The Global Cooling Awareness Project (GCAP)

An increasing number of scientists are worried that global cooling, not warming, currently poses the greatest threat to life. To register their growing concerns, scientists are being asked to join a new campaign to help educate the public and policymakers.icebergs

At the forefront of the campaign is the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC) of Orlando, Florida, a leading independent US climate research company. It is the foremost institution in the United States dedicated to the analysis and planning for the next climate change – forecast to bring decades of record cold weather.

John L. Casey, SSRC President says,The SSRC possesses the capability to conduct planning and research on how best to prepare individuals, businesses, and governments at all levels for the next climate change to a period of long lasting and potentially dangerous colder weather.”

Fellow scientists, unconnected with SSRC, at Principia Scientific International (PSI) share Casey’s concerns. PSI’s own independent research supports the analysis that our planet appears to be entering a prolonged cooling phase not seen since the Little Ice Age (LIA), a climatically harsh era that saw untold famine and war during the 17th and 18th Centuries.
PSI urges our members and loyal readers qualified in the sciences to lend their support to SSRC’s mission. To this end, we publish in full SSRC’s public appeal below.

The Global Cooling Awareness Project (GCAP) 

Purpose: An international registry of scientists and science degreed individuals who wish to advance global understanding of the likely future of the Earth’s climate. 

How to sign on to the Global Cooling Awareness Project (GCAP):

Those who wish to sign up on the GCAP registry must simply send an email to [email protected] with a subject line of “GCAP Application” and enter the following contact information along with statement listed below:

1.Name: (e.g. John W. Franklin)

2. Mailing Address: (e.g.: 1234 Cold Street, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99709, USA)3. Phone number: (e.g. 123-456-7890)4. Science Degree Type and Level: (e.g. Geology, PhD)5. Institution and Year Where Degree Received: (e.g. University of Central Florida, 1986) 6. GCAP Statement: (Put this statement in your return email exactly as written)

“I ________do hereby agree that the last planetary climate phase of global warming which was produced primarily by natural cycles may have ended, and that a long, cold climate epoch is now likely.”                            GCAP Information Security Provisions

Only the Name, Science Degree Type and Level, State, and Nation of GCAP registrants will be made public. The SSRC reserves the right to publish only this public information on its web site and provide to other professionals on a highly restricted basis. All other information provided will be kept confidential. All registrants are subject to verification prior to being listed on the official GCAP Registry.

                  “Thank you for submitting your information and joining the many professionals worldwide who wish to clearly state their beliefs about the Earth’s climate future.”   
                                                                                                        SSRC President, John L. Casey

 More information at:

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