False Steps to be Taken in the Event of a Pandemic

In the event of an outbreak of a contagious disease there are often steps taken by all levels of (incompetent/corrupt) government in order to achieve their desired (unwelcome) outcome. These steps are listed below.


It is necessary to instill fear in the populous in order to get them to obey your orders. This can be the fear of illness and death to themselves and the ones they care about but it should also include criminal penalties of fines, arrest, and the revocation of licenses or property that may aid in achieving compliance.

In order to support and perpetuate this panic all data must be presented in a way that emphasizes the severity of the situation. When very limited data is available computer models should be used to maximize the threat. When, as expected, these models are shown to be gross exaggerations the difference between the threat and reality can be attributed to the steps you have taken to control the problem. Reality doesn’t count, it is the perception that achieves results.


To impress upon people the severity of the situation it is important to spend a lot of money, even if you don’t have it. The more you spend, the greater the threat must be. The money can be spent on anything you wish, even if it has nothing to do with the disease, as long as the title of the allocations refers to the disease. In this way projects that would never be supported by taxpayers on their cost to benefit ratio can be done without scrutiny.


This is important to give an impression that actions are being taken to handle the situation even though the steps taken may acerbate the problem. Microbes cannot be controlled by laws or regulations but people can.

If all “nonessential” businesses are closed it appears that you are trying to prevent the spread of the disease when in reality, by forcing everyone to go to the same stores, you are aiding the spread. As stores run out of supplies the people will be forced to make multiple shopping trips. The more congestion there is the greater the number of people exposed. By limiting access to stores, the time those stores are open, and creating lines both to enter and check out it will increase the number of people getting the disease justifying your actions.

Force people to wear masks even though there will be a shortage of masks and the general public does not know how to wear or use them properly. Disposable masks are designed for one time use and the reusing of these masks promotes the spread of the disease. Cloth masks and other face coverings will add to the number of people coming down with the disease. When a person exhales through an improper mask moisture builds on the mask creating a surface next to the nose and mouth that microbes will adhere to. The longer they wear the mask, the more microbes will accumulate and the more likely they are to become infected.

The number of people wearing masks gives a good indication of the effectiveness of the fear campaign and what percentage of the people are willing to cede their rights to your control. When the threat decreases, as the disease follows its normal progression, the use of masks should be mandated, using authority you do not have. This will prolong the emergency from a period of weeks to months allowing for the accumulation of more power from the people using the pretext of protecting them.


This is important as the disease follows its natural progression. By buying unnecessary equipment, building unneeded hospitals, ordering more supplies which will only arrive after the need for them has disappeared, you will give the appearance of aggressive action and leadership being taken against the threat. Action must be taken to extract the maximum amount of money and power from this opportunity God has given you. If necessary give the people some of their money back so they are grateful for the pennies they get from the dollars you are taking from them.


As data shows that the threat was a great exaggeration steps must be taken to protect you position and actions. First, falsify the data by changing the criteria or method of measuring result.

All deaths of people with the condition are the result of the disease not other causes. If a person testing positive dies from a heart attack it is a result of the disease even if the person had no symptoms.

Increasing testing will result in an increase in the number of people with the diseases even though they may have suffered no effects from the microbe or be over it. This action poses some problems as the more cases are discovered the lower the mortality rate for the disease. It is important to present this data in the proper manner. The high inaccuracy of the test must not be mentioned.

There should be no comparisons with past disease outbreaks where no action were  taken, or with recurring diseases, like the flu, that are more frequent and result in more deaths.

The use of frequent press conferences is recommended to control what information is released to the press. Remember news organizations are interested in headlines and sound bites not the truth.  They are usually quite agreeable in publicizing any information that causes alarm and reluctant to release information that conforms to reality. They are about gaining audience and selling advertising, not about informing the public accurately.


As the disease progresses a long term spending program must be enacted showing how you are preparing for future outbreaks. People’s immune systems adjust to protect them from the recurrence of diseases. Vaccines activate immune systems to produce antibodies without having the disease and offer a long term project for the continued expenditure of money.

Vaccines do not provide the same immunity as the disease and there are serious problems associated with them including contracting the disease and death from adverse reactions. Their effectiveness decreases with time and additional booster shots do not help. People who are vaccinated and later get the disease suffer far more serious consequences than those who were not vaccinated. Vaccinated people can become carriers of the disease and spread it to others. The most common strain of polio prevalent today comes from the vaccine, not other sources.

Vaccinations do provide an accepted long range funding opportunity that chicken pox parties do not give and even though they are more expensive, dangerous, and less effective, as long as the manufacturers are granted immunity from adverse effects (lawsuits) they will be produced and vaccinations be accepted by the public (when mandated by law).


This is important to maintain a strong united front against criticism and in maintaining the power you have appropriated. It is a person with inside information on what is really happening and what your actions are doing that poses the greatest threat to your success, not the ineffectual journalists.

When things improve, as nature follows its natural course, you can claim the credit as a result of your actions and by continually praising those around you, even when they have been repeatedly wrong in there assessments of the problem, you ensure their loyalty and also maintain a scapegoat to blame when everything collapses.

You were following the advice of the experts and everybody agrees they are experts because they were on television and you praised them. You maintain their loyalty by flattery and the promise of future rewards.


In order to protect the people from future outbreaks you will need to establish new government departments to prepare for them and who better to head and run these departments than the experts who have helped you conquer the present one that allowed you to seize more power and money.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (11)

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    John Doran


    Where are my comments dissappearing to, John?


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      John O'Sullivan


      Hi John, no comments by you are being deleted to my knowledge. If you want me to investigate please send an email explaining the details,


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    Many good points, Herb.

    Hopefully some of the sheep will learn to think for themselves, rather than swallowing everything the “experts” claim.



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      Duke Hawe


      There are many who can see clearly what is happening but we are helpless. We are outnumbered by the sheeple who adoringly accept the story put out by the ruling elite. Verbal challenges to their lies are ignored and media articles are censored. The system they have constructed includes a large body of “officers” who carry out orders. It’s a two level system; There are the upper level administrators who are well bribed such as heads of departments. Then there are the active forces that are threatened with dire results if they don’t comply. These are medical staff.and armed police. It is not possible for a few individuals to get through this well constructed barrier.


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    Robert Beatty


    A lot of sensible comment here Herb, and frightening stuff.
    Democracy is such a fragile flower. It can be destroyed by the very freedoms it promotes. Your comments apply to AGW as much as to Covid19 aka Wuhan flu.
    The fundamental problem seems to be our reliance on a top-down form of government rather than the bottom-up form as practiced by the Swiss.


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    “This outbreak demonstrates the potential for rapid spread of influenza A throughout a confined population despite appropriate vaccination. The efficiency of human-to-human transmission is emphasized by the fact that there was no discernible difference in attack rates between various areas of the ship by the end of the outbreak. Although over 95% of the Arkansas crew were appropriately immunized with the 1995-96 influenza vaccine, at least 42% became ill with influenza; when definite and probable cases were included, the attack rate was 54%, for an estimated 46% efficacy of the 1995-96 influenza vaccine against the Wuhan strain”


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    Alan Stewart


    Excellent article, BUT, please tell me how difficult it is to attach a face mask??? The intimation is that they are useless. If so, then all medical use of them is also useless. Please reply to that simple mechanical observation.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Alan,
      The problem isn’t in putting on the face mask but what happens while they are on. They are disposable designed for short term one time use, after which they are contaminated and disposed of. When used for extended time they become contaminated as microbes adhere to the moisture from your breath. Since the primary way viruses are spread is from contaminated surfaces you have placed a contaminated surface over your mouth and nose. When you touch the front of that surface to adjust the mask or move it you pick up viruses on your hands which are then spread to other surfaces.The continued use of the same mask will ensure that you get the disease


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    Dan Paulson


    Alan, n95 masks are useless when not properly used. They are also disposable and worse than useless if used beyond their normal life expectancy.

    These caveats do not apply to medical personnel, who are trained on proper usage, and who replace their masks repeatedly throughout the work day.

    For average citizens they create a false sense of security. They are only useful for stopping the wearers germs from infecting another.


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      Scouse Billy


      “They are only useful for stopping the wearers germs from infecting another.”

      So goes the, over a 100 year old, germ theory – and still it only has the status of a theory.

      This 19th century unproven dogma props up the allopathic fear-driven medical model and yet people parrot it as though it were fact.

      No wonder we are in a mess.


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    Christian Loosli


    Good article thanks! Wath about some one infected caughing at you, and you wearing a mask all day long and his germs gets a good breading ground in your wet mask together with your own germs? Better breath fresch air in sunshine. They where used in Japan in1918/9 flu to ashure psycologic the public, they never where intendet for protection. In surgeriy its usefull by very clos contact to keep things steril. In hospitals germs and bacterys are the problem, lesser viruses.


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