Revealing Volcanic gas sampling using drones
I read with interest the recent article in EOS, from the American Geophysical Union regarding efforts to sample the gas emissions of volcanoes via drones.
In “Heaven and Earth”, Ian Plimer’s ground sampling of volcanic emissions contained significant concentrations of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) compounds — calling into question how man-made CFCs (4x heavier than air ) got up to the ozone layer. Volcanic emissions are a much more logical delivery mechanism for CFCs into the stratosphere.
Again, these compounds are all heavier than air and just drift back down, with a residual, minor concentration in the stratosphere.
My specific request is that we need to examine gas samples for CFCs. Having followed around air conditioning technicians, I would submit that air conditioning technicians routinely vent refrigerant reserviors to the atmosphere as they service A/C units and the original Freons@R are all available through Amazon and e-Bay.
China and any developing nation can produce these compounds, claiming that they are “recycled” material. The 1987 Montreal Protocol is entirely un-auditable. Every signatory claims that they only sell “recycled” Freons@R. Bunkum. It is all self-reporting and nobody can audit anything.
I worked for the DuPont Company for 31+ years and I can tell you how this pseudo-science around CFCs gave DuPont a brand new government-sponsored market in the Freon@R replacements.
When this pseudo-science was advanced, we figured, “Why fight ’em, join ’em.” Let’s make money in the replacements.
The originators of the hypothesis of man-made ozone depletion (Molina & Rowland, 1974), did not consider gas density in their “one dimensional diffusion model”. That is, they claimed that the CFCs just went straight up.
Also, they claimed that the CFCs are not soluble in water so they would not be scrubbed out by rain.
Who cares?
Mechanical impingement by rain certainly scrubs out any heavy organic compounds. Gravity and physical effects were totally ignored by Molina and Rowland. And these guys won the Nobel Prize?
Plimer’s work was greatly dismissed on volcanic emissions, as much by religious bias as anything else. Plimer is a deeply confirmed Christian which doesn’t ride so well in academia.
The presence of Carbon 14 in CO2 would bring into challenge Charles Keeling’s 1979 paper claiming that the ratios of Carbon isotopes are due to humans burning coal. Carbon 14 is thought to only be produced by cosmogenesis in the upper atmosphere.
Carbon 14 is also produced by fission. Carbon 14 in volcanic emissions would support the hypothesis of Herndon’s fission GeoReactor. Same thing with the ratio of Helium 3 to Helium 4, as described by Herndon and Hollenbach in 2001.
Please examine linked article:
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Joseph A Olson
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“Volcanic Halocarbons” by Timothy Casey at
Geologist-1011 website, a wealth of Truth !
James Isanhart
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Very good paper.