Glenn Borchardt: Infinite Universe Theory
New book on cosmology declares: “The universe is infinite; the motions of matter are predominantly cyclical.”
At Principia Scientific International we pride ourselves on providing a platform for our readers to debate and discuss some of the more contentious ideas in science.
In that regard we have pleasure in highlighting Glenn Borchardt’s book, ‘Infinite Universe Theory’ recently made available to purchase as an ebook.
Infinite Universe Theory presents the ultimate alternative to the Big Bang Theory and the common assumption that the universe had an origin. Author Glenn Borchardt starts with photos of the “elderly” galaxies at the observational edge of the universe.
There are several videos that are free to view on his website including on the properties of matter:
The book contradicts the current belief that the universe should have increasingly younger objects as we view greater distances. The author restates the fundamental assumptions that must underlie the new paradigm.
Notably, by assuming infinity Borchardt is able to adapt classical mechanics to “neomechanics” and its insistence that phenomena are strictly the result of matter in motion. He shows in detail how misinterpretations of relativity have aided current flights of fancy more in tune with religion than science.
It is said of the book:
“Borchardt demonstrates why only Infinite Universe Theory can provide answers to questions untouched by currently regressive physics and cosmogony. His new modification of gravitation theory gets us closer to its physical cause without calling upon attraction or curved spacetime or “immaterial fields.”
This is the book for you if you have doubts about the universe exploding out of nothing and expanding in all directions at once, that the universe has more than three dimensions, or that light is a massless wave-particle that defies the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Borchardt has put forth a solid case for an Infinite Universe that extends in all directions and exists everywhere and for all time.”
We have not yet read and reviewed Glenn’s book and we would very gratefully welcome your views and analysis, either in the comments section below or in the form of a submitted full review.
You can order today at Amazon for delivery to cell phones, tablets, Kindles, and computers:
The price is only $9.99
The black and white paperback is now available for $19.95. The color paperback is available for $49.95. You also can get the eBook for an extra $2.99.
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Ken Hughes
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I have not bought or reviewed the book, but I did take the time to read “Inside” on Amazon just to get a flavour of it.
His journey of investigation is motivated by the rejection of Big Bang Theory as an impossible scenario. I have to disagree straight away on this.
Firstly, particle physicists, cosmologists and physicists in general are not stupid people, indeed some of them a very clever. (That’s not to say they cannot be wrong on something). So, I do think we need more than just an instinct before we start to refute their claims. But this is not a scientifically based approach admittedly.
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, His preconception is that you cannot get something from nothing and that is a very vulnerable cause to take up. Lawrence Krauss’s book “Something from Nothing” deals with how and why you CAN get something from nothing. In fact, in my own book, “The Binary Universe” I also demonstrate how this can and must have happened.
So, Dr. Borchardt’s reasons for objecting to the accepted view, do not hold much sway with me. Just because one cannot envision how an event can occur, does not mean that the event never did. It seems that the author has been forced to disagree with many accepted ideas in physics in order to “force through” his original preconceptions and this is indicative of a mistaken belief.
In my book and theory I have objected to only one single issue which is a matter of opinion and not a mathematical imperative or experimentally proven fact. It is a “opinion” with which I disagree. The remaining deductions and resulting theory all agree with accepted science, indeed they build upon it and I have not been forced to make any more refutations just to keep my theory alive. This is indicative of a realistic approach which does not seem to be the case with Infinite Universe Theory.
I shall not be buying the book, not because it is costly, which it is not, but because I value my own time not to waste it pursuing unlikely investigations.
I will post my chapter on the Big Bang to show how our universe could have evolved from absolutely nothing. Perhaps Dr. Borchardt might reconsider his approach?
William Kay
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I’ve not bought this book, but am powerfully tempted. I’ve read Borchardt and Puetz’s 620-page “Universal Cycle Theory” and consider it one of the most important books in the world. Well worth the price!
Cosmology was long ago captured by creationist dogmatists who hide their agenda of intellectual enserfment behind a curtain of obscurantist algebra.
I have read Lawrence Krauss’s “Something from Nothing” and can attest that it is a litany of cheap tricks from an odious charlatan.
Hey Ken! – A dogmatist knows the answer before he hears the question.
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Interesting and probably worth the read. Unlike Ken, I believe it is good to read many viewpoints on subjects for which we have few answers (like our universe). I personally have many issues with the “Big Bang” theory, but, I also have some issues with the “Infinite Universe” theory. There are so many things that are implausible with each. I look forward to reading this book, perhaps it will push me a little to one side or the other. To not read it is ignorance.