Coronavirus: A Perspective from Britain Part 3

Many people being forced to remain at home have already lost their jobs, and many thousands more are likely to suffer the same fate. Many small and medium-sized companies and businesses, having been forced to close, will go bankrupt and never re-open.

Sky News Australia reported on the 31st March the economic shut down of Australia could drive the country into its highest debt since World War II. They also reported Police in New South Wales have been given the power to fine people one thousand dollars for being out of their homes if the Police think their reason is not valid.

Police in Derbyshire are reportedly using a drone to capture footage of people walking in the Peak District, about as isolated a place as you could find to get your daily exercise. People are apparently being told by the Police not to drive their cars to quieter places to exercise or walk their dogs.

There are reports of the Police being, shall we say, over-zealous in their interpretation of the current regulations, imposing fines on people for what are described as the flimsiest of reasons. Some shop owners in Buckinghamshire say they have been visited by Police and environmental health officers, who have told them what items they are ‘allowed’ to sell, though the county’s trading standards officials have told them this is not enforceable.

Some Police forces are reporting a large increase in the number of calls from residents snitching on their neighbours for leaving their house more than once a day. Frankly this sort of behaviour beggars belief. We are on the way to becoming a Police State where people live in fear of being ratted on by neighbours, like in Nazi Germany and many former Soviet states.

Being a former Neighbourhood Watch coordinator, I get emails from the West Midlands Police Neighbourhood Alert system, and had one yesterday giving a confidential phone number to report suspected cases of domestic abuse arising from enforced stays at home. Talk Radio also mentioned this being a potential problem, as well as the possibly serious psychological effects of being confined to your house for long periods.

The ‘official’ Worldometer website is not being updated properly. For the UK, recoveries have not changed from 135 in over a week, which from the number of deaths, suggests a 93{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} mortality rate. Either the UK recovery figure is woefully inaccurate, or people with ‘mild’ cases are dying in droves.

I was told of a more accurate website yesterday, called That shows 153 recoveries in the UK as of today, and 143 as of yesterday. I would venture that recovery figure is still artificially low. Check out the website here:

A friend of mine who works at a hospital in middle England told me they have seen far fewer cases than they had been led to expect.

The Netherlands appear to be slightly better off if that is the right expression, with the website showing 250 recoveries and 1039 deaths, which equates to an 81{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} mortality rate. Up to two days ago, Worldometer was showing just three recoveries, which is statistically a 100{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} mortality rate. That is clearly absurd.

On Faceache in the last week or so were various images of food found in refuse bins after it had passed it’s ‘use by’ date. Birmingham City Council have reported a 30{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} increase in food waste seen in refuse bins. This is obviously from those selfish idiots who had hoarded food and now haven’t eaten it quickly enough. I posted one such image on my Fb profile, and yesterday saw it, and all the others I was aware of, have been removed by Fb.

A keyboard warrior told me yesterday he had seen a ‘report’ which said seven billion will be infected, and at least 300 million will die. When I said both of those are highly unlikely, he told me I didn’t know what I was talking about, but offered no evidence to support his claim.

The original estimate of deaths in the UK was given as a quarter of a million, courtesy of Professor Neil Ferguson (the same man who predicted mass deaths from Mad Cow Disease, or New-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease to give it its correct title), which I thought was way too high. Last week that number was reduced to 20,000, and apparently reduced again a few days ago to 7500, though I have been unable to find any corroboration of this latest figure.

It seems the Worldometer numbers are only being selectively updated, and with the number of mainstream media outlets and eco-fascists praising the shutting down of economies, I and an increasing number of others, are saying with this and the draconian ‘lockdowns’ being enforced, there is something much more insidious than a viral outbreak going on here.

I learned a few days ago Worldometer was set up and is being managed by Johns Hopkins University in the US, and doubts have been raised about their handling of data and their motives, being associated with the political far-left.

Yesterday, The Independent website carried an article by a retired Supreme Court JP, who says the country has become caught up in ‘collective hysteria’, says the ‘cure’ may be much worse than the ‘problem’, and we are risking turning the UK into a Police State.

The article also states ‘It comes after the deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries said restrictions on daily life could last for up to six months, with social distancing measures to remain in place even if the lockdown is lifted.’ (Emphasis added)

The article can be seen here:

A retired former senior government scientist I am acquainted with said a couple days ago about Worldometer:

‘…it doesn’t tell us how many reported cases are admitted to hospital. Neither does is tell us about early discharge mild cases. A slight oversight perhaps. I no longer trust this info and suspect its purpose is to instil fear rather than knowledge.’ (Emphasis added)

In a second post on Fb, he said:

‘At present every health authority in the world is reporting the total number of CoV-19 infected cases, the total number of deaths and the total recovered but this is less than half of the story as I hope to explain using plain English and a hand-held calculator.

China, with 81,470 reported cases, 79,004 closed cases and 3,304 deaths as at 30th March gives us the most accurate estimate of the in-hospital mortality rate, this being 4{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} (3,304/79,004). But this is only the in-hospital mortality rate.

Let us suppose that for every positive-testing hospital admission one case decided to stay at home and fend off the virus because it wasn’t clobbering them. That means our closed case count effectively jumps to 79,004 + 81,470 = 160,474 and the death rate halves to 2{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} – still a potent scourge.

Let us now suppose that for every hospital admission 10 cases decided to stay at home and fend off the virus because it wasn’t clobbering them. That means our closed case count jumps to 79,004 + 814,700 = 893,704 and the death rate plummets to 0.4{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}, which is now on par with a serious ‘flu outbreak.

Let us now suppose that for every hospital admission 100 cases decided to stay at home and fend off the virus because it wasn’t clobbering them. That means our closed case count jumps to 79,004 + 8,147,000 = 8,226,004 and the death rate plummets to 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}, which is now on par with a mild ‘flu outbreak.

The question remains as to how many people remain at home and are thus not included in the official figures. To my knowledge no health authority is trying to estimate this and yet it is the most critical data to collect. Without it we have no idea whether the true mortality rate across the population as a whole is 4{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} or 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}.

I hope people understand the game that is being played.’

It should be remembered the World Health Organisation says between 250,000 and 600,000 die every year around the world from normal flu. As of the time of writing, there have been just over 42,000 deaths worldwide attributed to the Covid virus.

This seems rather relevant at the moment.

About the author: Andy Rowlands is a British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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Comments (6)

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    Ken Irwin


    Give a liberal or “progressive” untrammeled power and they instantly become fascist.

    To paraphrase Red Dwarf – “Welcome to glorious fascism, inform on friend and family – fabulous prizes to be won !”

    Life imitates farce.


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    I just learned that the 1918 Spanish Flu killed more US citizens than WWI. We’ve been through worse things than coronavirus.

    There’s no reason to wreck world economies.


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      Yes JD. And in WW2 the progressives (Stalin etc) killed more of their own citizens than the war did, according to some historic accounts.


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        Al Thorpe


        Even Stalin and Hitler didn’t manage to bring their countries or any other to a complete standstill but our supposed democratic governments have done it in two weeks and without any violence.


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      Actually – add up all the ‘American’ wars and that comes to 636k dead; Spanish flu of 1918 675k Americans dead – so yes Americans have been through WAY worse thing that this Wuhan virus


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    Hi Andy

    .From your keyboard warriorship above. (chuckle chuckle) ” said seven billion will be infected, and at least 300 million will die. When I said both of those are highly unlikely, he told me I didn’t know what I was talking about, but offered no evidence to support his claim.”

    Speculation can be a fruitless exercise which highlights why hindsight can give 20/20 vision.

    Kind regards. Mofflingtonhead.


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