“Great success for the international event promoted in Lyon (France) with the European Stop 5G Alliance : thousands of citizens from different countries gathered this morning in front of the headquarters of IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer belonging to the WHO World Health Organization. It is the agency responsible for the reclassification of the carcinogenesis of electrosmog, radio frequency non-ionizing waves. From all, the same request: “no conflicts of interest in scientific research, the reclassification of cancer from electrosmog is urgently needed”.
Wireless is a human Carcinogen
Miller Anthony B., Sears Margaret E., Morgan L. Lloyd, Davis Devra L., Hardell Lennart, Oremus Mark, Soskolne Colin L. (2019). Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices, Frontiers in Public Health, 7, Pages 223, ISSN 2296-2565, doi10.3389/fpubh.2019.00223
Priyanka Bandara, David O Carpenter, (2018). Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact, The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 2, Issue 12, Pages e512-e514, ISSN 2542-5196, doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30221-3.
Anthony B. Miller, L. Lloyd Morgan, Iris Udasin, Devra Lee Davis, (2018). Cancer epidemiology update, following the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102), Environmental Research, Volume 167, Pages 673-683, ISSN 0013-9351, doi:10.1016/j.envres.2018.06.043.
Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, (2015). Mobile phone and cordless phone use and the risk for glioma–Analysis of pooled case-control studies in Sweden, 1997–2003 and 2007–2009,
Pathophysiology, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 1-13, ISSN 0928-4680, doi:10.1016/j.pathophys.2014.10.001.
Carlberg, M., & Hardell, L. (2014). Decreased Survival of Glioma Patients with Astrocytoma Grade IV (Glioblastoma Multiforme) Associated with Long-Term Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(10), 10790–10805. doi:10.3390/ijerph111010790
Sources of wireless radiation include A LOT more than cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers, cell towers, and antennas. Popular wearables (ear buds, activity trackers, etc.), medical devices, and other “Smart” technology like utility “Smart” Meters emit radiation too.
Exposure is cumulative and some will undoubtedly tolerate it better than others. The same thing can be said about other toxins as well – chloroform, engine exhaust, lead, tobacco products, etc.
The European Stop 5G Alliance, born last year in Switzerland, had already participated in a workshop at the European Parliament in Brussels.
The information and videos on this page is from Oasisana.
Joseph Olson
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Humanity faces slavery and extinction from a powerful group, in control of information and resources, and determined to use full spectrum dominance of biological, chemical and radiological forces to control all life on Earth. End feudalism now.
Tom O
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I find it interesting to notice the “what emits wireless” graphic is limited only to what is in the home, other then the mention of cell towers.. It really should have included the more powerful wireless applications as well such as wireless surveillance cameras, and all traffic control systems such as radar operated cameras.
How about microwave links in communications? FM radio, on air TV stations? All radio communications systems used by the military and public service utilities? Ham radio and CB, the inter communications planned between driverless cars? Communications between roadside transmitters and the planned driverless cars? The list of RF smog that we sit in is incredible in number and strength. Air traffic communications, radars systems for both air traffic and weather, and on and on.
I noticed, at the time the cancer society was pushing the anti-smoking propaganda that the graph they used to denote the similarity between the growth of cancer and smoking more nearly looked like the growth of the use of radio waves, both in total power and usage of the frequency band. And since the human body acts as a modulator, allowing frequencies to mix, producing both higher frequencies as well as lower frequencies, the amount of power all the way into the cosmic wave frequency range was ever growing. Is it any wonder that DNA is disrupted and cancer cells form?
Carbon Bigfoot
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Tom O are you aware of this website?
More information than you can read in a day.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Tom O Verizon now claims 5G Millimeter Waves Travel 3000 ft. see the video on this website:
Great source of information run my Susan Clarke—John O’S suggest you ask her for an article. She has been in this right for years.
Tom O
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If 5G only travels 3000 feet, Musk’s Starlink satellites must be flying pretty damn low. Actually, I would guess that ANY RF wave will travel until its energy is used up on collisions with particles. No way it is limited to 3000 feet since Starlink and everyone elses’ 5G satellites have to be high enough so the atmosphere will not slow them down and bring them down too soon. And I seriously doubt that Verizon’s transmitters are that weak.
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People also need to be aware of the constellation of satellites that will be encircling the earth and beaming radio frequency radiation down all over the earth (ie: Musk’s Starlink).
Tom O
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Not just the 5G satellites, but every satellite above your head is beaming down RF signals, be it a weather satellite, communication satellite, GPS, spy, or whatever. Every one that is in operation is constantly transmitting information or possibly only in bursts, but nonetheless, it is RF and it adds to the problems of our EMF smog that is causing more and more DNA damage.