Pandemics Are PERSONAL
You might not have relationships with victims of industrial pollution, or open air nuclear test down winder cancer clusters. Disease might seem a random event you’ve been lucky enough to avoid, however pandemics are different.
Declared pandemics are rare, once in a century events, but no individual or family is untouched. My maternal grandmother lost her mother, father and little brother to the 1918 Spanish Flu.
She bravely, never mentioned her orphan childhood, but that fact left me longing for answers. A few years ago a friend gave me a copy of The Great Influenza, by John M Barry.
I often read good books cover to cover, but have never finished a book, only to realize that my preconceived opinions had tainted my understanding of the first half of the book so much that I immediately reread this book. The missing element in this pandemic is cofactors, but before we discuss those, a quick overview.
Barry is an impeccable researcher, his book has 450 pages, with an additional 80 page bibliography. No summary article can do it justice, but a great 20 minute video will introduce the subject. “1918 Spanish Flu History Documentary” at Chromosome8 website.
Now a brief discussion of the Barry mentioned cofactors, with some additions. First is the total lack of quarantine in America. Next is the Espionage Act of 1917 banning any antiwar propaganda, which included any mention of disease. The horrible housing, feeding and transporting of inductees, as mention in the video are cofactors.
These soldiers were then subject to poison gas attacks, further weakening their immune systems. The next problem was any understanding of this pathogen. Bacteria were visible with optical microscopes, but the sub 400 micron diameter of virus left this pathogen undiscovered until the invention of the electron microscope in the mid 1920s.
Pandemics are cyclical, as recovered victims are immune protected and cannot spread disease to new hosts. We know the greatest pandemic in written history was the Bubonic Plague, 1346 to 1353, killing 200 million, and the next recorded pandemics were the H2N2 of 1889, 1956 and 1977.
The Spanish Flu was H1N1, which occurred again in 1950 and in 1977. We will cover more of this in a moment.
The Wilson Flu of 1918 was a war crime against America. This Princeton puppet won in 1912 with 41% of the vote, and in 1916 with 49% of the vote on the slogan, “He kept us out of war”. Woody was inaugurated on March 4, 1917, but on March 1, a mysterious “Zimmerman Telegraph” was intercepted, claiming Germany would grant Mexico the southwestern United States if they declared war on the US.
Germany was in no position to aid Mexico, Mexico was in no position to occupy a single border town, and this false flag would be proven false within a month. Regardless, Congress declared war, signed by Woody on April 4, 1917. The Espionage Act of 1917 was expanded with EO#2594, creating the Committee on Public Information, which seized all US German language newspapers and all German language library book.
Over 30% of Americans had proud Germanic roots, so Woody increased his terror campaign.
The Trading with the Enemy Act was used to seize all assets of Austrian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, German and Romanian related Americans until the end of hostilities. Following the war, a portion was returned, the rest given to plutocrat bankers. Another horror of Woody’s war was on the other side of my family tree.
These pioneers came from Norway or Tennessee to central Texas in the 1850s to be farmers or carpenters. My great grandmother, Jean had two younger brothers, uncle Red and uncle Jake. On summer morning, I asked grandma Jean about the Vietnam war, and to my surprise, this patriotic lady said she hated war.
When I asked why, she explained that she and her younger brothers sowed cotton in the spring and picked cotton in the fall. In the winter she sewed tents for a US Army contractor. The family was delighted when her older brother returned from the war. On the horse drawn buggy ride home, this uncle refused to comment on the mysterious, glamorous nation of France. After repeated questioning he broke down in tears.
“If I cannot forget what I saw over there, then life is not worth living”.
Two weeks later, he fatally shot himself. PTSD was an unmentioned war crime at the time. Now, back to the additional Woody Flu cofactors.
Another missing cofactor in Barry’s book was COAL DUST. Increasing use of steamships, steam locomotives and steam driven factories had caused an exponential use of coal since the 1850s. By 1900, the US was producing 57 million tons of anthracite and 212 million tons of bituminous coal every year.
A portion of bituminous coal was baked to produce coke, necessary for production of Carbon steel. Coal use rose to 645 million tons by 1920. Coal was the most common heating system in the north, and clouds of smoke hung over cities for months. This is not an indictment of coal, only of the unregulated discharge of byproducts.
My grandmother’s family were English immigrants, my grandfather’s were German, all moved to western Illinois in the 1850s and both families fought for the Union in the Civil War. In the 1930s my grandfather was diagnosed with CWP, Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis, see NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/CWP.
The only cure was to move away from that climate, and south Texas seemed far enough away. There are however, other pandemic cofactors.
While it is possible to reduce the number of cofactors contribution to infectious disease, the allopathic claim is that portions of the pathogen can stimulate an immune response. There is a huge difference between naturally “acquired” immunity and artificially “impressed” immunity.
Acquired lasts a lifetime, impressed requires boosters and is often ineffective. Acquired measles, mumps and chicken pox were a summer ritual for centuries. Moms would bring healthy children to play with strange, sick children, then, when sick, other strange healthy children would come play with you.
These diseases are easy to identify, MUMPS has swollen cheeks, fever, MEASLES has red rash, fever, CHICKEN POX has itchy blisters, fever.
About the author: Joseph A Olson PE. Joe co-authored ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’ the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory and is co-founder of Principia Scientific International. Retired Texan engineer and impassioned science writer, Joe is a respected innovative thinker with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.