How Climate Alarmists Use Scientific Trickery To Push Global Warming

Are supermarket price promotions just clever trickery?

When empirical data show so clearly that computer climate models grossly exaggerate the warming effect of carbon dioxide, how do climate alarmists maintain public alarm?


Among the more famous was “Mike’s Nature trick.” University of East Anglia climate scientist Phil Jones wrote that he had used “Mike’s Nature trick” of “adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. [sic] from 1981 onwards) and [sic] from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

The result hid a decline in recent temperatures that would have appeared in the continuation of proxy temps used for the earlier part of a graph that played a crucial role in convincing the world that dangerous warming was happening.

Even more famous, and earlier, was Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” graph. The graph gave the appearance of a stable global temperature for over a millennium followed by sudden, dramatic warming starting in the late 19th century.

That graph appeared repeatedly in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Third Assessment Report (2001) and in media reports worldwide.

But never in later IPCC publications.


Because it turned out that Mr. Mann had cherry-picked his data and misused a sophisticated statistical method that, as he had misused it, yielded a hockey stick out of any numbers fed into it.

Mr. Mann stubbornly and litigiously defends his graph, but to many in the climate-science community, it and he are an embarrassment.

An even earlier trick was to define a term in a way non-specialists wouldn’t dream of — and not tell them about it.

That’s what the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) did. It defined “climate change” specifically as “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity [emphasis added] that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.”

The result? Pretty much every reference to “climate change” in public discourse since has assumed that it is entirely man-made. And if it’s entirely man-made, then it’s entirely preventable — if we can just adopt the right policies.

Another trick has been to quietly change the subject.

No, I’m not talking about the change from “global warming” to “climate change.” Some people think that reflects alarmists’ abandoning the first term because it’s so easy to show that warming isn’t happening as predicted and adopting the second because practically anything can fit with it.

But the IPCC got its name when it was founded in 1988, and the UNFCCC its name in 1994, and “climate change” has been the preferred terminology for most scientists ever since.

True, journalists, politicians, and some of the more sensationalist scientists warned constantly of “global warming” but began to change their tune when, by the early 2010s, the global temperature wasn’t cooperating.

But there really was no outright substitution of “climate change” for global warming.

What did happen, though, was that when skeptics pointed out the ever-lengthening lack of warming, alarmists changed the subject.

They had warned of warming near-surface atmospheric temperature — which affects everyday life. It wasn’t happening—at least not on the scale they predicted. What to do?

Say the “missing heat” was in the ocean. So they talked of an increase in “ocean heat content.”

That was a perfectly legitimate hypothesis to explain the missing heat in the atmosphere. But it wasn’t an answer to the skeptics’ point.

Why? Because the skeptics’ point was that the climate models called for warming in the atmosphere that wasn’t being observed. That meant the models were, on that measure, wrong.

The alarmists’ proper, scientific response would have been, “Okay, you’re right. The models were wrong about atmospheric warming. Now we understand that a lot of the outgoing energy sent back toward the Earth’s surface ends up in the oceans, not in the atmosphere. Now let’s look at the consequences of that.”

But they never got that message across to policymakers, the media or the public. Instead, they tried to keep everybody worried about rapid atmospheric warming.

But that nasty absence of atmospheric warming persisted. So they issued a study whose “results [did] not support the notion of a ‘slowdown’ in the increase of global surface temperature.”

Even the usually more careful Wall Street Journal took the bait, reporting, “Study Finds No Pause in Global Warming.”

But of course, one study’s finding no evidence of a pause didn’t mean no other studies found it — let alone that the pause was imaginary.

Within days the study came under withering critique by numerous scientists that pointed out numerous serious errors in its data handling and statistical methods. And shortly thereafter, it received a fatal blow.

More recently, in a panicked effort to hide the hiatus (the lack of statistically significant warming for about the past 20 years), alarmists have resorted to another trick.

They “adjust” weather-station temperature readings from long ago downward, while “adjusting” more recent readings upward, creating the impression of more rapid warming.

The results are stunning, as demonstrated by numerous critiques.

In short, a great deal of what the mainstream media report, and politicians tout, as the sure results of solid climate science are anything but.

The best evidence continues to be that natural causes of climate change — whether warming or cooling, wetting or drying, blowing or calming — far outweigh human contribution through CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

So, don’t be tricked into embracing climate-change/global-warming alarmism. There’s science, and then there’s sleight-of-hand masquerading as science.

• E. Calvin Beisner is the founder and national spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

Read more at Washington Times

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Comments (3)

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    Christopher Marshall


    On that excellent note I was reading an Aerographers Mate (meteorology) witht he following words,
    “At night, air may cool by radiation of heat in a process known as radiational cooling. Warm, moist air may move over a cooler surface, such as a cool body of land, and cool to saturation by conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy through contact.”


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    Carbon Bigfoot


    We need to redefine the NARRATIVE. Carbon Dioxide is not an EMISSION–that is the their deception.
    As joe Olson has perceptively pointed out in a recent article— CO2 is an ENERGY BY-PRODUCT of controlled COMBUSTION. That’s what we Engineers appropriately termed it in the 60s.
    Instead of calling it an EMISSION let’s call it an ENCOMB particle, or some other genius term.
    And don’t continue to use soft terms like FAUX SCIENCE, JUNK SCIENCE, etc.
    Call it what it is —–FAKE SCIENCE a part of the FAKE NEWS the naïve public is all too familiar with.
    Thank you Prometheus—-go to Hell Zeus.


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      Toto's fan


      Hi Mr Carbon Bigfoot,
      You are absolutely correct on redefining the narrative. Front footing it or, proactive trumps reactive.
      The best, most concise and scientifically accurate narrative I have observed is “Carbon is the basis for all life on earth. Carbon dioxide is the source of that carbon for all life on earth.” Edited from the video interview (Dr. Patrick Moore – A Dearth of Carbon) . This is a must see interview. (in me most ‘umble opinion sire)
      Part of the narrative would be to ask, “at what concentration of carbon dioxide do all plants on earth die?”.
      Let them ask, “why do we want zero emissions if that could eventually lead to killing all the plants on earth?”
      The best way to persuade somebody is to allow them to think it was their idea. This is possibly a poorly considered idea but let’s keep exploring and progressing.
      Oh, and by the way, the/an accurate description is “abusive science scammers” although sometimes the truth does more harm than good. When Sun Tzu said “keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” in his book The Art Of War he was referring to the wise general who wins the war without the need to enter into battle. (I think. I’ve not read it) In other words, by keeping your enemies even closer you retain the potential to influence, to explore common goals, to disarm and remove your enemies threat.
      Admittedly, one would need more than the patience of Job to keep close to the numerous seriously flawed individuals involved in the climate science manipulations, and by keeping some such individuals close would create the risk of a virtuous person becoming contaminated. (therefore you may need a lawyer, used car salesman, or politician as a general rather than a scientist who is a servant of integrity and the truth). By the way, “greed is a manifestation of the instinct to survive”. It would probably take a master of the social sciences to develop a strategy for the physical scientists to gain the upper hand in having an informed society. (paradox)
      It is essential for entities such as PrincipiaScientific to be scientifically scrupulous and robust in the face of challenge and to be mindful of not being occasionally seen as a conduit espousing the sensationalism of the tabloid press. (in my most earnest ‘umble opinion sire) It is also essential that laggards such as myself make donations to PrincipiaScientific.
      I wonder when that next article on Raman Spectroscopy is due out and how is energy research such as fusion coming along? I would like a little fusion box out in my back shed to provide all my energy needs. The biggest battery is the ocean’s heat storage! Oh, so many questions and too much scientific funding going into funding mad dogs chasing cars. (isolated climate science without recognizing the big picture)
      Anyway Mr Bigfoot, I am ranting but you did ask the Question.
      Be Happy.


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