Magnetobiology to Connect 5G, Low Oxygen Intake & CV-19?

Despite media ridicule on the matter, independent scientists remain curious as to whether there is good reason to connect 5G, low blood oxygen and COVID-19. To help inform honest debate comes the emerging science of Magnetobiology.

You will likely be labeled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for daring to question whether 5G (electromagnetic radiowaves) may be making coronavirus symptoms worse. Superficially, what nexus could there possibly be between radio electrical waves and viruses?

But too few of us understand that electromagnetism is the foundation of life. Ignorance is bliss they say. You may not realise it but the tiny mitochondria in our cells generates a field that’s stronger than lightning at about 30 million volts per meter.

You also may know not that in 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) emitted by cell phones as a Group 2B (“possible”) human carcinogen [1]

Anytime you have the movement of charged particles in a living organism you create an electromagnetic field. Every cell, every molecule in our body resonates at certain frequencies. Did you know there is scientific evidence that cell phones can cause brain tumors? [2]

If prolonged 4G cell phone use is proven to be harmful [3] why would you think 5G use would be less so?

Scientists versed in Magnetobiology are investigating a connection with exposure to electromagnetic pollution via radio frequencies such as 5G and COVID-19.

They are being prompted to do so because of a marked correlation between higher disease rates in industrial, inner city areas with higher levels of background EMR (electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, internet, TV, etc).

New York Times Op-Ed addressed how patients showed up at hospitals in worse health than they realized and showing symptoms of dangerously low oxygen levels. Medical professionals were calling such cases the “silent hypoxia.”

Face masks make matters worse because they restrict exhalation of stale air, block inflow of oxygen and encourage build up of toxins, bacteria and viruses.

While normal blood-oxygen levels are around 97%, when they drop below 90% the brain becomes affected. This often causes confusion, lethargy or other mental disruptions. As levels drop into the low 80s or below, the danger of damage to vital organs rises.

But what is Magnetobiology?

Vladimir N. Binhi, author of ‘Magnetobiology: Underlying Physical Problems’ (2002) tells us:

“People are immersed in electromagnetic fields from such sources as power lines, domestic appliances, mobile phones, and even electrical storms. All living beings sense electric fields, but the physical origins of the phenomenon are still unclear. Magnetobiology considers the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. It provides a comprehensive review of relevant experimental data and theoretical concepts, and discusses all major modern hypotheses on the physical nature of magnetobiological effects. It also highlights some problems that have yet to be solved and points out new avenues for research.” [4]

From personal childhood experience of severe asthma attacks during a thunderstorm I know this. Perhaps, you, too, may have feelings of being unwell during a lightning storm.

In his book Vladimir N. Binhi also cites numerous cases where is there a correlation between the level of electromagnetic background and the incidence of cancer. This is emerging science and we would be wise to be open minded.

But on the plus side Binhi shows his readers there are many instances of medical centers using electromagnetic exposure to treat a wide variety of disorders in humans; there are provable pros and cons to applying electromagnetism to our bodies (see: electrotherapy).

By doing your own online research you can readily find examples where the international scientific community is increasingly interested in magnetobiology. A growing number of research associations in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world now exists and the World Health Organization (WHO) has named electromagnetic (EM) contamination in occupational and residential areas as a stress factor for human beings.

Dana Ashley tells us that:

“The impacts of 60 gigahertz [GHz] are not widely published but here’s what I can tell you, and it’s a part, ironically, from promotional material of the big telecom companies themselves. It reads “60 GHz has a very distinct impact on none other than oxygen itself.”

Watch Out for Electro-smog

Another new term to digest is electro-smog. Susan Brin Director of the Center for Electrosmog Prevention, La Mesa, California, explains:

“Novel 5G technology is being rolled out in several densely populated cities, although potential chronic health or environmental impacts have not been evaluated and are not being followed. Higher frequency (shorter wavelength) radiation associated with 5G does not penetrate the body as deeply as frequencies from older technologies although its effects may be systemic (7374). The range and magnitude of potential impacts of 5G technologies are under-researched, although important biological outcomes have been reported with millimeter wave-length exposure. These include oxidative stress and altered gene expression, effects on skin and systemic effects such as on immune function (74). In vivo studies reporting resonance with human sweat ducts (73), ACCELERATION OF BACTERIAL AND VIRAL REPLICATION, and other endpoints indicate the potential for novel as well as more commonly recognized biological impacts from this range of frequencies, and highlight the need for research before population-wide continuous exposures.”

As a confirmed skeptic of numerous consensus science claims and staunch supporter of empirical scientific methods, I would be loath to rush to dismiss scientists who speak of ‘electrosmog’ as a growing health risk. It is past time for our elected politicians to compel corporations to perform robust tests and demonstrate their findings.

So, what evidence is there that 5G radiowaves can impair oxygen uptake? Binhi’s book explains how, somewhat what a microwave oven, this life-giving gas and the never-ending glut of electromagnetic waves interacts so dangerously:

“Oxygen the atom is O. Oxygen the molecule is 02. Two atoms together. These two atoms form the oxygen molecule and share some electrons. 60 GHz causes electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, akin to how high-powered microwaves running on 2.4 impact molecules in food such as water. They’re heating, in part, by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super tiny water molecules helps heat the rest of the food.

In a similar way that 2.4 causes H20 to oscillate, 5G/60 GHz even at low power causes electrons on oxygen molecules to spin; changes to the spin frequencies on oxygen electrons impact human biology.

When you breathe air into your lungs it gets oxygen into your blood, brain, tissues etc. and oxygen entering your lungs gets picked up by a very important iron containing protein called hemoglobin in your blood.”

The graph below illustrates the powerful impact 60GHz has on oxygen:


“Isn’t the fact that the telecom companies are admitting that 60 GHz is absorbed by oxygen just stunning information, and shouldn’t the fact that 60 GHz even fundamentally interacts with oxygen, the most abundant and arguably most important element to all of biological life, be headline news that stops everything until we deeply test the implications of that?”

The impact of oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.

Beyond doubt, just as with vaccines, there have been few, if any, tests of the possible side effects.

In previous Principia Scientific articles we have shown other scientific research into how electromagnetic waves transmitted at 60 GHz can negatively impact the human body. Russian scientists in the era of the USSR knew this and it was considered as a viable biological weapon. A rudimentary search of the scientific literature will evince evidence of this.

Active Denial System

The Active Denial System, is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as the skin of targeted human subjects.

Even articles released by companies touting the benefits of 60 GHz sometimes openly admit that 60 GHz is absorbable by oxygen. At we read that:

“All the frequencies before 60 GHz are not impacted. Once it hits 60 GHz it spikes and becomes hugely absorbed by oxygen [emphasis added]. In this article by companies selling products that are going to run on 60 GHz they say it’s going to help its interference levels.

Isn’t that nice. They don’t want your first shooter video games to lag, and most of us know from mainstream releases promoting 5G that things like water and trees are going to get in the way of this frequency. So how in the world does this even make sense that we are using it unless their intentions are something else besides faster speeds?” [5]

In 2001 Shigeaki (Shey) Hakusui, President, Harmonix Corporation foresaw the massive expansion of the EM superhighway in the problematic 60 GHz range for business and home entertainment. He wrote:

“Due to the increased bandwidth demands and the scarcity of microwave frequency allocations, the wireless communications industry is beginning to focus on higher, previously unallocated portions of the spectrum in the millimeter wave frequencies from 40GHz to 300GHz.”

The intention was to use 60 GHz for the “last mile” of user connectivity i.e. thousands of local transmitters about a thousand meters apart in urban areas for a short, sharp boost of electromagnetic energy for optimum telecommunications gain. [6]

Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria

At the top of this article we mentioned mitochondria and we need also to be mindful of the impact of electromagnetism on the mitochondria in our bodies.

Artificial EMF cause structural damage to mitochondria. They cause swelling cavitation and eventually the mitochondria begin to degenerate. This happens in as little as a few hours. Man made EMF causes oxidation of the mitochondrial membrane and generates free radicals which, in turn, causes oxidative stress on the body. Oxygen depletion that can trigger hypoxia and which can thus be conflated as a symptom of the coronavirus.

More mitochondrial DNA mutations lead to more defective mitochondria and more defective mitochondria means more defective cells.

We thus should not be flippant in dismissing those who make the connection between COVID-19 and 5G. There is far more to this story and we have so far only scratched the surface.

[1] IARC. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer (2013). p. 102.

[2] Miller AB, Morgan LL, Udasin I, Davis DL. Cancer epidemiology update, following the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102). Environ Res. (2018) 167:673–83. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.06.043

[3]  Public Health, 13 August 2019 |




About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (9)

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    Tom O


    Thanks John. I have been leaving comments here and elsewhere since January when I first read the article – possibly here – pointing out that Wuhan was the first city in China to go 5G and that every other trial city in China for 5G had Covid outbreaks.

    My greatest concern has been Starlink and a worldwide 5G network operating within the ionosphere since all life on Earth is connected in some way to the Earth’s electrical field between the ionosphere and the surface.

    Ever since I was in the military and had studied radio theory there, it appeared to me that all significant disease – cancer, heart attacks, dementia, whatever – all seemed to have increased at nearly the same rate as we spread out through the radio spectrum that has been blocked from outer space by Earth’s natural defenses – or were they planned by a higher being?

    From this article, I can now see why trees near 5G towers can be killed by it. If it can kill trees, it can kill any plant, and we can all plan on joining the great death train. If there is scientific evidence that this is a possible outcome, the only people that would seemingly want to pursue it are people that would want to turn Earth into the Moon – a sterile surface, but unlike the Moon, one that could be “planet formed” to be home to the needs of a new life form and its support needs.

    It also gives a reason to create a “seed bank” of all the beneficial plants, doesn’t it? Are there any “underground cities” that could become the “seed population” to replace the surface races after they have died directly or indirectly though starvation?

    I know, pretty off the wall, but give me a better reason for pursuing something that you know will kill all life, including your own, if you are on the surface.


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      John O'Sullivan


      Tom, Yes, it is very concerning and more so because there have been no published studies on the effects of 5G on humans. Like vaccines, the secret science is being deliberately left untested and imposed upon us all.


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    John Aspray


    Autopsies on covid victims has shown a prevalence of the bacteria Chlamydia Pneumoniae.
    This bacteria causes blood clots, many patients who survived the ventilators went on to die later of causes related to thrombosis.
    When Elon Musk starts beaming his 5G death ray to Earth, there will be no escape.


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      John O'Sullivan


      John, that’s an interesting avenue of research worth pursuing as this conflicts with the claim that the disease is a virus when we have not yet seen verifiable evidence of any COVID-19 virus.


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    J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


    Make your children Faraday cages in their bedroomsto sleep in…especially for younger babies!

    German doctors sent an open letter to the American people before we converted our TV stations to digital instead of analog; needless to say, the MSM made sure not to pass it on to us.

    Babies started dying for some unknown reason in Germany a couple of months after their TV stations all went “digital” in Gemany; several searches were mounted to find out WHY these babies were dying (breast-fed vs formula-fed, sleeping on back vs sleeping on stomach, et al.).

    Autopsies determined that their BRAINS were literally “cooked” by some unknown source; further investigations revealed that the babies dying were living with parents(s) in the middle of two or more digital TV towers! These babies were sleeping in houses or apartments between two or more digital towers, some on the top floor of metal apartment building (metal makes the bouncing around worse and AMPLIFIES the signals!

    To put it bluntly, the more towers around a baby who died by unknown causes, the more “fried” their brains were when autopsied.

    Also make yourself a Faraday Cage/bed in your own room.

    It will allow you some time while you are sleeping to escape the constant 5G pulsating onslaught, if only for a few hours.

    After first making them a Faraday cage/bed, your children then should have their whole room converted to a Faraday cage….

    WARNING: If done properly, your will not be able to hear your alarm clock outside your Faraday bed enclosure. And also, security considerations of not being able to hear an intruder breaking into your house. YOur watch won’t receive notices in teh cage either, if built properly.

    One alternative is for you and your Significant Other to take turns sleeping inside the Faraday cage enclosure while you are both home.

    Instructions are available online, unless they have been removed, or see a local electronics technician for help. YOU will need to find the highest frequency/shortest frequency being used in your area to get the proper-sized screen material for the cage/bed. An electronics person can help you here as well!

    [email protected]


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    J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


    Apology…should have said said ” greatest frequency and the shortest wavelength” in teh wif being used in your area…also you need to find out what frequency Elon Musk’s satellites will be using as well.

    Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. The wave with the greatest frequency has the shortest wavelength. Twice the frequency means one-half the wavelength.


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    Michael Clarke


    Thanks John,
    As someone who had his insides cooked by some high power (1mw, 1microsecond) 3cm wavelength pulsed radar sixty years ago I have long understood the effects of radio frequency elector-magnetic fields.
    There is also the quite obvious evidence of Homing Pigeons, they can tell where home is entirely due to the electro-magnetic fields generated when they circle a release location to find out which direction to fly to get home.
    Just how this affects us humans as the frequencies get every higher is what needs to be evaluated.
    Michael Logician


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    John O'Sullivan


    Michael, thanks – good to have your insight.


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    Не верю что 5G опаснее радиации тяжёлых металлов. Чтобы сканировать человека , ему вводят линий.И что никто не заболел.Да все это не желательно, но химия ,ещё больше травит людей.Хлором все поколения вскормили. Распад одной молекулыNCL 300 лет и все живы. Телефоны можно убрать, а вирус , который встраивается в ДНК,никогда.Он там живёт и мутирует , от этого и антитела и это чревато для человека.Но все уживаются.


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