The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — Part XXIV

earth burning up

The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time is the fraud committed by the keepers of official world temperature records.

They have intentionally adjust earlier-year temperature records downwards to support assertions that dangerous human-caused global warming is occurring and that the most recent year or month is the “hottest ever.”

The assertions of dangerous human-caused global warming then form the necessary predicate for tens of billions of dollars of annual spending going to academic institutions; to the “climate science” industry; to wind, solar, and other alternative energy projects; to electric cars; and on and on.

In terms of real resources diverted from productive to unproductive activities based on falsehoods, this fraud dwarfs any other scientific fraud ever conceived in human history.

This is Part XXIV of my series on this topic. To read Parts I through XXIII, go to this link.

The previous posts in this series have mostly focused on particular weather stations, comparing the currently-reported temperature history for each station with previously-reported data.

For example, the very first post in this series, from July 2013, looked at one of my favorite stations, the one located in Central Park in New York City.

Somehow, the early-year temperatures reported for the month of July for that very prominent station had been substantially adjusted downward, thus notably enhancing a previously-slight warming trend:

Go through the various posts in this series to find dozens more of such examples.

But how exactly are these downward adjustments accomplished? Just what are the games that they are playing?

Close observers of this subject have long recognized that the principal issue is something called “homogenization.”

The custodians of the temperature records — principally two U.S. government agencies called NOAA and NASA — are quite up-front in declaring that they engage in “homogenization” of the temperature data.

Here is an explanation from NOAA justifying changes they have made in coming up with the latest version (version 4) of their world surface temperature series known as Global Historical Climate Network. Excerpt:

Nearly all weather stations undergo changes in the circumstances under which measurements are taken at some point during their history.

For example, thermometers require periodic replacement or recalibration and measurement technology has evolved over time. . . . “Fixed” land stations are sometimes relocated and even minor temperature equipment moves can change the microclimate exposure of the instruments.

In other cases, the land use or land cover in the vicinity of an observing site can change over time, which can impact the local environment that instruments are sampling even when measurement practice is stable.

All of these different modifications to the circumstances of recording near-surface air temperature can cause systematic shifts in temperature readings from a station that are unrelated to any real variation in local weather and climate.

Moreover, the magnitude of these shifts (or “inhomogeneities”) can be large relative to true climate variability. Inhomogeneities can, therefore, lead to large systematic errors in the computation of climate trends and variability not only for individual station records but also in spatial averages.

That sounds legitimate, doesn’t it? Of course, they completely slide over the fact that “homogenization” means that essentially all temperatures as now reported have been adjusted to some greater or lesser degree; they definitely never mention the fact that the practical result of the so-called “homogenization” process is significant downward adjustments in earlier-year temperatures.

cartoon man-made warming

So, without the adjustments, is there a real underlying warming trend? Or is the whole “warming” thing just an artifact of the adjustments? And are the adjustments as actually implemented fair or not?

How do you know that they are not using the adjustment process to reverse-engineer the warming trend that they need to keep the “climate change” gravy train going?

Making things far worse is that the adjusters do not disclose the details of the methodology of their adjustments. Here is what they say about their methodology on the NOAA web page:

In GHCNm v4, shifts in monthly temperature series are detected through automated pairwise comparisons of the station series using the algorithm described in Menne and Williams (2009).

This procedure, known as the Pairwise Homogenization Algorithm (PHA), systematically evaluates each time series of monthly average surface air temperature to identify cases in which there is an abrupt shift in one station’s temperature series (the “target” series) relative to many other correlated series from other stations in the region (the “reference” series).

The algorithm seeks to resolve the timing of shifts for all station series before computing an adjustment factor to compensate for any one particular shift.

These adjustment factors are based on the average change in the magnitude of monthly temperature differences between the target station series with the apparent shift and the reference series with no apparent concurrent shifts.

Not very enlightening.

Anyway, a guy named Tony Heller, who runs a web site called The Deplorable Climate Science Blog, has just come out with a video that explains very simply and graphically how this “homogenization” process is used to lower early-year temperatures and thus create artificial warming trends.

The video is only about eight minutes long and well worth your time:

The video focuses on the region of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to demonstrate the process. In that area, there are only three temperature stations with long-term records going back as far as the early 1900s.

One is called the Buenos Aires Observatory and is located right in the middle of downtown Buenos Aires.

Obviously, this station has been subject to substantial warming caused by what is known as the “Urban Heat Island” — the buildup of asphalt and concrete and air conditioning and heating and so forth in the area immediately surrounding the thermometer.

The other two sites — Mercedes and Rocha — are located some distance from town in areas far from urban buildup.

Heller shows both originally-reported and adjusted data for each of the three sites. It won’t surprise you. The Buenos Aires observatory site shows strong warming in the originally-reported data.

The other two sites show no warming in the originally-reported data. The “homogenization” changes have adjusted all the thermometers to reflect a common trend of warming.

For downtown Buenos Aires, the changes have somewhat reduced the originally-reported warming. For the other two stations, the changes have introduced major warming trends that did not exist at all in the originally-reported data.

The trend has been inserted without changing the ongoing reporting of current data, which inherently means that the way the trend has been introduced has been by reducing the earlier-year temperatures.

In short, the bad data from downtown Buenos Aires has been used to contaminate the good data from the other two sites, and to create a false warming trend.

Is there anything honest about this? In my opinion, there is no possibility that the people who program the “homogenization” adjustments do not know exactly what the result of their adjustments will be in the temperature trends as reported to the public.

In other words, it is an intentional deception.

Heller asserts that the data from downtown Buenos Aires is obviously tainted by the urban heat island effect, and that the correct thing to do (if you were actually trying to come up with a temperature series to detect atmospheric warming) would be to discard the Buenos Aires data and use the unadjusted readings from the other two stations.

I have to say that I agree with him.

Read more at Manhattan Contrarian

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Comments (10)

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    Toto's Fan


    A really good post thank you. This has given me clarity on how homogenization works although I have been aware of the term for some time.
    Where urban heat island temperature stations exist it would be prudent if honourable scientists placed a new temperature station relatively nearby where there is no urban heat island effect. If they then took and kept records of the two stations for three to ten years they could chart the variables and make historical adjustment on the urban heat island record. Setting the record straight on junk science. Maybe…….
    The interesting science here is at the completion of Mr Heller’s video there is a picture of Toto the dog but if you look closely you can see Toto is really a cross between a racehorse and a woolly aphid.


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      “Las observaciones de temperatura en lo alto de edificios son de dudoso valor y uso debido al variable gradiante de temperatura en la vertical y al efecto del edificio por sí mismo en la distribución de temperatura.” … Y ESTO NO LO CUMPLEN MILES DE ESTACIONES DESDE LAS DE LOS CAMPUS-UNIVERSITARIOS, PUEBLOS, CIUDADES, Y MUCHISIMOS CENTROS OFICIALES DE DATOS/MEDICIONES, QUE SON PROFUSAMENTE USADOS POR EL “IPCC” PARA LOS INFORMES DE LOS POLITICOS-CALENTOLOGOS. Solo es un apunte muy ignorado que invalida muchos estudios/informes presuntamente cientificos. [SIN LOS VERDADEROS DATOS LA INFORMACION NO ES NI VERAZ, NI LIBRE]…
      ANTHONY LÓPEZ(Alias:Boanerges-Eutrapeliano).-


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    It’s now established beyond reasonable doubt that climate change is man made. The data are man made. The climate science laws are man made and have no parallel in nature. The climate models are all man made. The many crises caused by climate are man made. How much more evidence is required to prove that climate change is man made?


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      “How much more evidence is required to prove that climate change is man made?”
      ANY verified, observed evidence that CO2 (in particular human generated) has any significant effect on the weather. All you have is a supposition (not even a theory as it keeps changing) that only has some very dubious models supporting it.
      The supposition says that about 300ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere is OK but 400ppm is ‘dangerous’. This is a nonsense as this planet has been there before and life flourished well at 1000ppm.
      Please look at the history of weather and climate and you will see that NOTHING that has happened recently is unusual or alarming. Indeed since about 1850 and the end of the LIA this planet has only recorded a temperature rise of 1°C! That is not a rapid or unusual rate of warming, it is well withing the bounds of natural variation.

      There has not been (or likely to be) any increase in tropical, or otherwise, storm or tornado activity, no acceleration in sea surface levels, deserts are NOT expanding, rainfall and drought are still following there usual quasi-cyclic patters is still well within normal NATURAL bounds.

      So AZeeman, what’s all this “It’s now established beyond reasonable doubt that climate change is man made. ” nonsense? You and true believers like you have NO EVIDENCE! Nothing but the UN-IPCC empty rhetoric.


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        I think he was being sarcastic


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          Toto's Fan


          Hi AZeeman.
          The satire is appreciated but the gender bias is abhorrent. Surely it should be climate change is woman made or gender neutrally changed.


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      For historical weather see and it’s freely downloadable .pdf file that covers from 1 A.D. to 1900 A.D. Currently this book is over 1,400 pages long and new material continues to be incorporated into this work. It collects and shows weather events from all over the world. It opens a door into the past.
      See these paper on some facts about climate models —
      Predictability of Weather and Climate
      V. Krishnamurthy ( )
      The Art and Science of Climate Model Tuning
      Frédéric Hourdin ( )

      These papers show why the reliance on ‘Climate Models’ is not good science, certainly it is not the kind of science that should be use to radically change the basic operating structure of the world’s economies, the world’s social structures, or everyone’s way of living.

      ‘Climate science’, just like weather forecasting, is neither complete nor authoritative, as a science it’s in its juvenile stages, not a mature basis to launch such radical assaults on mankind and nature.


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    “Las observaciones de temperatura en el alto de edificios son de dudoso valor y uso debido a la variable gradiente de temperatura en la vertical y al efecto del edificio por sí mismo en la distribución de temperatura.”… Y ESTO NO LO CUMPLEN MILES DE ESTACIONES DESDE LAS DE LOS CAMPUS-UNIVERSITARIOS, PUEBLOS, CIUDADES, Y MUCHISIMOS CENTROS OFICIALES DE DATOS / MEDICIONES, QUE SON PROFUSAMENTE USADOS POR EL “IPCC” PARA LOS INFORMES DE LOS POLITICOS-CALENTOLOGOS. Solo es un voluntario muy ignorado que invalida muchos estudios / informes presuntamente científicos. [SIN LOS VERDADEROS DATOS LA INFORMACION NO ES NI VERAZ, NI LIBRE] …
    ANTHONY LÓPEZ (Alias: Boanerges-Eutrapeliano) .-


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    James McGinn


    “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
    ― Mark Twain

    The mother of climatology is meteorology. As with a lot of pseudoscience, meteorology’s theory on storms is long on anecdotal observation and sciencey sounding rhetoric, and short on empiricism.
    Re: The ‘Missing Link’ of Meteorology’s Theory of Storms

    James McGinn / Genius


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