Despite ‘Pandemic’ Medical Staff Furloughed From Empty Hospitals

One America News Network (OAN) is reporting that many hospitals across the United States are laying off and furloughing medical workers. So, what happened to the 100,000’s of urgent additional cases due to the COVID19 pandemic?

According to Anne Saker reporting for the Cincinnati Enquirer:

“Hospitals across the Cincinnati area have cut back on hours for hundreds of workers as the statewide halt to nonessential surgery squeezed hospitals that also must rapidly expand capacity ahead of an expected wave of coronavirus patients. The cuts go across at least four hospital systems: Bon Secours Mercy Health, UC Health, TriHealth and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.”

But where is the expected rush of COVID19 emergency cases?

The COVID-19 patients often spend two to three weeks in the hospital, far beyond the industry standard of two to three days with many of the most serious cases placed on ventilators.

A further 700 more health workers have been furloughed in Boston by the Boston Medical Center, says WGBH. In statements sent to WGBH News, Boston Medical Center and Atrius Health said they are resilient, but these are very difficult times and they are trying to navigate uncharted waters.

“Most staff who remain at work making above a certain income level will have some of their pay withheld, on average 20 percent, with a plan to pay them back at a later date,” wrote Atrius Health president, Steve Strongwater, in a statement.

In Texas the situation is even worse as Tenet Healthcare furloughs a staggering 3,400 hospital workers, citing lost revenue from halt on elective surgeries. The Dallas-based hospital chain operates 65 hospitals and 500 surgery and care centers. The story is reported by Dallas News (Apr 16, 2020)

OAN adds, that in Kentucky no fewer than 500 medical staff are currently furloughed, 400 in Connecticut, 200 in Tennessee, plus many more in states such as Virginia and Arkansas. All because state governments are mandating that private hospitals cancel all non-essential surgeries as part of the anticipated flood of coronavirus cases (which doesn’t appear to be materializing).

Anecdotal evidence from medical staff appears to affirm the situation:

“I’m a nurse in Sacramento and we haven’t been full for the last two months. Nurses are getting called off due to empty beds. The covid virus is so overblown. We are so much busier during flu season.”

OAN adds: “Quest Diagnostics, which has performed 40 percent of COVID19 tests so far in the U.S. is also furloughing employees, cutting pay, dismissing temporary workers and cutting overtime.”

Meanwhile, Vice President Pence announces that no one in the country who needed a ventilator has been unable to get one. “Everybody who needed one, has gotten a ventilator.”

OAN warns that many rural hospitals face shutting down completely because they have no patients:

“Twenty-five percent of rural hospitals are at risk of closing due to the cancellation of so-called non-essential medical care.”

Not one hospital in the United States reports it has been overwhelmed by COVID19 cases. No care has been rationed or denied to any patients during this alleged ‘crisis’ that required the world’s economy to be shut down and 80 percent of the global population to be kept on house arrest (quarantine) for weeks on end.

Yet the mainstream media is not reporting any of the above facts, preferring to instill a sense of fear with a monotonous narrative of impending doom and gloom.

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (2)

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    Tom O


    This is an eye opener to people willing to look. But the part that shocked me – and I do mean shocked me – was the statement that rural hospitals were on brink of closure due to lack of income from “non-essential surgeries.” It also is fascinating to read that a corporation running 65 hospitals is feeling the pinch. Makes you realize how “profitable” hospitals really are, and of course, how employees are “non-essential” but I am sure the dividends that need to be paid to share holders is.


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    old farta


    I, a nobody, have been predicting this for weeks. The medical community is prone to hype any health situation. The massive lock down is hysteria on steroids. I thought that the hospitals were making money, because they were collecting insurance checks while not providing any service. My auto insurance co is providing rebates.


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