmental systems were of old civilizations were all Caste systems?

    And do not forget that there was the USA Civil World which was fought to purge the USA of legal slavery which was initially legal because of a compromise necessary to form the ‘United States’ of North America.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Markm Tapley


      The War of Northern Aggression had nothing to do with slavery. It was all about the unconstitutional Northern tariffs that had been imposed by the New England Industrialists and manufactures for 36 years (some as high as 200%) before the north launched its ethnic genocidal attack on there South. This same power structure that put Lincoln and the radical Republicans in power (most of whom had made their original fortunes either in the Atlantic slave trade or in the British (Jew) opium trade) cared nothing about the slaves. Do you really think that the northerners would have risked their lives to free slaves that in most cases were much better off than the northern factory workers?

      The northern Sec. of State Steward and Sec. of War Stanton both in their personal letters stated that they wanted to damage the Southern economy to eliminate competition, as they were afraid that as the west opened up that the trade would flow out of New Orleans and up the Mississippi leaving New England hanging out to dry. That is why their agent, the sodomite and murderer Lincoln could not let the south go. Lincoln when asked by a reporter as to why he did not let the south go replied “but who will pay for the government” being fully aware that the south was paying ap. 86% of the revenue for the central gov. and getting Zero in return. If the south were left alone, the New England elite knew that they would have to compete with a free trade zone. That is why they refused to leave the south alone.

      Before the war the south sent representatives to meet with Lincoln 4 times. He refused to even meet with them. All they requested was a reduction in tariffs. I will not at this time relate the fort Sumpter scam also set up by Lincoln. In 1864 Lincoln did meet with southern representatives in the hopes of shortening the war. At this meeting the Southern emissaries offered to end slavery. Lincoln had no interest in this whatsoever. He only wanted the same thing as at the beginning. Just pay your tribute to us and we will end the war.

      It should be noted that when Lee was forced to invade Pennsylvania he had many negroes in his Army of Northern Virginia. Most did not fight but many did. If you look some of the memorials in the Arlington Nat. Cemetery you will see their likeness the reliefs. As Lees army passed through the countryside (he did not allow rape, looting and destruction like the war criminals Sherman and Grant) some of the northerners asked the black soldiers why they did not run off, which they could have at any time. They replied that they knew they were better off where they were than in the north.

      The great cavalry general Nathan Bedford Forrest had an elite guard of 44 (going from memory, may be off by one or two) all of whom were slaves from his plantation. All of them stayed for the duration except one. In the southern army the negroes were not segregated as in the north but integrated in with everyone else. In the Union Army it is widely known that the colored soldiers were used for cannon fodder whenever possible. Lee;’s Army of Northern Virginia had many men from the Appellation region. Most of them had never even seen a black person. Do you think that they were fighting for slavery?

      If you read the minuets of the Northern Congress’s “Committee of The Coinduct of The War”. it is clear that had it been necessary to kill every man, woman and child in the South to keep the tariffs in place they would not have hesitated for a moment. So put aside your Northern propaganda. The truth is easy to see when one just does merely a cursory investigation. Very much like with the fake virus, fake test and fake numbers.,


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        To spread this false dichotomy about the Civil War does a disservice to this website. The Southern States broke off because Lincoln was elected President and they saw him as a threat to continuing the Plantation way of life, based on Slavery. The Blacks there were not there voluntarily. They were SLAVES! BIRTH OF A NATION was not true history, it was a MOVIE to promote propaganda in order to justify Jim Crow. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat and Racist, did a disservice to the Presidency by claiming the movie was one of best works of history and entertainment created. He premiered it in the White House and was supported of the KKK. Having worked in the Military with Black Americans who were raised in the Jim Crow South,. told me of stories of the KKK Night Riders in the 50s and 60s, you are ga mythical view of the Antebellum South. There were no groups of armed Negroes fighting for the South. A few Officers brought along Salves as servants, not warriors. Please admit Slavery was Wrong, and get on with your life.


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          Mark Tapley


          I am not familiar with the movie but have stated the real reason for the war. If you look at copies of the New York Times of that era you will see that slavery was of no concern to the North but rather economic issues. The slavery issue was not brought out in the north until well into the war. Lincoln was careful to state that he was only concerned with holding the states together (so the north could get the tribute) and did not care if the slaves were freed or not. This is because if the northern troops had thought for a minute that they were fitting for the negroes then they would have all deserted.

          Lincoln maneuvered the South into firing the first shot at Fort Sumpter as a pretext to say the north was being attacked. This is after the northern. gov. had agreed to remove the troops since Buchanan was in office and the south had not only allowed them to stay but had continued to provision them.. Finally after the south still had not fired on the fort, Lincoln sent in. 16 ships in another violation, to provoke war.

          The south knew that slavery was going to end and had already agreed to not expand it. The expansion issue was again just northern propaganda stoked up to make the people of the north think the south wanted to bring in black labor. There was no plantation agriculture in the north. One of the main arguments brought up by the radical republicans was the New Mexico territories which a that time included all of Arizona. There were 26 slaves (almost all of them temporary) in this entire vast area. There were more free blacks in some areas of the south including New Orleans and many that were slaves were so just in the nominal sense. 14,000 blacks owned slaves themselves and the biggest slave owner in the Charleston area for a long time was a freed black man.

          The entire Atlantic slave trade was run out of New England (dominated by Jews) and even though technically it was outlawed in 1808 in the subsequent 50 years only 2 ships had been stopped. This New England slave trade actually continued into the 1940’s with the ivory trade controlled Again by two towns out of New England. You might note that the famous explorer and missionary Dr. Livingston when asked about this brutal ivory trade controlled out of New England to acquire ivory for piano keys and billiard balls, he said that he did not talk about it because it was so horrendous that people did not believe him.

          You might also be interested to know that more union generals owned slaves than southern ones. This included War criminals Grant and Sherman. Lee would have nothing to do with it. When his wife’s father died (they owned what is now the Arlington. cemetery, stolen by the north) she inherited some slaves but Lee got rid of them as soon as possible.

          None of this is movie fiction but fact that can easily be verified.


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          Mark Tapley


          As for your claim that no black soldiers fought for the South I suggest you read
          “Black Southerners In the Confederate Armies” which includes copies of documents. I have already mentioned Forrest’s cavalry. Four black soldiers were captured at the battle of Gettysburg. There were also whole groups of free blacks that joined. Some plantations were basically run by negroes (as was George Washington’s earlier (run by slave husband and wife) and some volunteered troops.


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